Can the Blackberry 10 edge Windows Phone out of 3rd place?


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Dec 23, 2012
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Seems like bad news, right? Well, here's how Windows Phone can avoid that, and possibly move past iOS.
1. Hardware. Okay, we don't have Octa-core processors. Okay, we don't have 4GB RAM on our phones. But, the WP8 Lumias and the HTC Windows Phones are:
A refreshing mix of colors in an industry where an unwritten rule exists: your phone must be a shade of gray.
And, we have PureView magic (er, witchcraft?) for the 920. Heck, every other High-End WP8 phone (8XX/8X) has Daylight camera performance comparable to the Lumia 920.
2.The UI. Okay, it reminds me of the mess called Windows RT (Win8 makes sense, this doesn't), but it doesn't remind me of iOS, Android (one of the UI Launchers here make no Sense.) However, this is one of the easiest to navigate UIs I have ever seen. In fact, I may be able to compare it to MeeGo, in terms of usability.
3. Office + Pre-installed apps. Okay, while I'd love phones to do a lot out of the box, a la Symbian (I'm looking at you, Apple); Windows Phone is really one of the few that try to match Symbian's versatility out of the box. Oh, and Office made me #switch to WP.
4. Micro$oft. Yes, I intended to spell it that way. Microsoft wasted millions on Bing. On Bing Video. On the XBox. The list goes on. And, some of these were actually successful *cough* XBox *cough* It may turn out that way if they decide to not put some half-assed effort on Windows Phone.
5. Us. Yes, I mean you, WP fan reading my post right now. Now, how will we take advantage of this opportunity. iOS is bland, to a certain extent. Android is now a chopsuey mess of an OS. BB10 is over the horizon. Sailfish? Ubuntu? No real OEM support. Well, what will we do? *looks at Microsoft-Nokia, HTC and Huawei*


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Jul 2, 2012
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I think they can. Right now it's a race for me. I bought an L820 at launch because I was due for an upgrade and my old BB 9800 needed a new battery and RIM was taking to long to get BB10, and there were a couple of features "I thought" would/should be better on WP8 primarily office and onenote (very disappointed with this on WP8). So far I'm underwhelmed with the nokia/WP8 combination so much so that I bought a new battery for my 9800 and have gone back to using that 90% of the time. If MS can update this OS and get alot of the minor issues fixed then I'll be happy but if RIM brings BB10 out and reviews are better than what I'm experiencing with WP8 then my 820 will be up for sale and I'll be heading back to BB. I think it's customers like me who have no brand loyalty at all and am not a ****** of anything that will determine issues like this. To me a phone is nothing more than a tool and it needs to do what I need or I'll find something else.


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Nov 16, 2012
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RIM offers Android developers up to $2,000 to port apps to BlackBerry 10 this weekend

RIM offers Android developers up to $2,000 to port apps to BlackBerry 10 this weekend - Yahoo! News

Looks like they are already going out full force. Unlike Microsoft who won't even bother making a new Xbox live game and too busy sending their top apps to IOS and Android

This is a big reason why BB can fly pass WP. I had super high hopes for WP8 launching with all the hot apps but they have done nothing. It's all about the app ecosystem and if BB can offer what iOS and android offer then its very easy for the consumer to think about switching to a different platform. Also BB has a huge fan base and they have the messaging feature on lockdown.

Sent from my 64gig "New" iPad using Tapatalk


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Aug 7, 2012
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Who cares. Don't let your device's market share effect your self esteem. Every OS has is good and bad points. In the corporate world, competition is a good thing for the consumer. If a company like MS or RIM can't get their sh*t together, at least there are more options. (Except Apple...they


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Jul 3, 2012
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I suppose if you technically look at what the poll question asked, BB10 in itself has zero market share right now. So can 'BB10' by itself get 3rd place? Or did the OP mean to say, can BB10 take BlackBerry into third place? I just talked to a friend that switched from a BB to an iPhone a couple of months ago. She is not too happy with the switch but was just too frustrated with the old BB. She will likely go back the next opportunity she has. I believe there are countless iPhone/Android users out there with a similar story.

Alva street

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Dec 27, 2012
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After having my Nokia 820 since Christmas, I'm already thinking of changing my phone. My 820 has problems, the screen zooming in so big I have to turn the phone off to correct it, I have to do this at least 3 times over two days. I can't forward someone's text or even copy it. When I'm asleep the phone turns it's self off and won't turn on, so the only way I can turn it back on is by taking out the battery out, then touching the on switch. There are more things I could talk about but I can't be bothered, as it seems to me Nokia and MS had the same idea.


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Nov 19, 2012
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Isn't RIM IN third place right now with 7% market share? :/

I think the number for last quarter had RIM pushing out about 7 million phones; but sell through was thought to be closer to 10 million. I think the Lumia sold 4.4 million last quarter; not sure of the total for all Windows phones. The marketplace needs as many alternatives to iOS/Android as possible. RIMM is focused on mobile; it is ALL they do. Their current tenacity and impending launch with a new OS is testament to their focus. I was an early user of WinMo on an HTC (which I still use and really retro enjoy!) but MSFT has always tried to do EVERYTHING. Office, XBOX, Windows, etc. are all grand slam hits but some of their stumbles have been equally spectacular. For me the jury is still out on WP. It can be a great platform if MSFT commits to it long term and polishes the OS and developer tools. If BB10 misses the mark this is were I will land.

Big Supes

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Sep 1, 2011
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Blackberry is no longer cool. It's mainly seen as a has-been device that no one uses apart from chavs, in the UK. Unfortunately, once a brand goes in this direction, it's hard to come back from.

I don't see BB10 knocking Wp8 off the 3rd spot. That being said, MS & Nokia still need to keep their finger on the pulse as there is never any guarantees. . .


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Mar 21, 2011
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After having my Nokia 820 since Christmas, I'm already thinking of changing my phone. My 820 has problems, the screen zooming in so big I have to turn the phone off to correct it, I have to do this at least 3 times over two days. I can't forward someone's text or even copy it. When I'm asleep the phone turns it's self off and won't turn on, so the only way I can turn it back on is by taking out the battery out, then touching the on switch. There are more things I could talk about but I can't be bothered, as it seems to me Nokia and MS had the same idea.
turn off screen magnification in settings -> ease of use -> screen magnification

You should be able to copy and forward, long press the text and options will appear.

Don't know about your random power downs , I have a 920 and my phone does not do that.

If you actually learned how to use your phone rather than not being "bothered" and just complaining then you might have a more enjoyable experience...


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Apr 3, 2012
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Blackberry is no longer cool. It's mainly seen as a has-been device that no one uses apart from chavs, in the UK. Unfortunately, once a brand goes in this direction, it's hard to come back from.

I don't see BB10 knocking Wp8 off the 3rd spot. That being said, MS & Nokia still need to keep their finger on the pulse as there is never any guarantees. . .

WP8 isn't in the 3rd spot anyway. It is how BB10 can take their lead further and make WP8's life harder. This I see happening. Chavs don't want to move from BB10 to WP8 because, they don't get physical keyboard, their communication suite is unmatched and they can chat all day long without having to worry about connections etc! Chavs don't need Instagram anyway, but they need BBM or Whatsapp. BB10 looks to be doing that better than WP8.


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Mar 17, 2011
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I suppose if you technically look at what the poll question asked, BB10 in itself has zero market share right now. So can 'BB10' by itself get 3rd place? Or did the OP mean to say, can BB10 take BlackBerry into third place? I just talked to a friend that switched from a BB to an iPhone a couple of months ago. She is not too happy with the switch but was just too frustrated with the old BB. She will likely go back the next opportunity she has. I believe there are countless iPhone/Android users out there with a similar story.

This is why I questioned earlier "Isn't Blackberry (as a whole) already in third place?" Blackberry as a whole has roughly 80 million users, and Windows Phone users (as a whole) doesn't have nearly as many users as Blackberry.

While BB10 has zero marketshare right now, all of BB's marketshare places them in 3rd place. Windows Phone 8 has about 4.4 million plus users so far, not sure how many WP7, 7.5 users are out there (although I am one of them). Perhaps the OP's question should have been more concise and based on OS iteration (BB10 vs. WP8) instead of BB10 vs. ALL WP version...

Depending on when BB10 is released, I'd wager that we won't have a clear picture of marketshare until end of second quarter 2013 - IDC and Nielson should have some concrete stats by then.


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Sep 9, 2012
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BB10 market share at start of February is 3% with Windows Phone 7%, Apple 15% and Android 75%.
The only hardware advantage is MSM 8960T "Pro" that uses the Adreno 320 GPU where the WP8 uses the Adreno 225, Hardware accelerated web browser would be faster with BB10.
Blackberry app count 110,000
Windows Phone apps around 155,000.
BB10 has more features then WP8 but we have to see what Microsoft is doing with WP8.1 one month later? We can only hope 😎
This spring all 4 company's with new OS in there hands:
- BB10
- iOS6.1
- WP8.1
- Android 5.0 "Key Lime Pie"


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Jan 21, 2013
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I have Windows Phone 8 myself, but maybe its to late for both BB10 and WP8 in the smartphone business?

Its not the app number itself who counts, but you must have the most popular ones. Spotify,Instagram and all the others.
Apps for banks and services etc..
If they not coming I dont see a future for WP8, we will se if BB10 will have all the options to.
But I have my doubts I think they will have similar problem like the Windows Phone platform.


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May 11, 2012
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I think BB10 will edge out WP8 as MS loses focus once again. They just seem to be sitting on there hands with things and could have taken a bit more time to refine WP8 before it was released. RIM has taken the time and media beating to just focus heavily on BB10 and make it something worth while, they have a following and BBM keeps them in it while they were working on this. The hardware seems great and BB10 looks to be a big nail in WP8. If businesses gravitate back toward them by just a fraction it will be all the difference. Internationally BBM will keep them in non developed countries and the cheap phones will make them worthwhile. The fact that they have almost as many apps as WP should be a slap and kick to MS face in how badly they have fumbled the WP ecosystem.


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Oct 9, 2012
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If you look at the sale over the past couple of years, RIM held a distand 2nd place for a while there.. which means that they managed to stay way ahead of the Microsoft's previous efforts..


2010-2011 is when things started to fade away..

Now they will need a solid carrier support to get back in the game, and I know that they might get it in the US, but worldwide.. I am not so sure.


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Jul 4, 2011
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There is, in my world, two larger questions:

1) Can RIM survive as a hardware/software developer? This is a point I try to make: RIM does not have the resources of Apple, which is the only other company left standing that is a strict "in house" mobile provider. They have the money and the HUGE fan base to cover the monster investments it takes in R&D to develop the iPhone, test, produce, ensure the supply chain, market it, distribute it as well as all the investments for the software development, updates, and support. There is no way you can put a single dollar on these rising costs. Even Apple is starting to get criticized for falling behind and becoming stale. RIM does not have the luxury of the cash flow of Apple. Let's not forget that BB10 became so important due to RIM falling behind in the first place. Let us not forget how many times RIM has delayed BB10. It does look like they are doing this launch right, and that BB10 will be a nice OS. But- can they continue to keep up with the frantic pace of mobile? In a year and a half will they just fall back again, unable to keep up with the innovations of other companies? This is RIMs challenge. MS and Google not only have OEM's taking care of the hardware development and supply chain costs, they are both huge companies with many ventures with many other revenue streams flowing in. BlackBerry is it for RIM. While I expect CrackBerry loyalists to make BB10 a huge success in 2013, I find that scary for their future.

2) Is there room enough in the mobile market for more then 2 or 3 OS's? If so, then this is a unimportant question. I personally think that at even a 70% market share for iOS and Android leaves plenty of sales and room in the billion dollar industry that is mobile for both RIM and WP to thrive. The third place finish is only really important if you believe there won't be enough room for a fourth OS.

I am very, VERY excited for BB10. I love competition and choices. No, I am not planning on leaving WP, but I accept that it is silly to close off yourself to options. Right now, I am 80% sure I will be a WP 8 user (On my beloved Focus S WP7 right now, no hurry to leave it), with a 10% curiosity to BB10, and a 10% open mind to Android as both ICS and JB has improved it performance tons.

I am cheering for all 4 OS's to survive.


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Sep 10, 2012
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BB will always have the die hards and physical keyboard crowds. That will never change. They will also have a foot hold in emerging markets due to their data compression and edge speeds. BB will never be a force in the established markets again. China, Europe, US and Australia already passed them by for the other options. Too many people have moved on to bigger and better. I loved my BBs over the years, but I will only give up my WP8 device when WP9 comes out. The integration of systems from computer, tablet, and phone is where the next Gen is going. Apple and MS already have that area covered. Android is so open they can manage with any system. BB has very limited integration into computer side. I'm sure its better with BB10 but will never be competitive and always have limited functionality. Let them have the emerging markets.

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