New member
lets hope for 4 big platforms, that'd be ideal. Get some competition going, I have to admit the BB 10 looks gorgeous, not as nice as my lumia 920, but damn nice all the same.
Capital doesn't decide who overtakes who, we the consumers will, no matter how much money each company has in the bank and BB10 will have more then 46/50 top apps...
, SkyDrive, one note, etc.
Ya, since major devs have just been chomping at the bit to develop for BB this far. My Playbook after almost two years still doesn't have Netflix, descent FB app, SkyDrive, one note, etc. I'm not talking side loading or third party apps. I'm talking the real deal, no work around. It really doesn't matter, BB or MS, whoever is third and fourth are still going to struggle to get dev support. Why would I write for 3% or 7% coverage when I can write for the other two with 70% coverage? But I would still write for MS because I can change a little code here and there and have PC, RT and WP covered. Triple play. Simple math will decide who gets the support. BB will still have a good hold on emerging markets but without SkyDrive, icloud, one note, gmail and ass. apps, and so many other features baked into OS, they don't have a chance. It's ecosystem and BB messenger won't save them this time. They may surprise, but their ecosystem is just so limited outside of enterprise market.
It's this mentality that drives me crazy. WP is already a great alternative but still gets the Rodney Dangerfield from many folks : /Should the BB 10 catch on with consumers, it could establish itself as a secondary, viable alternative to iPhone and Android, says Carl Howe, a Yankee Group analyst who says the embattled RIM still has life left in it.
RIM looks good in most markets.. I was wrong about their global reach earlier. But it seem like they lost a lot in the US, and Windows Phone gained.. so according to this, WP is the 3rd one in the US currently.
RIM has learn from their mistakes. The had the Playbook which was a nice piece of hardware but the no apps to support it. Now they are going all out with BB10 and they are making sure that the apps will be there at launch. Not like MS with their promise of 46/50 top apps. Still waiting for Pandora, Facebook and YouTube.