How about...
1) Make Power Settings reliable (e.g. it does what I tell it to do)
2) Stabilise the network stack so I don't have to reset my adapter every hour
3) Ridiculous Edge CPU and Memory usage
Counter point. I would like to see a large scale adoption of UWP. As the most used OSes in the world are now smart phone OSes, the userbase is already prepped and ready for these types of apps.
I personally give preferential treatment to apps developed on UWP as I enjoy the ease of use, lack of bloat, and easy updating.
I use Polarr over Lightroom
I use Sketchable over Photoshop even though the later is the industry standard that I've been using for over 20 years.
I use Windows Mail over Outlook 2016
I would like to see UWP expanded to allow for more advancement and improvement.
Of course, I use Windows 10 almost exclusively in tablet mode, so I'm clearly mad as a hatter.
Can't sync settings if pc on domain. Very irritating!
I agree. I'd like to uninstall Groove, Skype, Windows Mail, Xbox, Movies & TV, Edge, and other things I don't use.This is probably my top three things that irritate me concerning W10:
1. Why can I not select the default font, font size, font color in the Mail and Calendar or Outlook Mail apps rather than having to change it EVERY time I send an email? This drives me nuts!
2. Photos app needs a lot of attention. Having to go into OneDrive to disable the automatic photo albums creation is really slick MSFT., it took me months of searching to find that solution. Do you ever read the MSFT Community forums? If you did you would realize how unhappy your consumer users are with many issues that haven't been resolved for years!!! Photos has lost a lot of its editing functions, and those that remain are reduced in functionality.
3. My third pet peeve is this: If Microsoft proposes to give their "consumer" users the best experience possible in Windows 10, then why am I automatically signed into apps I do not want? With all the emphasis of late on cross-platform stuff, I especially find this rather confusing. Why am I being forced to have apps or services on my laptop that I don't use, or what if I actually prefer a competitor's app? Do I no longer have control over my own device? As an example, I do not wish to have Skype automatically sign me in to a Skype account every time I sign in to Outlook Mail, not to mention the drain on my computer's resources.
It would go a long way to help market MSFT if it was THE ecosystem that was truly cross-platform and let you choose which apps and services you wanted to use on your device that met your own productivity needs. What a concept! Today, people don't want to be tied to one eco-system.
MSFT should have a checklist on your accounts page that lets you the user, choose which MSFT apps and services you wish to have associated with your MSA, rather than turning all on by default with no way to uninstall those unwanted apps. (MSFT used to do this with Windows Live Essentials 2012 as there was a check list on that service). Users could then add any cross-platform apps to their device where they felt their needs were better met by apps on other eco-systems. With those choices added to their device along with their MSFT apps of choice then users would truly have a device that meets their own productivity needs.
I agree. I'd like to uninstall Groove, Skype, Windows Mail, Xbox, Movies & TV, Edge, and other things I don't use.
I definitely don't use UWP over others out of blind support for Microsoft's platform, but because they are faster, lighter, and easier to use. That is why I give them preference.i do not see the problem in using normal software to be honest. i do not use any UWP and to be honest i have no interest in using them. I certainly would not stop using better software just because they are not available in UWP.
i do not see Adobe sticking their software into the store, yes i know they have the cut down versions, but they are a pay once system.
the photo editing package I use Serif Affinity is now in the store, Serif will not allow people to change over, so even if i wanted to use the MS store version I would have to buy it.
Not that I am bothered, because once the software is installed it is installed and it is not difficult.
Windows Mail is awful, I had a look at it and used it for a week and went back to Thunderbird.
i can kind of understand why MS wants us to use UWP, first of all it makes them more money, it also protects people against rouge software, in theory and the software get updated quickly. But it is not for everyone.
Exactly. I have no use for anything related to Xbox.Not only the xbox app, that is only a front-end for the social stuff of the game client. I like to remove the whole client, but it is deep integrated into the os. All that can be made, is to turn off all the related options in settings and then disable the related services.