AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

I have been repeatedly going back to my RAZR MAXX to get things done. Very frustrating. I was planning on killing my Verizon plan, but I'm glad that I didn't at this point. Not sure when the S4 is coming out, but if they don't get this worked out before then, MS/Nokia will be losing a customer until they get it worked out (WP9 anyone?)
^^ I have actually used S3 simultaneously with 920 and noticed funny stuff. The browser's pinch-to-zoom responsiveness is way better on the Lumia, and I've tried with stock firmware for the S3 as well as some OC'ed mods. Also, i would notice some less-than-seamless behaviour when switching in between the apps using task manager. I would have to clear the memory in order to be able to go back to the game and experience smooth graphics after switching from another application, In general, the S3 is an excellent device but the thinness bothers me :O It feels as a really cheap phone whereas Lumia has this premium factor to it. Also, the difference in HSPA+ (Poland) transfer rates is be much better with Lumia with differences going as high as 10 Mbits/s(Samsung averaged 10-12Mbps and Lumia 17-22Mbps).Before the 1308 update I was getting Samsung-ish transfers.
This is absurd. A follow up to my previous comment . I can't edit my previous comment that is why I am posting this here. Full lte . Usually I have like 20-40 mbps

I prefer my Lumia 92\ also but I need a phone that works and after going through 4 replacements and now this firmware bug in switching back to the galaxy s3

After turning airplane mode on and back off.
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Not helpful to you unfortunately folks but I thought I'd chime in and report my UK Lumia 920 on the EE network is suffering no problems since the firmware update. Today streamed radio for 7 hours over 3G without a single hiccup at work.
Not helpful to you unfortunately folks but I thought I'd chime in and report my UK Lumia 920 on the EE network is suffering no problems since the firmware update. Today streamed radio for 7 hours over 3G without a single hiccup at work.

Thanks. I could be wrong but I think the issues are only if you have LTE service in your area.
I wrote this in the post and maybe would shed some light in the forums as well. I also forgot to say I am on AT&T as well

so i thought i was the only one going crazy. But yes ever since the patch, horrible. I feel like im left out of any form of data or social connectivity indoors!

I downloaded the patch and everything seemed fine. Then the calls started pouring in. Why arent you answering my text yada yada or email reply sir? I told them are you on crack? This was at home btw. I knows the bars were fluctuating alot. I usually get 3 to 4 bars at home. Now at two. I also notice the LTE flashing on and off from time to time. Went to use the restroom, sitting there I try to sync / download my email. I get the connecting error.. I say eh i'll use the computer later. Friend sends me a text. Go to check youtube and It wont load? I thought it was just me so I turn the WiFi on. Works fine. Turn it off later in the day. Floods of text message that I miss are pouring in. I go to reply to them. I notice my connection drop down to zero bars or i got the circle with the slash through it. I hit send and i get cannot send. I try to move around the house and now Im going crazy. Go outside, the bars fill up. It seems for me to be an indoor issue. Office, Home, Gym was at the dentists in the waiting room and no go either. I use to watch videos and reply to things while waiting. Was getting the cannot connect error with 1 bar in the dentist office.

Called Nokia. Guy runs the same shpeil of soft resetting the phone. Other was if you have another sim card put it in the phone and see if you have the same issue. I told him this is my only phone. So he says go complain to AT&T instead. I repeatdly told him it was right after the patch. He says uh I dont think that is the issue. I think you have a connection issue. Go to your local phone retailer store he says....
I wrote this in the post and maybe would shed some light in the forums as well. I also forgot to say I am on AT&T as well

so i thought i was the only one going crazy. But yes ever since the patch, horrible. I feel like im left out of any form of data or social connectivity indoors!

I downloaded the patch and everything seemed fine. Then the calls started pouring in. Why arent you answering my text yada yada or email reply sir? I told them are you on crack? This was at home btw. I knows the bars were fluctuating alot. I usually get 3 to 4 bars at home. Now at two. I also notice the LTE flashing on and off from time to time. Went to use the restroom, sitting there I try to sync / download my email. I get the connecting error.. I say eh i'll use the computer later. Friend sends me a text. Go to check youtube and It wont load? I thought it was just me so I turn the WiFi on. Works fine. Turn it off later in the day. Floods of text message that I miss are pouring in. I go to reply to them. I notice my connection drop down to zero bars or i got the circle with the slash through it. I hit send and i get cannot send. I try to move around the house and now Im going crazy. Go outside, the bars fill up. It seems for me to be an indoor issue. Office, Home, Gym was at the dentists in the waiting room and no go either. I use to watch videos and reply to things while waiting. Was getting the cannot connect error with 1 bar in the dentist office.

Called Nokia. Guy runs the same shpeil of soft resetting the phone. Other was if you have another sim card put it in the phone and see if you have the same issue. I told him this is my only phone. So he says go complain to AT&T instead. I repeatdly told him it was right after the patch. He says uh I dont think that is the issue. I think you have a connection issue. Go to your local phone retailer store he says....

You are right in that the problems are tied to the update. From my experience the issues can NOT be resolved by performing a simple sim swap or resetting the device. I did both of those and neither produced positive results. Hence, I ended up getting warranty replacement device shipped overnight. It's unfortunate people are being given information which does not resolve the real issues associated with the latest update Nokia pushed.
For what it's worth, I've also been having some issues after the 1308 update.

The first thing I noticed was that my battery life had gotten noticeably worse with 1308. I assumed this was due a random background task eating battery and didn't pay it much attention, but after tweaking settings and re-tweaking settings and seeing no difference, I figured I'd check here to see if anyone else was having issues.

After reading about all of the LTE issues, I paid attention to my signal strength and hey! Where I once had consistent 4 bars of LTE at home, I was suddenly only seeing 1 or 2 bars of LTE that would randomly switch to 3 bars of 4G. Not cool.

I also paid attention to both my signal strength and battery while at work today and strangely, there seemed to be no issues there. 4 bars of LTE and no issues with data.

Clearly something with 1308 has altered the way that the phone interprets the wireless signal. I know the signal doesn't all of a sudden suck at home (my wife has an 8X that has no issues with signal strength). My phone drains very quickly at home because its constantly switching between 4G and LTE, typically displaying "no signal" while between the two. Lets hope Nokia figures this out pretty quickly, because it's pretty obnoxious.
For what it's worth, I've also been having some issues after the 1308 update.

The first thing I noticed was that my battery life had gotten noticeably worse with 1308. I assumed this was due a random background task eating battery and didn't pay it much attention, but after tweaking settings and re-tweaking settings and seeing no difference, I figured I'd check here to see if anyone else was having issues.

After reading about all of the LTE issues, I paid attention to my signal strength and hey! Where I once had consistent 4 bars of LTE at home, I was suddenly only seeing 1 or 2 bars of LTE that would randomly switch to 3 bars of 4G. Not cool.

I also paid attention to both my signal strength and battery while at work today and strangely, there seemed to be no issues there. 4 bars of LTE and no issues with data.

Clearly something with 1308 has altered the way that the phone interprets the wireless signal. I know the signal doesn't all of a sudden suck at home (my wife has an 8X that has no issues with signal strength). My phone drains very quickly at home because its constantly switching between 4G and LTE, typically displaying "no signal" while between the two. Lets hope Nokia figures this out pretty quickly, because it's pretty obnoxious.

Or you may be saying hello to a replacement Nokia Lumia 920.
So here's an update!

i called at&t and here's what they did or try to do.

First tech person tries to tell me to turn off my phone and they will try to re register my phone. Nada same thing. I try to load my emails, youtube, any form of data through the phone and no budge (at home).

She then transfers me to level 2 and her exact words were "she will fix my phone"

She does the same tells me turn off phone and tries to reconnect so to say my phone (in her words) Same things doesnt work. So she tries to sell me on checking my warranty to send me a replacement phone. I ask her if its refurbished and she says yes. I tell her this is a new phone I dont want a refurb. Then she said the other choice is hard resetting the phone. (note im a tech nerd btw)

So I came up with but if I do that its going to automatically download the software updates, it happened in my sleep(lies) She like uhhh mmm ermm then she goes lets call nokia then to figure a way to stop this! She says oh i tried calling them they are closed. I said you know if you want me to do this this can take a couple of hours to back my stuff up. I have lots of video photos etc etc. She says I can call you back in 2 hours. I said yeah sure let me go do that.(I was eating dinner the whole entire time)

I also mentioned to both tech people that there are many people that have this issue. She said where did you see this and i mentioned wpcentral! lol (shoutout)

Also on the Nokia Care twitter i've seen people say hard resetting the phone did nothing. So I guess im screwed for now or use the work blackberry ....
Or you may be saying hello to a replacement Nokia Lumia 920.
Perhaps! It's been more of an annoyance so far for me, rather than an unworkable problem, so I'll give Nokia a bit of time to see if they can come up with a quick fix. The Nokia Care twitter account is getting hammered with people asking about the issue and they do seem to be looking into things. It should be clear to them at this point that a lot of people aren't happy with this situation though, so I'd expect them to get it solved pretty quickly.
Also had the LTE data connectivity issue after the 1308 update. Even prior to the update though I had connectivity issues where I would sporadically miss calls and texts when on the LTE network although data used to work fine. Fixed all this by flashing the firmware to 1249 and forcing the connection to 3G only in the field test menu. Not sure if Nokia messed this update up but there seems to have always been 4G LTE connectivity issues on the AT&T network for all devices including iPhones (switching from 4G LTE for data to 3G for calls)
hi there, i just got my update yesterday, 1308.0008, but i don't have the storage tool. what i should do to get the storage tool?

From : Malaysia user
I'm pretty sure Nokia has stopped the roll out of this update... I just got a brand new out of box AT&T 920 (Yellow) today & Its firmware ends in 1249.0001 and the phone says "Up to date" when I check.
yeah, this sucks...everytime i get an mms it just asks me to download a 32 kb file which of course never ends up downloading. Then randomly i will be able to receive mms out of nowhere. Me and my buddies send eachother meme pics all day so im usually receiving pics all day. its pretty apparent that something happened with this damn update. Im also showing zero mb dl on speedtest at home. but at work which is seriously half a mile away everything works perfectly(data,mms,updates, ect...)...what the crap is that? I also havent had a proper windows store update tile account since. Sad day in nokia/wp8 land. sad day.
Well it looks like I'm having WIFI issues as well. My home connection seems slower and I even had my phone lockup once, which hasn't happened since Portico.
now my phone just switched to 4g and my dl is nearly 10 mbps. what is going on. its only a matter of time before it switches back to the cursed lte.
Re: Lumia 920 SW Update 1232.5957.1308.0001 NOW Available

Even before the upgrade the quality of the networking on my Lumia 920 is questionable. My wife has an iPhone 4, we have the same provider, and she always has a better network connection. Now the iPhone will always claim it has LTE even though that's not the case (thank you Nokia Lumia 920) for at least showing the real connection type) but if we go to the same website or run the same app, she will always beat me or even worse, her stuff works and mine keeps spinning. Come on Nokia... you can do better, also with the GPS antenna, which uses way way too much battery!

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