Cortana coming to Android and IOS: Mixed feelings

We all know MSFT is a servicing company. Cortana is tightly integrated to onedrive, onenote, office and it completely collects data from BING. So by introducing Cortana to IOS and Android, MSFT make more BING users. And if those other platform users become satisfied with Cortana, they would install OneNote and Onedrive too (bcoz they are tightly integrated with Cortana and installing them will make them get more out of Cortana)

The other important thing is MSFT didn't build Cortana, Onedrive, OneNote and Office to compete with other OS counterparts. In other words, Not to make attraction towards windows phones/ windows PCs. Like... 'Oh Man..!! Look at these things... if you want to enjoy these things, you must own a win PC/phone'. Nope.... They are servicing company and they lend their services regardless of platforms.

I'm sorry to admit it but I think you're right. MS is first and foremost a servicing company, a productivity company. Perhaps in the world of consumers this has gotten lost. In its anxiety of keeping up with Apple MS maybe went away from its roots. Nadella is trying to return it to those roots but with a 21 century twist. Sweet strategy really!

You may be on to something here. This puts things in prospective.
Sounds like what you're saying is...... Windows 10 will fix everything! :winktongue:

Pretty much!

I have to agree, though. As its own entity WP definitely has no potential for any meaningful growth, MS now gives the OS away to OEM's and still its marketshare shrank. Being cast under the umbrella of W10 is its only hope of surviving but I think ultimately Microsoft's stake in the mobile space will consist mostly of software and services on ios and android.

One has to wonder if Microsoft is making sure ALL of their services are on iOS and Android in case someday Windows on phones ceases to exist. Cortana to iOS and Android is one more check mark.
I think we should leave ourselves open to the possibility that this might actually be incredibly beneficial for windows phones. Hear me out...

Cortana is introduced on iOS and Android. They improve and build Cortana to the point where she can easily compete with Siri or Google Now, though perhaps not better, just equivalent to. People begin to play with Cortana. They get used to the voice, the 'personality' the usefulness, and they then get more interested in it. They find out about Windows Phones and they find out that Cortana is only more integrated, fine-tuned and more a part of Windows Phones.

If they're smart, they'll make the Cortana for other platforms inferior to the one found on Windows Phones. Let people find out that if they go to Windows Phones, their Cortana experience will be even better. And plus, this might also be a huge push to convert people from Macs to PCs. If they can use Cortana on their iOS product, and have it sync up with their computer, there would be huge incentive to purchase a Windows 10 PC, while not necessarily also purchasing a new phone, which alot of people don't want to do.

Now a nail in the coffin would be if Microsoft developed a Cortana program for OSX(macs). If they made it so iPhone users can have their Cortana sync up with their Macs (I'm not even sure if this is possible, but I imagine it is.), there would be no incentive to use Windows 10 over Mac.
That all being said, we just have to watch and wait and see what they do. I'd like to think they have a plan-- but we'll just have to see.

Also can we all agree that Joe Belfiore looks like Sylvester Stallone?
Mayb we gt a update from Microsoft "we are moving to android and welcome to android"����

Just because Microsoft failed to fix a WP issues doesn't change the fact that Stock Android is absolute horrible.
Pretty much!
One has to wonder if Microsoft is making sure ALL of their services are on iOS and Android in case someday Windows on phones ceases to exist. Cortana to iOS and Android is one more check mark.

It's clear that a Microsoft phone running Cyanogen is coming.
Sometimes I think people here get so attached to something they can't imagine any other thing being advantageous for them. For decades Microsoft had a single mantra: Windows and Office above all else. When they had to develop a tablet operating system guess what they did? They shrunk Windows, UI and all. When the Courier was in development guess why they scrapped it? No compatibility with Windows. The problem is this hasn't been working out for them. Windows has been fading (heck Windows Phone hasn't even taken off), and if you put all your awesome stuff on a fading platform guess what happens? No one is ever going to see your awesome stuff!

If people haven't bought Windows Phone for 5 years with our combo of live tiles and cortana and great cameras and what-not they're not going to start today. What Microsoft has in an image problem, and getting their products into more people's hands, thus reducing the cost of trying them, is a way of fixing this. It will also allow them to make actual money, in the event that Windows Phone goes down in flames.

Deluding ourselves that one day our platform will catapult into glory because of Cortana and Office is just that: A delusion. I suppose the question is do we want Microsoft to succeed, or Windows Phone?
Cortana is Microsoft's product, they can do what they like with it as far as I'm concerned.
It's a recent addition to WP, and still in beta. I used it for a while, then turned it off as I don't really have a use for it. I look at it more as a 'bling' feature more than anything really useful.

Anyway, WP is way more than just Cortana. Always has, and always will be....
People are jumping the gun here, it has not been officially confirmed it was lightly touched on by an article on Reuters. Furthermore it says "People familiar to the project" ([Project Einstein], it doesn't say "People close to the project", these people could be anybody as there many who follow MSR).

I would understand the panic if it was officially confirmed, however right now it is rather misguided in my opinion.
I don't understand the issue if it is true. If true, Microsoft will get feedback off of their customers using "competitors" devices which can only help in the long run. Not only that but as one person said, WP is not just Cortana. Way more that just that actually. What's the issue?
Ok. Great. I'll get an android phone on my next upgrade.... I can have all the apps and my favorite Cortana! And since Microsoft has all their apps available on other platforms i can just give a big f u to windows (like everyone else is) because what's the incentive to stay or get one????
Ok. Great. I'll get an android phone on my next upgrade.... I can have all the apps and my favorite Cortana! And since Microsoft has all their apps available on other platforms i can just give a big f u to windows (like everyone else is) because what's the incentive to stay or get one????

It's all a matter of perception I think.

On one hand you can go along with the notion that the next os will fix everything.... Which is exactly what has been said since 6.0 or......

You can be a total pessimist and put the platform behind you and move on

As to what incentive you choose to see is entirely up to your perception of the platform and what you are willing to put up with.

I personally believe there are enough people who can influence the platform at Microsoft that want to rid the company of it's phone division. It's a money pit for the revenue outflow. I believe that these individuals are influencing the decisions to salvage everything they can from it and prioritize getting the best of it on the other platforms.

Microsofts goals is to have everyone using their services and eventually charge for this. If they succeed then they will own mobile and not spend money on a low rate of return on investment.

This may be awesome for shareholders and the company but hoses those who have stuck it out and supported WP.

I believed it would be several years before this happened but see now it's coming sooner

Stick it out on a hope and prayer Windows 10 will turn everything around or go to another platform.. This is up to you.

Posted from my HTC M8
I had mixed feelings about this until I really thought about it. Google Now and Siri work in far more countries than Cortana so, Microsoft will gain more feedback than just what people are searching for but language and syntax as well. Not only that but WP users will benefit from Project Einstein as I believe that is a backend update.
Let me say this, I bought an LG android, I know, I love Windows Phone OS, but when Nokia/MS couldn't fix my issue/or send me a different model after sending my phone in 8 times, I was done with them. Had issues with HTC in the past so, wasn't going to go with them either. I had little choice on manufacturers if I wanted to stick with Windows I went to Android. Yes there are things that I miss, Cortana is the most, Google Now doesn't come close. But, I love on Android, if I start playing my song over bluetooth and I reboot the song, it stays are the same song position and bluetooth volume. WP would restart my playlist and bluetooth would be at 15/30....are they major no, that's not why I left, I wanted a 1520, but some had issues and some didn't so I didn't want to buy one used...I am happy with my LG, but it's not WP and I miss it everytime I use my phone...What I am trying to say, even with Cortana coming to Android and IOS, it still isn't the same OS, nothing can run as fast as WP

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