Bluetooth Mouse & November Update


New member
Jun 19, 2014
I use a Dell BT Travel Mouse with my laptop throughout the W10 beta Insider Program and then with the RTM W10 release. Everything has been ok with the mouse up until the latest W10 November Update which was installed a couple of days ago. Since then, every time I reboot or put my laptop to sleep, my BT mouse no longer works. To get my mouse to work, I have to open the BT applet, remove the device, and then re-pair my mouse.

I took a look around and didn't see any reports of this issue so maybe I'm out of luck, but I'm posting here to get some ideas on what I can potentially do to get this working again. Maybe there is a recommended approach to reinstalling the Bluetooth stack?

Thank you
I have a Dell BT wireless mouse as well. My problem was happening BEFORE the fall update.

Everytime my surafce went to sleep and woke up it would not work as well.

I did two things:

1)Removing the mouse, removing the batteries and repairing it.

2) to the wireless properties of your wifi adapter and under power management untick "allow the computer to put this device to sleep"

Mouse works great now.

Hope this helps.
Thank you, TTSOLDIER.

I just unchecked that setting under the following two devices in Device Manager:
1) Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth 3.0+ High Speed Adaptor
2) Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230

Unfortunately, the same issue after a reboot. I also recently changed my batteries so I know that's not the issue.

I did uninstall all the Bluetooth devices in Device Manager and rebooted to allow Windows to reinstall the Bluetooth layer. After re-pairing the mouse and rebooting the same issue persists.

The weird thing is when I reboot and open the Bluetooth app, my mouse says Connected and then Paired, even though I can't move the mouse icon in Windows.

Any other ideas are welcome.
Oldmilxxx, are you using the same mouse (Dell BT Travel) or another BT mouse?

This issue is beyond frustrating as I must put my laptop to sleep 6-7 times per day and have to go through these steps each time so I can use my mouse that was working perfectly before the update.
I've always had problems with Bluetooth mice and keyboards. In fact I'm using the bluetooth keyboard that comes with the Aspire P3 now... and I hate it. flipping thing always bugs out and inserts letters that I didn't type. bah.

Standard wireless tech that you plug into the usb port always worked without a hitch for me.
I had the same problem with my dell XPS15 and bluetooth mice (Logitech and Microsoft). I fixed it by switching "Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth 3.0+ High Speed Adaptor" driver to "Generic Bluetooth Adaptor" driver. Intel driver may have some incompatibility with windows 10 1511. The newest Centrino Advanced-N 6320 driver from intel is for windows 8.1.

The way to switch the driver is as follows:
1. select driver update in device manager.
2. click on "Browse my computer for drivers software."
3. click on "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer."
4. select "Generic Bluetooth Adapter" and click on "Next."

Using generic driver was last resort for me. I doubt that it may make some features unavailable. Since I use bluetooth only for mouse, I have no problem so far. But if intel driver works, it would be better. So I searched the web and arrived here.

I hope my way also works for cipher7. And if someone find a better way, please tell me.
Hi ykanazawa1999,

Thank you very that great first post! I just switched over to the Generic Bluetooth driver and I can reboot/resume from sleep and my mouse works right away. I don't know if my system was running the generic BT driver before the update or if there were changes made to the "Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth 3.0+ High Speed Adaptor" in the November update that caused the issue I reported.

Thanks again, and now that I know how to fix this, I can test this after each update going forward.
Re: Bluetooth Mouse & November Windows 10 Update

I messed with the Bluetooth drivers as suggested above and now the mouse is back working as before.
The image below shows the drivers as now.
I think the crucial one was replacing the Intel driver with the generic Bluetooth driver but I cant be certain.
So I suggest going to the drivers and comparing with the above which works great.

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