Battery Saver Brightness Doesn't Work

Good news, fellas! With last update of Glance Screen ( they fixed "always on battery saver icon" bug. Moreover, it finally shows weather on my 830 with Denim
Same issue encountered here! In Black + DP, it was OK but after Cyan + DP, battery saver brightness doesn't work anymore. They said Device hub causes this bug and hard reset then removing device hub would fix this. But I don't want to reset my phone. I'll just wait for MS to fix this (if they will) or just ignore it ang leave it there.
No point in installing device hub if it breaks up the battery saver brightness...I have completely uninstalled the device hub(formerly accessories) in the settings and it works much better now...
No point in installing device hub if it breaks up the battery saver brightness...I have completely uninstalled the device hub(formerly accessories) in the settings and it works much better now...

dev hub came with cyan... it was included in the update ota...
Dev hub was broken before the last update, I guess if they can fix this app soon or later...

sent from my drone upon your head
Dev hub used to be formerly accessories before cyan..Soon after accessories got an update and from then onwards battery saver was broken..even with incremental updates to device hub....they should either remove it or fix the app.....
Could anyone clarify one moment: is there any difference between Denim update coming soon and pre-installed Denim on 830 (735, 535)? One may mention here, that Denim for 830, 930, 1520 enables Rich-Capture feature, but preinstalled Denim on 830 does not have it. Thus, is there any "update-of-Denim-update" coming soon (for 830 for example)? Or it means that onborad Denim for Lumia 830 just equal to GDR1 with no any special Lumia feature? My wi-fi notifications disappeared (this thread) and we think that's because of defective semi-Denim onboard
A wipe without restore fixed the issue for me. Was a pain resetting everything back up but its also helped battery life too!
Hi guys.

I have installed Cyan on the Lumia 1020 RM-875 and I noticed a strange bug. Even if I set 'Battery Saver brightness' to ON in 'display', the brightness doesn't dim and the navigation buttons stay lit when the battery saver comes on, regardless of the exact setting (When battery is low, Now until next charge, Always). All the apps are up to date, and I've tried both soft and hard resets.

Yeah same issues here. I don't know if it is a bug with the OS itself, or with display, but it has been an issue for a long time alr. I have done quite a few hard resets due to various issues, and everytime the battery saving brightness is broken. Really hope microsoft fixes this soon. No difference if you are on DP or Official. So the only thing we have to do is to live with it or to find a workaround

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