Battery Saver Brightness Doesn't Work

Will try the Device Hub fix later today. Will Device Hub reinstall itself if I set automatic app updates to ON?

Perform hard reset. When resetting completed, update your system apps via store. Then uninstall Device Hub. It will not reinstall itself anymore.
Do you guys know, does it necessary to delete call+sms filter and nokia feedback for fixing that issue?
Yeah. This worked for me. It totally made sense now. I installed the update and problem started. Follow your steps and it worked.
My Lumia 830 with Denim on board. But my issue is oppsite than yours: even if I switched off the battery saver the light of buttons does not appear, moreover, on my glance screen battery icon always with shield on it, like battery saver is on while it is not in real. The only way to return the light for buttons is to switch off the second thumbler from above in Display Settings (something like brigthness during battery saver mode). But shield on glance is so bothering!

Same for me with Lumia 920 8.1 DP Update 2. But I kind of like the dark, invisible buttons and the darker screen :)
My Lumia 830 with Denim on board. But my issue is oppsite than yours: even if I switched off the battery saver the light of buttons does not appear, moreover, on my glance screen battery icon always with shield on it, like battery saver is on while it is not in real. The only way to return the light for buttons is to switch off the second thumbler from above in Display Settings (something like brigthness during battery saver mode). But shield on glance is so bothering!
Think we need at least Emerald update to fix it without hard-reset-and-never-run-some-apps-again.

The solution above also will solve your opposite issue. This is confirmed too.
I know, thank you! I am too lazy for hard reset, I want necrosoft to fix that by update or something!
The device hub fix seems to have worked, but there was a catch. First I tried restoring from a back up, which for some reason failed. Then I started from a clean sheet after a hard reset and allowed all the apps to update. This didn't work, so I did another hard reset, didn't connect to my Microsoft account, disabled mobile data and didn't connect to wi-fi. I deleted device hub right after the OS loaded, only after which I proceeded with configuring the phone. So I guess you need to delete device hub first and only after that update all the apps.
Maybe it possible to make something with device hub itself without hardreset? Is there any users, who has bouth device hub and correct battery saver mode?
Microsoft gotta need to fix this, having same issue here on Lumia 720. Battery saver pretty much didn't work after i tweak the setting, then realizing it doesn't work anymore. But at the same time i already activated apps automatic update.
I'm too lazy to do a hard reset, and start from scratch again if backup didn't work. Microsoft where are you!?
this is pretty weird, my 928 with DP 8.1.1 had battery saver brightness working fine(critical "feature" for nights) and I opened this so called device hub a few times to check it out and then after it got updated and still my battery saver brightness was working fine, until 2-3 days ago when I got an update for Video and other crap I don't remember, now it wont dim the display or shutdown the button lights, this is annoying as hell

the worst part is the OS itself wont let you go dimer than the default "low" this is ridiculous, that in order to properly use a phone in low light we need NOKIA to add a "feature" that dims it, really? what the **** is Microsoft thinking, and then we see our dear nokia taking advantage of the situation and expanding its dimming "feature" with the cyan update but ONLY for newer devices, jeez, this "ecosystem" is ****ed up big time, Microsoft have to rethink their approach to its loyal wp users seriously
I have the same problem in my Lumia 630 after updating the phone in August. If the battery goes below 20%, the display is supposed to dim but it doesn't do so. And while charging the phone, the brightness doesn't increase. The recent updates of Battery Saver and Display also didn't solve the problem. It's a trivial problem, not a serious one, but irritating.

I think its a firmware problem because the problem started after the minor update in August. I don't want to hard-reset the phone as suggested here, so I guess I have to wait for the Denim update as I feel that may fix the issue.
Voted. Very frustrating problem which Microsoft hasnt done anything about yet.

With my 920 I would like to be able to turn the backlight off of the capacitive buttons as they are far too bright.
well don't know what to do at this point, opening and messing around with device hub and other system apps even after the latest updates didn't break my battery saver rightness mode, so im not so sure hard resetting and all that will work

btw, not really related to this problem, a few months ago i noticed that when setting brightness in "auto" mode it disables the 3 manual presets right? then if I had it on high AND auto, the battery saver brightness was not as dim as if I had it on low AND auto, it dimmed even further having it on low(greyed out) and auto

Anyway, I hope that now that Microsoft is in charge of everything lumia-related, things like this wont happen anymore, if they ever give a formal response to this issue I bet its going to be "wait for windows 10" if thats the case, please dont disappoint, even ipods from 2007 have better brightness control than the windows phone OS, what a shame
well don't know what to do at this point, opening and messing around with device hub and other system apps even after the latest updates didn't break my battery saver rightness mode, so im not so sure hard resetting and all that will work

btw, not really related to this problem, a few months ago i noticed that when setting brightness in "auto" mode it disables the 3 manual presets right? then if I had it on high AND auto, the battery saver brightness was not as dim as if I had it on low AND auto, it dimmed even further having it on low(greyed out) and auto

Anyway, I hope that now that Microsoft is in charge of everything lumia-related, things like this wont happen anymore, if they ever give a formal response to this issue I bet its going to be "wait for windows 10" if thats the case, please dont disappoint, even ipods from 2007 have better brightness control than the windows phone OS, what a shame

Yes it's a strange weak point, do testers never use them at night or in low light?
^they took the minimalistic approach too seriously! haha... no... its not funny :'(
even ipods from 2007 have better brightness control than the windows phone OS, what a shame. do testers never use them [WPs] at night or in low light?
That's because Morlocks exclusively use Apple products. Brightness control is very important if you are a subterranean troglodyte. Not so much if you are a surface dwelling Eloi. [/WP ******]

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