Cyan and LTE

In hindsight I should have waited the 1 week to receive the CV Australia update OTA.

I flashed the Amber Australia CV rom, then updated to Cyan OTA. Lost my LTE/4G that way. It seems Cyan nukes LTE regardless of how you get it.
Slightly off-topic but probably most relevant here, does anyone still have Visual Voicemail intact?
I've stopped trying and am just going to wait and see what IFA holds next week, but I though I'd share what I've found/tried. (Note I have not gotten it to work).

Firstly, if you go into the phone and key in ##3282# (or ##DATA#) you'll get the field test mode. If you click on the ... -> Settings, Toggle ENS (reboot required) must be turned on for LTE to work. Mine was off when I first checked. I toggled this on and nothing changed, but I read that this must be on.

Second, I flashed back to the Rogers ROM found on this thread (reminder, I have US ATT 920):

The flash worked, but LTE did not return in any step of this process. I then tried going back to the ATT ROM, but failed with the incorrect FUU.

What's odd to me is that the LTE radio is in the processor, so flashing to original ROM should work... Unless a register was written to that it can't undo...

Anyway, at this point, I'm just hoping a carrier unbranded 830 is available in the US that works on ATT.

Edit: Also, I put my SIM into an 820 and it only had 4G (or HSPA+ here in the US) until I updated the APN to get LTE.
Has anyone yet checked if the radio version changes when flashing ROMs?

Yes, I did and it does change. No major changes, I should have written it down, but it was like 1.0.202165.X or something like that vs the cyan 1.0.202184.3.
I know there are some Rogers users on here. Did you guys OTA Cyan and keep LTE?

Visual Voicemail works fine for me too.
I have a Rogers 920 on T-Mobile.

So I wanted to jump the gun and get Cyan on my device. I flashed the Euro Dev rom initially because it supposedly had Cyan but it didn't. My LTE worked fine though. Then I flashed Vodafone UK ROM with Cyan and no LTE. UK O2 has no LTE, neither does CV IT. I gave up and went back to CV AU which I had been using for a year with LTE and no problems but I don't have LTE on it anymore. I tried the Rogers Black ROM and ATT Dev and neither can connect to LTE.

My highest data connection is set to LTE but when I search for networks it only pulls down Tmobile 2g,3g and AT&T 2g, 3g.

Any suggestions?

I was able to get my LTE back working. Flashed back Rogers from my EuroDEV rom and after use Nokia Recovery Tool to flash again.
Bing I have LTE back
I still wonder about a ATF box or a similar product and jtag'ing it with at&t firmware if that'd restore LTE. Since it doesn't look like even with that DLL mod to nokia care suite you can flash back at&t firmware.
I know there are some Rogers users on here. Did you guys OTA Cyan and keep LTE?

Visual Voicemail works fine for me too.
I know this is 920 question, but on my 1020 with Rogers ROM and Cyan, LTE works good.

Edit: This is US unlocked 1020 RM-877 which was changed to Rogers ROM.
I was able to get my LTE back working. Flashed back Rogers from my EuroDEV rom and after use Nokia Recovery Tool to flash again.
Bing I have LTE back

Holy Batman,

I got LTE back too. Flashed Rogers Cyan, then did a reflash with Nokia Software Recovery Tool. Prior to the NSRT I was only getting HSPA+. NSRT doesn't like to pick up non carrier ROMs though.

So after I verified LTE on Rogers through NSRT I flashed an Australian CV ROM (I like it better than EuroDev cause it has more options) and I have LTE now.
Holy Batman,

I got LTE back too. Flashed Rogers Cyan, then did a reflash with Nokia Software Recovery Tool. Prior to the NSRT I was only getting HSPA+. NSRT doesn't like to pick up non carrier ROMs though.

So after I verified LTE on Rogers through NSRT I flashed an Australian CV ROM (I like it better than EuroDev cause it has more options) and I have LTE now.

More options? Coolll. Can you describe? :)
It's good to know that it's possible to fix. The problem for us with ATT that went to rm-821 is the Nokia Recovery Tool doesn't work and I don't know of a way to flash back to the ATT ROM. I guess I'll mess with it more this weekend.

I'm glad you all got it working though!
Is there a trick to getting the Nokia Recovery Tool to work? I'm trying to get my LTE back so I flashed back to Rogers from the French ROM and I continue to get the 0x80131500 error code. Software Recovery gets to the installation phase and fails immediately every time. Firewall and Windows Defender were turned off and it didn't make a difference.

EDIT: Oh, I guess I'm in the same boat as TheSuperShoe up there. Darn you AT&T!
Thanks for all the work everyone, I'm trying that myself now after losing LTE.

Flashing French Euro 059R4H6
Flashing Rogers Cyan 059Q6W4
Using Nokia Software Recovery to flash again..

Phone is a Rogers 920 in Black, 059Q6W4...

Crossing fingers!

EDIT: LTE now shows up when I do a manual network scan, and it connects to LTE successfully.. Looks good!
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