Battery life in L950


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Sep 3, 2013
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I dint know i could do this...i wanted battery percentage on glance...anyone knows a way..thou got another way...
Here is the pic150131.jpg

Posted via the Windows Central App on Limited edition Lumia 950 or Lg g4
Surface pro 4 lumia 1020, 535 moto e


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Jun 22, 2015
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Jeetu444, With the app Battery Pro+ you can set a battery percentage figure on the glance screen in one of the 5 notification slots (I.e. where your WhatsApp icon is)


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Jan 23, 2012
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Everyone complaining about the 950 battery're lucky you didn't buy the Samsung flagship S6....battery life truly appalling!

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Sep 3, 2013
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@slimchap download battery sense app and then go to setting lock screen and set it there...i think wpcentral should write a article diff ways to get battery percentage on glance @daniel

Grant Taylor3

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Mar 15, 2014
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I got my 950 just before Christmas. I tend to have to charge every couple of days. I find Skype video calls will drain the battery quickly.

I have had to get out of the habit of charging the phone everyday. On average I charge my phone ever 36 to 48 hours.

robert peake

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Jan 28, 2013
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ive turned my data off in the background on my phone and will try that tomorrow to see how my battery is, im on wifi there so it should make a difference.apart from deleting whatsapp then i have everything turned off in the background.

i want the S7 now lol after seeing the reviews for it

Stephen McNulty

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Feb 26, 2013
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Time Sense.jpg

My battery life on my L950 is significantly less than my 930.

Using Time Sense, I can see that browsing Edge for 70minutes yesterday morning drained my battery from 100 to 65%. 35% in just over an hour!

I'm running the 107 on the latest firmware.

Is this what other users are experiencing?


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Jan 18, 2016
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After i updated my phone from .29 to .107, it appears that battery is bit worse. But i'm not sure, because after update, i went to vacation and cellular coverage is much worse right now. So right now i need to charge my phone before i go to bed!

Saikat Halder

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Oct 11, 2013
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thanks for reply. i want to buy L 950, before that making sure its bug free, read review in gsm arena that all ips lcd phones have grt battery ife but amoled r very bad in battery back up. do you know this? whats ur view?


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Jan 18, 2016
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I cant understand why amoled must have bad battery? Logically it must be better, because amoled don't need to light black pixels up? Also when you don't light black pixels, the screen looks much more beautiful. So in my opinion, even when it's true that amoled wants more battery, the beauty compensates it over ips.

Little overview of IPS vs AMOLED: AMOLED vs IPS: which is better? | Pocketnow


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Jul 25, 2016
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My experience so far with Lumia 950 is that teh battery life is terrible, I cant even get a day out of it, I spend about 45 minutes at lunchtime catching up on news Facebook etc.. then about 1 hours when I get home, by about 8pm my battery is at about 20% and the whole phone is about 40-45 degrees C
I have turned off just about everything, email only sync once pe hour, cancelled push on Ebay Facebook, twitter etc.. only allowing FB Messenger through. Limited my phone to 3G as 4g kills it altogether.
My previous phone the Lumia 930, most of the time with teh same usage profile above I was putting on my wireless charger at about 11pm with 40-45% left.
Part of the problem I feel is the OS, because using my old 930 now on Win10, I am getting very similar issues, and its gets hot to the touch.
The otehr issue is screen size is of course quite large, although I dont have the XL version. And the hexacore processor is battery hungry.
One example, I was listing one of my old phones on ebay using the Ebay app, so I took about 10 photos, then listed it. Total time was about 30 mins from start to finish. My battery lost 32% during that time, and at the end, I felt I had to put the phone down and stop using it because it was probably about 50 degree... and no I dont run it in a case, and my Lumia is Black.
I am on my 2nd phone now from O2, and just about to give up on Windows forever, and go over to the "Dark Side" and probably change to IOS... I dont want to, as Win 8.1 was so good and fluid. This OS is a Joke and stuttery. I have to pay for Apps now that used to be included in the OS such as Quiet Time... Panorama has dissapeared altogether in my camera app. The common answer from @LumiaHelp try a Soft Reset... then when that doesnt work, they want you to do a hard reset...then you lose all your settings.. and its still no better.
This phone in my belief is no longer a smart phone, its a phone with a really good camera, that you can use as a smartphone...but if you do, make sure you have a batetry charger with you at all times


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May 21, 2015
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Originally posted by TykeSteve
My experience so far with Lumia 950 is that teh battery life is terrible, I cant even get a day out of it, I spend about 45 minutes at lunchtime catching up on news Facebook etc.. then about 1 hours when I get home, by about 8pm my battery is at about 20% and the whole phone is about 40-45 degrees C
I have turned off just about everything, email only sync once pe hour, cancelled push on Ebay Facebook, twitter etc.. only allowing FB Messenger through. Limited my phone to 3G as 4g kills it altogether.
My previous phone the Lumia 930, most of the time with teh same usage profile above I was putting on my wireless charger at about 11pm with 40-45% left.
Part of the problem I feel is the OS, because using my old 930 now on Win10, I am getting very similar issues, and its gets hot to the touch.
The otehr issue is screen size is of course quite large, although I dont have the XL version. And the hexacore processor is battery hungry.
One example, I was listing one of my old phones on ebay using the Ebay app, so I took about 10 photos, then listed it. Total time was about 30 mins from start to finish. My battery lost 32% during that time, and at the end, I felt I had to put the phone down and stop using it because it was probably about 50 degree... and no I dont run it in a case, and my Lumia is Black.
I am on my 2nd phone now from O2, and just about to give up on Windows forever, and go over to the "Dark Side" and probably change to IOS... I dont want to, as Win 8.1 was so good and fluid. This OS is a Joke and stuttery. I have to pay for Apps now that used to be included in the OS such as Quiet Time... Panorama has dissapeared altogether in my camera app. The common answer from @LumiaHelp try a Soft Reset... then when that doesnt work, they want you to do a hard reset...then you lose all your settings.. and its still no better.
This phone in my belief is no longer a smart phone, its a phone with a really good camera, that you can use as a smartphone...but if you do, make sure you have a batetry charger with you at all times

Quiet hours is there and included without cost. I think it 's on Cortana's settings.
Also panorama is already there in insider rings, I guess it will be available to everyone with the Redstone update on Aug. 2.

But yeah my battery isn't lasting too much either haha.


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May 11, 2013
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I must say that after owning the device for two weeks the battery seems pretty decent. I usually get a day and a half out of it. The phone got REALLY hot with "out of the box" firmware and .493 on it when I used or charged it. After the latest firmware and RS1 build its finally cool to the touch and I've only lost 7% overnight (1% per hour).

I've got 3 mail accounts on push and a RSS reader on fetching feeds every 15 minutes. Not to mention tweetium, Skype (beta) and WhatsApp (the biggest battery drainer)

TBH I think it has something to do with the 2K screen resolution. My Note 4 had the same resolution and that thing drained battery like crazy untill I rooted it and underclocked it's cpu.


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Jul 3, 2016
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I got a new 640xl and a 535 , i use 640 as a daily driver and it get around 2 days of battery life, but i plus it to power daily and my 535 got one day of battery life with moderate usage my 535 is on latest Redstone build & my 640 is one official.


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Mar 11, 2013
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I've been using L540 for 6 months (great battery) and I think I'm ready to take an upgrade. I'm carefully plan to buy L950.
So, anybody takes the benefit of removable battery and replace the battery once its running low? Does the phone heat up a lot or just get warm?

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