Cortana only doing bing searches

I originally started cortana from the app, but she has only given me bing searches to almost everything. I have a ATT 920, I dont want to do a hard reset just to fix this so I will also try waiting a few days to see if anyone else comes up with anything. I tried disabling and re enabling, she said absorbing the internet but is just as dumb as before. I wonder if it working depends on if you had previous dev preview builds on your phone before updating.
I originally started cortana from the app, but she has only given me bing searches to almost everything. I have a ATT 920, I dont want to do a hard reset just to fix this so I will also try waiting a few days to see if anyone else comes up with anything. I tried disabling and re enabling, she said absorbing the internet but is just as dumb as before. I wonder if it working depends on if you had previous dev preview builds on your phone before updating.

so I did the hard reset on my phone and it fixed cortana.. however on twitter, mary jo foley told someone to hard reset their phone to try and fix it and a bing engineer told her no and that it was something the bing engineers were working on server side... not sure what exactly the case is. if you want it fixed RIGHT NOW then you need to hard reset (don't restore a backup, clean install).. or if you are willing to wait a few days and see if the bing server team can fix whatever the issue is, you can.
Just saw this


so I did the hard reset on my phone and it fixed cortana.. however on twitter, mary jo foley told someone to hard reset their phone to try and fix it and a bing engineer told her no and that it was something the bing engineers were working on server side... not sure what exactly the case is. if you want it fixed RIGHT NOW then you need to hard reset (don't restore a backup, clean install).. or if you are willing to wait a few days and see if the bing server team can fix whatever the issue is, you can.

haha we posted the same thing at the same time
Still not working in Germany. Cortana only does Bing searches whenever I try to chit-chat.
Funny thing is, it is working on my girlfriend's L920, but not on my L925.
Oky so it seems that a hard reset is the solution , fine with me
now , can someone please tell me how to back up EVERYTHING onto onedrive
And after the hard reset how to get EVERYTHING back on my phone ??
When you go to cloud storage for Cortana a Bing page shows up with and error. Maybe is true that there is a server bug ..
earlier i used to get a reply for "do i need an umberella", but now it directs me to the bing search. is it a server side issue or i'l have to reset my phone?
Well she acting cool here on my 520... She sings for me and so on

Yes she does that for me too. The problem is only when we ask her things like "Will it rain today?" or "Where am I". She's not replying to those questions now. It was working yesterday though.
I'm getting the same, yesterday after the update Cortana was doing everything, today it's just Bing search results, hoping it's just a server side issue that Microsoft are tweaking, was liking all of her functionality

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