AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 1308 firmware update Questions, Comments, and Bugs

For those who lost internet sharing, I just installed the Spanish language keyboard and it is back. Check storage still doesn't do anything though.
Well, I have been biting my lip here not complaining, but, the time has come. I tried to send a text message, which were previously coming and going properly, but with 4 bars of LTE, I got the "can't send message" TRY AGAIN. Weird thing is that it took 4 minutes for this to happen. Now, I have been experiencing the several bars of LTE/can't access the internet bug since I updated to 1308, but have excellent WIFI coverage at home and work, so was going along with it hoping for a quick fix. Just thought I would add my $0.02 worth, and I have told all that I convinced to get a 920 to NOT update to the 1308 version.
Yesterday was just terrible. Between inability to send text messages and make phone calls while having full bars. Then the signal wold completely disappear and could not lock on the signal for over 3 minutes. Not good.
I'm in the same boat - no data, battery dying in 5 hours or less, texts not sending. This is very frustrating and inexcusable. Nokia should offer to help folks revert back to the previous firmware if they can't get a fix out ASAP. Not having access to basic phone functions just doesn't cut it these days...
Yeah, but, PC issues from software updates rarely render the PC unusable.

I'd tend to disagree, but that's only one data point. Whenever I install a new OS I always make a restore point AND a disk image of the clean install because I've had my share of programs/software rendering the OS dead. Case in point, running Windows 8 I've had auto-update turned off since early February, as one of the OS updates that was a required install renders the mouse nigh unusable and interaction with the system to the point that it simply isn't capable of being used. Went back to a restore point from before the update, and since then I've had to manage updates manually.

I'm also on a Lumia 920 with the 1308 update, which was a replacement for a handset which lost ability to charge wirelessly so I didn't have the option on firmware. So far I've had no issues with data connectivity (LTE in Philly), and I've been rather happy with the improvements to the handset. I admit, though, that means absolute bunk as I know a number of people who are affected. BUT...coming from the iPhone ecosystem (every one from 2G-4S), none of this is very surprising, except that Nokia was pretty quick in admitting that there was an issue and working on a fix. In comparison, the W8 issue I had took about 30-40 minutes of hunting down through different forums reading other users experimenting with sequentially installing updates to determine which was the issue. Haven't checked recently but when I did last MS had absolute zilch to say on the subject.
Glad to hear the fix should be out soon. Had the same LTE/Data-trickle issue here in Phoenix after the 1308 update. I have found that the "Airplane-mode on/off" trick sometimes works to kick it off LTE, but depending on what area of town I'm in, it goes back to the LTE and I have the problem again. Thankfully I operate off Wi-fi most the day and hence am very happy they put the wi-fi always on option in settings. Who knows how many texts or calls I've missed though.

Since my wife and I JUST bought these 920's after switching to AT&T from T-Mobile, I'm looking forward to the true LTE experience. 4G is already leaps and bounds better than T-Mo ever was though.
Yeah, it would be great if this was the only one. But they had the same problem with the 900. I had to replace it 3 times and still it has problems. My daughter just got rid of her 900 for not being able to charge and it also had the same connection problem as my 920, straight out of the box. So yeah, Nokia sucks, because of more than one reason.

Also if you read my previous post, EVERY Nokia I've owned has had some kind of problem, rendering them unusable. If it were only one bad update I could deal with that.

Well I had no less than four Lumia 900s under my roof and all worked great, so I guess we cancel each other out!
On my 5th 920 as we speak. Getting ready to restore the new one but I have the restore with the newest update or should I stick with the portico update only?
On my 5th 920 as we speak. Getting ready to restore the new one but I have the restore with the newest update or should I stick with the portico update only?
haha catching up to me, I'm on number 8. This one creaks like crazy on the sides
haha catching up to me, I'm on number 8. This one creaks like crazy on the sides

the one I switched from has some components moving on the inside. I went with the restore after the 1308 update. Don't wanna have another phone with problems.
Well, AT&T couldnt figure the issue, so a replacement phone is being sent to me. Hopefully the fix comes out before I have to send/replace mine.
Mine shows the 1308 firmware number but I'm missing the storage thing.

You have to download Nokia's latest update for "extras+info", that will enable the "Storage Check" option in 1308 firmware... Nokia's update methods are extremely confusing.
There are quite a few people I've talked into getting 920's and they're pissed.

That's why I try not to persuade someone to get a particular phone. You are forever responsible for any and all problems that arise! It seems even riskier with WP8, considering how new it is and its continuing need of development compared to its competitors.

I had a Lumia 920 at the time the update was released, and I had absolutely no issues with it. In fact, nothing seemed to change other then the extra storage options. It might have helped, though, that I was using a Net10 SIM with AT&T, so I wasn't using LTE anyway.

Totally off the subject, but with all the users that mentioned getting multiple replacements, are those included in sales numbers? I would imagine that most customers experienced no problems with their original device, but it does seem to have a rather high rate of return. If Nokia or whoever is tracking the numbers includes replacements, I would think it would noticeably inflate the numbers.
I doubt the replacements are included into sales numbers - most of them are refurb units returned by someone before you (ATT/Nokia just does a full reflash and if the phone boots after that - they give it as a "replacement" to another person).
he only major problem I have had since the update is my Bluetooth randomly disconnects from my Stereo or I get skips during music playback.
I wish my WiFi was working like most others. I get the same dropping connection problem on any WiFi I use. Anybody else have this problem?

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