Best Dock for Pro X


New member
Jan 6, 2012
I recently tried a Satechi USB C dock that I used with my work MacBook. I'm experiencing issues using it on the Pro X.

My 2 issues are:

1. Given the placement of the USB C ports the dock cannot stay on my desk and plug in, it has to hang due to the chord's short length.

2. The USB connector wobbles a bit and loses connection. I had this issue with the dock and my MacBook pro but I wouldn't use the laptop when it was docked so it would stay still.

I'm hoping to use the dock to connect 2 monitors and then use the Surface in writing mode. Any dock would need a long enough cable to stay on my desk and still reach the ports on the X when it's in a variety of configurations with the stand.

Any recommendations would be a huge help!
GReeN SCoRPioN 8K;[URL="tel:3799655" said:
3799655[/URL]]Has it to be USB-C? Otherwise i would Recommend Surface Dock. Works fine with all my Surface Devices!

I would actually prefer something that uses the Surface port as opposed to the USB C port. The 2 drawbacks for me is lack of SD slot and paying that much for a product that hasn't been updated in quite a few years.

I appreciate the input.
I bought this for my wife's MacBook but works on the ProX
When you guys use the dock are you able to extend to 2 separate external displays and use the Surface screen as a 3rd display? I can do it when I have one monitor plugged in to the USB C dock and 1 directly in to the Surface, but not if both displays are plugged into the dock.

If this is possible (3 separate screens) with the Surface dock that might make it worth it instead of the USB C dock I have.
If you only have one 4K monitor or multiple lower resoultion monitors, the Surface Dock is great. If you want to run dual 4K at 60hz through the Surface Dock, you are out of luck.

Currently I have tried the following:

Dell D6000 - This is a DisplayLink dock with a USB-C connection. They have come a long way since the Surface Pro 1 and work quite well for general office use. Due to software compression of the video signal, it's not the best for gaming, but you can drive multiple 4K monitors @ 60hz.

HP USB-C Universal Dock Gen 2 - Same as the Dell above, but slightly better package and more recent release. I just got this recently and so far it is working fine. One benefit is that it provides 100W of charging.

HP USB-C Dock Gen 5 - This does not use DisplayLink technology. It is a true USB-C dock. Unfortunately I couldn't get it to drive two 4K monitors. In fact it would only detect the internal monitor and one other and I didn't have much time with it to test. I did just see a Windows Central article that may explain this issue, so I may give it another go if I can get it back temporarily.
Not sure if this is entirely relevant but it does provide a docking system for the Pro X. I ordered the HP EliteDisplay E273m monitor which supports USB-C and will function as a USB3.0 docking system. It hasn't arrived yet but I'll post some pictures when it does.

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