I own an 8525, Treo 750, and a Blackjack (I just got this 2 days ago). Overall, the Treo 750 is still my running favorite, but the small size of the blackjack is hard to give up. From a useability standpoint, WM5 PPC is ALOT easier to use. Everything requires less steps, and overall, it's much easier to customize the OS for how you want it (although both Smartphone and PPC OSes are highly customizable, PPC is just easier to do so). However, I do notice that I have about 80% of the functionality of the Treo 750 with the Blackjack. They're both great devices and the 8525 can't hold a candle to either (unless you're talking about the keyboard, which the 8525 has the best of all 3). From a price point, the Blackjack is very attractive and you can probably get it and have a great time with it. For me, I think after I give the Blackjack a good test run, I'm going to use the Treo M-Th/Fr and use the Blackjack on the weekends.