Battery draining rapidly after 8.1 dev preview install

WP 8.1 PDev on Lumia 820 freeze on lockscreen, happened one time today. Remove the battery and back to normal .
Sometimes i need click button more times to phone wakeup :(
I've tried everything!!! Bluetooth off, wifi off, location services off, only have 2 emails ON that one refreshes every 30 minutes and the other I brought it down to once a day, Cortana is off, any other apps are already off for background usage; I've tried the soft reset and didn't work either; basically, I have an average of between 20 - 25% discharge per hour which leaves me with a wired lumia phone now :cry: ; honestly, I've tried everything and still don't know what to do. I've worked with phones for 4 years already and even with my tech background I can't get it to stop. At some point I'd thought that maybe it was something related to the hardware itself, but this started to happen as soon as I started to use Windows 8.1. My phone is a Lumia 620 and I love it, but I'm really considering to root the phone and go back to windows 8 amber or black where the system was more stable. BTW, I tried as well the trick of letting the battery drain 'till it turns off and then recharge it but didn't work, although, I saw on the previous comment that you have to try it 2 times consecutive. I'll try that tonight and I'll post later on what happened.
Oh, another thing, I saw before that when you go to the battery saver usage you'll see that cortana or even the battery saver itself is utilizing the most battery consumption, but when you get into the usage detail (by tapping on the Cortana icon or battery saver icon) you'll realize that the draining doesn't come from background usage but from your constant checking on the battery saver app as well as testing Cortana constantly. I'd like Windows to place a reset button for the battery usage history so we could measure the usage on each individual app, or knowing that we're WINDOWS we should have our own TASK MANAGER to know specifically which app is the one consuming RAM and consequently our battery life as android has.

Any other suggestions I'll really appreciate them.
My battery on L625 lasts for 2 days of normal usage, if I use only my phone instead PC, battery lasts for 1 day, it was little better with wp8.
I bet none of you have even thought of doing a factory reset. That fixes most things, including battery life, 99% of the time.
we should have our own TASK MANAGER to know specifically which app is the one consuming RAM and consequently our battery life as android has.

See, it's exactly because there are users like you that a task manager would be something bad
I installed WP 8.1 after receiving my Lumia 925. The battery was draining very fast. So I've waited 2 weeks maybe the battery will become better after using it (calibrate). But it didn't. So I downgraded to WP 8. But still the battery was draining. So I sent it to Nokia but they didn't do anything. Now I upgraded to WP 8.1 again and praying that one day my battery will work !
I just got back on a Lumia 920 w. Dev preview. 2 first days have been absolutely horrid. All my settings are on manual, im on 3g (not 4g) and all wireless is turned off except for wifi. Ive been home all day to day packing and the phone has only been used once for a call lasting 5 minuted. Its been outta the charger for 3 hours and im down to 70%.

Yesterday it lasted 8 hours on a full charge, doing almost nothing. Battery app doesn't indicate any drainage and it gets stoopid hot when used for my phone call.

What am i supposed to do? I cant even roll back to 8.0.
Yes. After Lumia Black when I turn on bluetooth it starts to drain my battery and before it was ok. I use bluetooth in my car so I know it works...

My battery program shows a fast and heavy drain and I can see that "settings" is what is using the battery. Settings probably with bluetooth.

I'm in developer preview program and I did received the last update in the 4 or 5 of August 2014, this week.

I'm trying to understand what is the problem and will check this out later or with more info.
Bluetooth won't even turn on. It says gray ON and the blue dots in the top of the screen go around and around...

When I press the Bluetooth icon to turn it on it won't turn blue, indicating that is turned on. So, for me, the problem is that the bluetooth has serious problems turning on. I will turn the phone off and on and check it out.

update: restarted but it is still draining my battery; bluetooth icon says "not connected" and it was gray but now it is blue, so it is trying to turn bluetooth on but with no sucess. going to try to turn bluetooth off and keep it off for a few days
Little more info....

When bluetooth is having problems turning on, if you shutdown the phone, it won't shutdown but instead will restart. I did shutdown twice and in the second time it shuttled down.

After the second shutdown the drain gone away. I have turned off bluethooth so it is "normal" again... as long as I don't turn BT on.
4 days later...

I kept my bluetooth on all this time and the 620 is normal. Connects fast at the car, good call quality, as it has been always. I turn on wifi as I need and all is well.
Going to keep BT on for a few more days and then I will see if the problem is still occurring.
Same with my Lumia 620. Ever since the update battery life is limited. :cry: Any suggestions? Tried the battery saver and turned off what I could, still the same!
Use a dark theme, switch off apps that run in background, switch off glance if not required! Turn on location only when you need it! Disable the app sounds, vibration etc from notification centre! Keeping data connection on always drains a lot of battery, so switch it on only when required! Double tap to wake phone also drains a lot battery, use power key instead! Turn off the live tile option for the apps that you don't use much! Lower the lock screen timeout, lower the brightness! Turn off the vibration of Windows keys! That's it
I just got back on a Lumia 920 w. Dev preview. 2 first days have been absolutely horrid. All my settings are on manual, im on 3g (not 4g) and all wireless is turned off except for wifi. Ive been home all day to day packing and the phone has only been used once for a call lasting 5 minuted. Its been outta the charger for 3 hours and im down to 70%.

Yesterday it lasted 8 hours on a full charge, doing almost nothing. Battery app doesn't indicate any drainage and it gets stoopid hot when used for my phone call.

What am i supposed to do? I cant even roll back to 8.0.

Try a hard reset, it fixed the battery life for me. First, take out the SIM tray, shut down the phone, plug it to USB charger with volume down pressed, after your see an exclamation mark, press following bottom in sequence: Volume up, volume down, power, volume down and the rest process will begin.
You will lose all your data during the process so do a back up in advance.
I had the draining issue also. I turned off Cortana and battery drain went back to 8.0 levels. I was able to see the difference in a battery app that graphs it out. So Cortana seems to be a big battery hog.
Can someone please help me.. look what i have as the most battery draining app... i dont get it... i have nothing in the background and the phone loses about 5% of its charge after a full charge... just by lying dormant...battery sense says it's the phone thats draining the battery.... :/ wp_ss_20140918_0001.jpg
Totally a guess here ... but if phone is draining most. Check phone settings. Phone tile - settings and see what you have clicked on.

Might want to look at cellular settings too. LTE setting in weak signal area is a huge drain.

Worth a shot ~ good luck.
I have the same problem with my 920. First it was about 17% battery drain per hour while idle then after a hard reset everything went back to normal with the phone lasting about 16 hours before I was going to bed. Then I opened Tapatalk and after that I'm having again a drain of 10% per hour. I disabled most of my background tasks and nothing seems to work :(

I won't hard reset again and battery saver doesn't extend the battery.

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