Cerulean Windows Phone - What's Happening?

I agree with the idea as well. I have no interest in a 5" phone and just bought a 950XL, so there is no way I am going to pay 300 bucks for this phone. But, I would pay 25-50 bucks just to support them in the hopes that they can stick around and prove me wrong with a great 2nd device down the road.
IMHO you have to look at it as investment. NOT an Investment in the future. An investment TO HAVE a future for consumer driven devices for this platform.

Lumia? 650 was their swan song...
HP? Business, all business all the time...
Acer? They cried uncle...
Alcatel? It's a me too retooling of a device with 2 other incarnations. Where's the passion? Idol 4S Windows is an experiment to see if it is worth their time, I'm sure...

What's left?

Surface Phone? IMHO, be prepared for sticker shock when that one finally comes around. Easily $1000 USD or more. Let's be realistic, how many units will that sell?

The time to play hard to please is long past. It's not that hard to see if you follow the story and do the research. It's now or never. This is probably the last chance we have to get a truly dedicated, consumer facing effort going for this platform; perhaps for years to come, perhaps forever. Beggars can't be choosers, right? We shouldn't have to be beggars, but we are. I feel like Oliver Twist in the orphanage, hands outstretched and asking some mean man for another bowl of gruel.

But along comes a man (Greg Murphy) that's risking a LOT on our behalf. Why? To try and accomplish something worthwhile and lasting. Don't disparage that. He's done more than any other fan of a mobile platform has done. That alone is worth celebrating.

Schadenfreude, look it up. Literally: shameful joy. I see a LOT of "fans" with this attitude. It's pleasure derived from another person's misfortune. They are predicting failure for Cerulean, just like they did for NuAns Neo and Coship's efforts. They just want to be "right" and you almost can't blame them. But when does it become a self fulfilling prophecy? Sure the haters are gonna hate, but why do the "fans" have to hate so much too?

C'mon Windows people, let's have faith. Let's show the world we won't die quietly. Let's show the Moment our support. Join me, make a pledge if you can and have a stake in trying to get this thing off the ground. Even Superman had to learn how to walk before he could fly... Be a sponsor and be an advocate. It's so much easier to tear things down than it is to build them up. Don't take the easy way out.

#ThisIsOurMoment #ColorMeCerulean

I think the fans want nothing less than a first party. what whartonbrooks is doing is commendable but what if MS just pulls the plug of W10m 6months down the line, we dont see a commitment from MS that they wont for now.
I think the fans want nothing less than a first party. what whartonbrooks is doing is commendable but what if MS just pulls the plug of W10m 6months down the line, we dont see a commitment from MS that they wont for now.
The world is filled with what if's. But don't let it control you :)
I agree with the idea as well. I have no interest in a 5" phone and just bought a 950XL, so there is no way I am going to pay 300 bucks for this phone. But, I would pay 25-50 bucks just to support them in the hopes that they can stick around and prove me wrong with a great 2nd device down the road.

It's not the phone you are buying for $300 (really $290 right now as there are many of those slots left).

What you are buying into is the chance for WB to still be around to offer that second device.

Consider it an altruistic sacrifice, then. Everybody that says no to this decreases the chances that Cerulean will release the Moment in August and therefore live on to rise to that second offering.

All it takes for this platform to die is for the "fans" to stubbornly sit on their wallets and do nothing.

I am on the fence about incremental donations. Fortunately, it isn't my decision. Unfortunately, too many are thinking with a spreadsheet in hand and are missing the larger picture here...

Invest $300 in HAVING a future.
I'm rather new to the forums but I can tell you all I see is complaining and that there aren't any new Windows phones coming out.
Here's a new Windows phone coming out. If you're one of those complainers, or just someone who wants to Invest in the platforms future, or need a new phone, here you go.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I'm rather new to the forums but I can tell you all I see is complaining and that there aren't any new Windows phones coming out.
Here's a new Windows phone coming out. If you're one of those complainers, or just someone who wants to Invest in the platforms future, or need a new phone, here you go.

This is an old problem and one I've been railing against for years. The apathy and stinginess of many users on this platform. Heck, you can't even get them to pony up $0.99 once a year. http://forums.windowscentral.com/windows-phone-8-1/332358-2.htm#post3001372

I don't get it. TNSTAAFL
What you are buying into is the chance for WB to still be around to offer that second device.
That ship has already sailed. The app store needed those $5 and $10 donations long ago in the form of paid apps. Everybody loves free things but sometimes you have to pay for something better. The proof's in the pudding by simply looking at WP sales figures. The 520 was top dog for how long? Yet people clamor for flagships all the time. We've had 3 "flagships" available for some time yet they collect dust in bins. I don't know actual sales figures but AdDuplex doesn't register much, if any, usage out of them.

I have 25-30 paid apps in my library so my conscience is clear, I've supported the platform. I do wish them well but the minute that investors balked and crowd-funding became the survival avenue, their obituary was written. Maybe Mr. Murphy should've looked at real investors and not penny traders.
@fatclue_98 webOS never had such a lifeline. No crowdfunding for hardware and the OS wasn't allowed to keep rolling. Open Source wasn't really a viable option. So far as I know WaaS is going to keep pumping out updates so long as there are devices.

Crowdfunding might not be the most attractive option...

But if you would have paid $300 for this in support on release, why not take the chance and help insure it will release?

It only takes 3,900 true believers to make this a reality.

@mistagreg should consider having lower level of pledges just to raise the money? Increments down to $10 maybe. People perhaps don't want the Moment... but would like to help get things rolling to spur on the next version?

You can donate any amount...

Click the "Back it" button and then enter the amount.

I see users giving various amounts from $5 and up.
You can donate any amount...

Click the "Back it" button and then enter the amount.

I see users giving various amounts from $5 and up.

@RumoredNow I completely agree with your last few posts about supporting and investing in Cerulean. I just pledged $290 to get a Cerulean Moment, because as I believe in what @mistagreg is trying to do and I would like to see W10M have a brighter future. This is our chance as a community to rally behind Cerulean and help make statement.
@W10M Community If you can, make a $$$ pledge and help Cerulean get their ship off of the ground. Also, spread the word by social media and make others aware of this opportunity!

#58 #UnitedWeStand #ThisIsOurMoment
Looks like Greg is taking a vote. I do not use twitter I know you do not either, so I cannot chime in, but those here on the forums still listening go chime in over on their twitter page and see what's up.

Here is the question:
What is a reasonable price for Windows Phone with SD835, 6/128GB, 16MPx2, FP Reader, NFC, Universal SIM. SERIOUSLY, what would you pay.

At the most $500

Does anyone know their plans after the crowd funding ends? Why the vote posted now?
Maybe they're thinking that this current phone won't cell, and an SD835 might so that it'd be better to wait and ready a different device instead.

PS: I actually wrote "cell" by mistake... lol... should have been "sell" of course.
Make that phone attractive with a 6" screen and I would pay 800. Been saying it all along, an up to date, current flagship spec version of the 1520 is worth 800. I do not have twitter either but if someone could add a 800 vote for me I would appreciate it. Wish he would post that question here.

The screen size is my main issue though. Well, that and a dedicated camera button. As someone who had to go from the 6" 1520 to the smaller than 5.7" 950XL (because of the on screen buttons), anything less than 5.7" and I won't buy it at all. Same with the camera button, no camera button, no purchase.
I voted around $800. I was kinda annoyed to see how many people picked the $500 option. He was asking realistically. And compared with the GS8 honestly I think $800 makes sense. 128GB storage and 6GB RAM? You don't even see that in most flagship phones already over $800. People just vote what they WANT to pay. He wasn't asking about that. People are silly.
Looking at how US has embraced windows phones, I dont think even a flagship will pick up steam, WB should give it a shot in Europe and China
What do you all think? We know we have no choice but to wait... I bet Cerulean makes a little noise after CES concludes. What do you think?

We also know Microsoft has more time in the pipeline before any big news on their new device(s), HP has no date set if/when a consumer device comes, and Alcatel is still stuck on T-Mobile with the 4s. Maybe Cerulean could use the next several months and sell some cheap decent phones to get people started. I for one (belonging to AT&T) would only buy one if it's certified on AT&T...I'm getting spoiled by the call quality/mms/LTE enhancements from an AT&T 950. Any other thoughts?

Sent from mTalk

The 4s is being sold unlocked, and its coming to Europe. Theirs a Moly dual boot phone in the works apparently (apparently "soon"), and wiley fox too, although I wouldn't exactly hold my breath either for those. Time will tell.
The 4s is being sold unlocked, and its coming to Europe. Theirs a Moly dual boot phone in the works apparently (apparently "soon"), and wiley fox too, although I wouldn't exactly hold my breath either for those. Time will tell.

It was wifi certified last month as IDOL 4 PRO WP EU (6077X).
It was wifi certified last month as IDOL 4 PRO WP EU (6077X).

Do you know if that means it'll come with different frequencies?

I'd love it if that phone was compatible with my carriers here in NZ. It's a pretty dope phone.

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