Cyan and LTE

I tried to follow the steps but the NSRT always goes online for FW instead of looking for the local ones. I then flashed it with NCS but LTE is still missing. What should I do now?

After a few trials, now my ATT 920 is fully back with AWS and LTE enabled. ATT Dev ROM with NSRT didn't bring back the LTE, but the Claro ROM did w/o AWS. Then flash to Roger with NSRT and AWS is back as well.
Your process worked perfectly and you saved me a lot of effort at the very least and most likely from pulling all my hair out!

I had AT&T branded 920 that is SIM unlocked (not important for what I was doing but just a FYI) and I am using it on Cricket Wireless. Since Internet Sharing gave 611/call AT&T error when activated, I thought of testing if EURO/other ROMs will enable the feature. The simplest solution for someone in the same situation should have been to use the foreign SIM method (search online for 'Lumia foreign sim internet sharing') but hindsight is twenty-twenty and I instead chose to go the EURO Developer ROM and in the process lost LTE capability on my phone. No amount of flashing other ROMs restored LTE capabilities on my phone till I came across Exiva's post (post #77 in this thread - ).

Basically here is the summary of my steps -
1. Downloaded Nokia Software Recovery Tool.
2. Connect your Phone and launch Nokia Software Recovery Tool. NOTE the Product Type and Product Code that show on left side. This will be needed later on.
2A. (Step NOT NEEDED if all you want to do is restore LTE. This is used to flash ROGERS ROM if needed and enable Internet Connection Sharing) Downloaded Nokia Care Suite and configured it (see excellent details of steps involved at [Tutorial] Unbrand (flash) Nokia Windows Pho… | Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking | XDA Forums
3. Installed Fiddler (Fiddler2 from Telerik website to be precise).
4. Configure Fiddler to decrypt traffic (Tools --> Fiddler Options --> checkmark Decrypt HTTPS traffic
5. Install the certificate by clicking 'Fiddler.DefaultCerificateProvider' next to option in previous step.
6. In Fiddler, Click Rules --> Customize Rules and download and install Fiddler Script editor if prompted.
7. Close and Reopen Fiddler.
8. In Fiddler, Click Rules --> Customize Rules again.
9. The next step is based on a Product Code 059N5T3 in my case. Change the next step to use the product code that showed in STEP 2.
10. In the Rules Editor that opens, Search for 'static function OnBeforeRequest(oSession: Session)'. In the NEXT line add the following code -
if (oSession.HostnameIs("") && oSession.oRequest.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type","text/xml"))
// optional if your device is set to something other than RM-821. mine was already RM-820
// so i did not require it. change it to match your device, comment out this line or delete it out

// Replace the first product code with your actual device product code
11. Save the file using File--> Save
12. Close and Reopen Fiddler again to make sure Rule changes stick.
13. Download ProgramData content from Exiva's post (post #77 in this thread - ). Unzip the contents and place them under C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages so that it has the following two sub-folders -
14. If the product type in STEP 2 was RM-820, Copy contents of
15. Launch Nokia Software Recovery Tool and under Settings --> Network
Checkmark 'use manual proxy server settings'
Port: 8888
15. Close and restart Nokia Software Recovery Tool
16. Flash the phone and it will flash it to AT&T Developer ROM and restore LTE capability to radio. Enjoy your phone with LTE capability again.
17. To get Internet Sharing.
Use foreign SIM hack (search 'Lumia foreign SIM internet sharing'
Use Nokia Care Suite to flash the ROGERS ROM that has that capability (it still keeps LTE capability as well).
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Hi, can u tell me which product code have u used to get back ur LTE?
Your product type is RM-820 ?
The band for LTE in ur country is 700/1700 or what?

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