ATT 925 for 79.99 OFF CONTRACT! [deal over. price back to $350]

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You said you would use your existing sim, so I'm assuming you already have AT&T. If you already have a plan with them like me, then you don't have to call for anything. Just pop your sim card in. My 925 came and I popped my sim card in and was good to go. No activation or anything needed. It did come with a pre installed sim card and when I called AT&T, they said if my old sim card works then I can use it and keep the new sim card as a backup.

If you added another line to get the phone, then you have to call and cancel the line. There shouldn't be an activation fee since you never activated the phone and have no intention of using it.
Ya I had to order as a new line since the Premier upgrade option wasn't working. Thanks for the input that's what I thought. He said that it would appear in my first (and only) billing statement. Sounded like BS from the start. I'll let you know how it goes tonight.
Is this deal still available? I checked the link and it doesn't show that price. I have a friend on AT&T and he is considering WP. Trying to get him a good deal on a decent phone.
Is this deal still available? I checked the link and it doesn't show that price. I have a friend on AT&T and he is considering WP. Trying to get him a good deal on a decent phone.

It is not, unfortunately. Refurb price is back up to $350. I'll update the thread title.
anybody have a nice case they recommend for this phone.. thin, light, mostly for making it less slippery, I've already fumbled it twice :unhappy:
Talk about us being in the right place at the right time. No one at the three AT&T stores in my little town knew or heard anything about it. I never talked to anyone at the AT&T office, got online and just put the phone in my online cart and away we went. Phone was delevered in two days. Got a email saying the order was placed, got another saying they charged my card 87.19 and the order was processed and being sent to the shipping department (Fort Worth). Finally got the last email the next morning saying the order was shipped and would arrive the next day.

Almost sounds like a rogue employee decided to sell some Nokia 925's, took over the web site, made a mod on the price on his own and the rest of AT&T went along with it until they could put the price back where it was. This happened over the holidays and might have had a small crew on duty. Just joking about this but it makes ya wonder though. Anyway my wife is happy as hell, and I only wish I had ordered two. Maybe AT&T decided to clear out their stock of 925's because a new Top of the Line phone is about to be released. Yea and water aint wet. LOL
anybody have a nice case they recommend for this phone.. thin, light, mostly for making it less slippery, I've already fumbled it twice :unhappy:
I felt the same so I bought a clear case because I found people were attracted to the 925s looks and was using it to make WP converts. I didn't drop the phone before the case arrived but I did come close several times. I still took the case off if I knew I was going to be showing off WP and somehow, I stopped almost dropping it so I don't know if some people subconsciously adapt to the slippier surface and thinner shape. But anyway, after a while I stopped using the case at all.


Here's the eBay auction I bought it from, probably closed since it was over a month ago: IMAK Super Clear Crystal II Shell Hard Case Cover Skin for for Nokia Lumia 925 | eBay
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$350.00 for a refurbo!
Hope everybody got one that wanted one on the deal.
I posted earlier that I received my phone on Tuesday, prior to that, canceled my service on monday. I received an email today about my first statement being available to view. Well, I viewed my bill and was charged a full month of service and the activation fee for a grand total of about $77. The webpage also showed a notice at the top that my account was closed due to overdue payment of the $77 and that it was due May 7th. I opened up a chat window and had everything cleared up within about 5 minutes, I now have a $0.00 balance and nothing pending in the future. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up to keep an eye open incase you're billed incorrectly.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 925 using Tapatalk
Soooo, my 925 Died!!!! It won't turn on, no matter what I do.. it just went kaput.. I guess it was a refurb for a reason.. any suggestions??
Talk about us being in the right place at the right time. No one at the three AT&T stores in my little town knew or heard anything about it. I never talked to anyone at the AT&T office, got online and just put the phone in my online cart and away we went. Phone was delevered in two days. Got a email saying the order was placed, got another saying they charged my card 87.19 and the order was processed and being sent to the shipping department (Fort Worth). Finally got the last email the next morning saying the order was shipped and would arrive the next day.

Almost sounds like a rogue employee decided to sell some Nokia 925's, took over the web site, made a mod on the price on his own and the rest of AT&T went along with it until they could put the price back where it was. This happened over the holidays and might have had a small crew on duty. Just joking about this but it makes ya wonder though. Anyway my wife is happy as hell, and I only wish I had ordered two. Maybe AT&T decided to clear out their stock of 925's because a new Top of the Line phone is about to be released. Yea and water aint wet. LOL

The 925 wasnt the only phone on sale. The Galaxy note 3 was $250 off contract and the Galaxy S4 was $180 off contract. This was most likely a pricing error since a lot of people are reporting their shipment being cancelled if they ordered on Monday. There was an AT&T employee that told people about the deal on the windows phone subreddit and helped people jump through the hoops so they can just get the phone even if they dont have AT&T. He was fired the next day unfortunately for promoting the pricing error and helping people get the deal. :(
Ordered one myself, it showed that it had a full warranty. My local in store manager said that is good for 3 months.
Ordered one myself, it showed that it had a full warranty. My local in store manager said that is good for 3 months.
Check the build date of your refurb phone.(Settings>extras+info>more info>Build Creation Date) It might still be under manufacture's warranty if its less than a year. There cant possibly be any way that Nokia would know you bought a refurb unless you bought it from them.
Soooo, my 925 Died!!!! It won't turn on, no matter what I do.. it just went kaput.. I guess it was a refurb for a reason.. any suggestions??

Even refurbs have a limited warranty through AT&T. Contact them. You may get a replacement faster than going through Nokia.
The 925 wasnt the only phone on sale. The Galaxy note 3 was $250 off contract and the Galaxy S4 was $180 off contract. This was most likely a pricing error since a lot of people are reporting their shipment being cancelled if they ordered on Monday. There was an AT&T employee that told people about the deal on the windows phone subreddit and helped people jump through the hoops so they can just get the phone even if they dont have AT&T. He was fired the next day unfortunately for promoting the pricing error and helping people get the deal. :(

I was able to order mine on Monday and got it on Thursday. I think people got cancelled because they failed the credit check. I kind of wished I bought the the Note 3 (price I would have paid if it was subsidized when it was first sold) since I already have the 920.
anybody have a nice case they recommend for this phone.. thin, light, mostly for making it less slippery, I've already fumbled it twice :unhappy:

Can't go wrong with the Incipio Feather, it adds very little to phone and is a nice grippy surface.
It offers an extremely small lip, probably not functional in keeping the screen from contacting the surface if placed upside down.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 925 using Tapatalk
Check the build date of your refurb phone.(Settings>extras+info>more info>Build Creation Date) It might still be under manufacture's warranty if its less than a year. There cant possibly be any way that Nokia would know you bought a refurb unless you bought it from them.

Sweet, mine has a build date of 11/22/13. I got 3/4 of the original warranty. :D
Yea, no credit issue here... AT&T specifically told me that I didn't qualify for the price due to the fact that I was not a customer. I called and told them I wanted it for to activate with a GoPhone account. They shipped it out later that day - billed $86 with taxes.
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