Cant update to wp8.1 unable to check for update error 80072ee7

I'm running into an error 80072f8f on developer preview on ATT Lumia 1020 (normally associated with time sync issues and usually windows 7, not phone)..

Anyway I've done all the time syncing, manual, auto, etc.. clock is behind by 1.2 sec and it still fails with this error. That is after the second update (8.10.14157.200). I've had DP before but had to wipe it out due to putting W10 and then deciding to roll back. I rolled back to the ATT cyan and then jumped onto DP. First update went fine, second too, but now I can't move past and I have a few more to go..
I changed DNS, wifi, LTE, absolutely everything and I can't get past this 80072f8f which is also not documented as an update error on the Windows phone website... I also turned off the preview update and still get the same error. I've done soft reset, manual time sync to no avail..

Any clues, beside asking me to repeate any of the obvious and aforementioned things.. I've also wiped it back to stock and did it again and got stuck.. again at the same spot..

<rant> Thinking about taking this 1020 to the shooting range and using it for target practice.. no more branded phones for me.. ATT can go to hell for locking the firmware, not releasing denim or anything really, or else I'd be on a different ROM.. grrrr.. and still no Denim.. it's just peachy..</rant>

I actually had the same exact scenario happen to my on my Lumia 1020 , researched for hours tried many clock things, finally backed up all my apps and settings and did a hard reset, when it came back up I had clock on automatic and then I set my own apn instead of the tmobile apn(Same exact apn, I just put it in manually)After I uninstalled pfd then reinstalled it ,and boom it worked like a charm, not sure which part actually helped fix it but one of those steps solved my issue. Setting your own apn is definitely what fixed this error for me!!
Had this error on my Lumia 640 XL while trying to download the W10 Insider Preview builds. This was very weird cuz I've had previous builds on the same device.
I fixed it by doing this -
1. Changing the date and time. Didn't notice they were incorrect.
2. Head into Emails + Accounts > Microsoft Account > Change the server to "" from "" or whatever it is.

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