Cortana coming to Android and IOS: Mixed feelings

I'd imagine Cortana is integral to some of the other services that Microsoft plans to bring to Windows 10/iOS/Android. My guess is that Microsoft is going for the "seamless user experience" across their apps/services And it's likely easier to port Cortana (which they have control over) versus trying to incorporate Siri or Google Now. I doubt Microsoft is incorporating Cortana in a way that would allow people to completely replace Siri. Besides, Apple would never allow that to happen.
I'd imagine Cortana is integral to some of the other services that Microsoft plans to bring to Windows 10/iOS/Android. My guess is that Microsoft is going for the "seamless user experience" across their apps/services

If there is a big draw to Cortana on iOS and/or Android, ^it'll probably be this.^
The day Cortana arrives on iOS and Android, I'll leave Windows Phone.
Why, is it because you feel MS betrayed you and you want payback? Is it because Cortana was the one thing that brought you to WP? Did you have WP before Cortana was released?

I'm pissed about the decision too but it will take a lot more for me to leave. I'm trying to understand your (and other's who have made this statement) logic.
Well, I guess you can feel better in knowing that cortina will probably remain better integrated on windows phone. iOS and android are not going to allow the same access as cortana has on windows phone.
It is well known that Microsoft is gathering feedback from a lot of users in the background based on how they use Cortana (in addition to actual typed-in feedback). Releasing Cortana to other platforms could allow Microsoft to gather information on how users use "competitor" smart phones. This should provide MS additional information (and a lot of it!) they would need to further improve their services, which then could be limited only to Windows Phones/Windows Devices. It's literally being able to gather real-time data from "competitor" markets. If true, this sounds like a brilliant move to me.

Do you even understand what CyanogenMod is?

Stop being so condescending.

I meant the Vanilla Android, like we get from most OEMs. Cyanogen is great, next up is HTC Sense also MIUI but had bad experience with their hardware.
I don't have Cortana here in Romania, on my Lumia 1520, but i witness Microsoft giving it to android and ios...this is not fair. How can they treat their users like this?
I don't have Cortana here in Romania, on my Lumia 1520, but i witness Microsoft giving it to android and ios...this is not fair. How can they treat their users like this?

Have you tried changing your phone regional settings to US? This should "give" your L1520 Cortana, but you'll need to revert back to your default regional settings in case you need to purchase anything from the store.

Cortana is still "BETA" (as seen on the upper right hand side of the landing page of Cortana) and availability is expected to broaden with time. Given this, it is also expected that the availability of Cortana to other platforms will also be limited to select regions only at first.

And welcome to the forums.:cool:
I noticed this in the convergence conference web stream earlier today, wasn't sure which thread to post this on.

I'll just tack this on here since this appears to be the most active thread out of all the many threads on this topic.

As you can see there is no branding on the phone image, take that as you will....

Personally I'm going to refrain from any speculation lol and wait for the official confirmation from MS.

Cortana on phone + no branding.png
There's really nothing complicated about this if you've seen the MWC demo of Cortana bridging PC/tablet/phones.

The main draw of Cortana in the future is her notebook ability and being able to sync that across different devices - Android has been able to do this via Chrome across multiple platforms, iOS had very deep integration with OSX. MS has? Nothing.... You can't sync bookmarks, browser tabs, or even drop a map link using any of MS' current service offerings and have it easily be brought up on the other phones, while MS' competitors can do these and people are impressed by the convenience Google/Apple offers and thinks they are the second coming of IT Jesus, and MS is kept being attacked by the media as being outdated whereas his competitors can do all these neat party tricks. MS is stuck in this position where they can't bring IE on other platforms (besides the technical inability to bring Trident over, there's also the psychology barrier as people probably won't want to use it due to IE's horrible stigma) so the Chrome method is no go, and Windows doesn't deep integrate with iOS and Android no matter what MS does. If MS holds out with WP they'll loose desktop as people move to OSX (proven, as Mac sales are going up due to the halo effect of iOS), or Chromebooks and/or Android convertibles and ditches desktop Windows forever. This play to bring Cortana to Android and iOS is for the good of the entire MS ecosystem - including W10 desktop and tablets (as Cortana is standard there, and again as shown in the MWC demo, her notebook is the key in syncing your life across the devices). The move makes complete sense, nay, is necessary in the survival of the entire Windows ecosystem. If MS doesn't integrate Android/iOS with their other screens somehow, they become completely irrelevant in the consumer space, and later enterprise as well as IT has a history of being driven by consumer tech reverse-imported back into enterprise. So it's essential they do this.
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There's really nothing complicated about this if you've seen the MWC demo of Cortana bridging PC/tablet/phones.

The main draw of Cortana in the future is her notebook ability and being able to sync that across different devices - Android has been able to do this via Chrome across multiple platforms, iOS had very deep integration with OSX. MS has? Nothing.... You can't sync bookmarks, browser tabs, or even drop a map link using any of MS' current service offerings and have it easily be brought up on the other phones, while MS' competitors can do these and people are impressed by the convenience Google/Apple offers and thinks they are the second coming of IT Jesus, and MS is kept being attacked by the media as being outdated whereas his competitors can do all these neat party tricks. MS is stuck in this position where they can't bring IE on other platforms (besides the technical inability to bring Trident over, there's also the psychology barrier as people probably won't want to use it due to IE's horrible stigma) so the Chrome method is no go, and Windows doesn't deep integrate with iOS and Android no matter what MS does. If MS holds out with WP they'll loose desktop as people move to OSX (proven, as Mac sales are going up due to the halo effect of iOS), or Chromebooks and/or Android convertibles and ditches desktop Windows forever. This play to bring Cortana to Android and iOS is for the good of the entire MS ecosystem - including W10 desktop and tablets (as Cortana is standard there, and again as shown in the MWC demo, her notebook is the key in syncing your life across the devices). The move makes complete sense, nay, is necessary in the survival of the entire Windows ecosystem. If MS doesn't integrate Android/iOS with their other screens somehow, they become completely irrelevant in the consumer space, and later enterprise as well as IT has a history of being driven by consumer tech reverse-imported back into enterprise. So it's essential they do this.

This makes sense to me.

Being able to sync across all platforms is essential to all sizes of devices and chrome is already ahead in doing this for all 3 even on the Mac and the pc with both osx 10 and with Windows 8.1. It will be real interesting to see how this all plays out in the end.

Where Cortana rules is in the voice recognition part of the AI right now, but even that lead is being whittled down by Google Now. It doesn't have any personality yet but that is because of how it was made and can be rewritten.

I do question just how much they will allow Cortana to be utilized on these platforms since it is a direct competitor to both Google Now and Siri and could in theory pull both people and advertising dollars away from each. It will be looked at as a Trojan Horse since both Apple and Google know full well Microsoft's intentions.

I do look forward to using her on my Mac since I am running Boot camp with Windows 8.1 now. While it was a very tiring ordeal getting it loaded correctly now that I have it I am enjoying it a lot.

Cry me a river then build a bridge and get over it
Being able to sync across all platforms is essential to all sizes of devices and chrome is already ahead in doing this for all 3 even on the Mac and the pc with both osx 10 and with Windows 8.1. It will be real interesting to see how this all plays out in the end.

I sync Chrome across 5 platforms: Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and iOS. I use one more platform, WP, but I cannot sync to it.
I sync Chrome across 5 platforms: Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and iOS. I use one more platform, WP, but I cannot sync to it.
I sync Firefox on Windows 8.1, Linux and Android. Firefox is my default browser on all 3 of these platforms. I just wish Windows Phone had Firefox.

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
I sync Firefox on Windows 8.1, Linux and Android. Firefox is my default browser on all 3 of these platforms. I just wish Windows Phone had Firefox.

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

Once 10 is up and running won't this happen?

Posted from my HTC M8
I doubt it, Firefox is in a fast decline. The have to be really careful with their resources.

Got proof to back that up?

Last I checked it was Opera that was in decline, the only thing keeping them going is Mobile.

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