Dear Nokia, HURRY THE H-E-Double Hockey Stix UP, I WANT MY SEA RAY!
Poked around the Nokia site yesterday at the N9's, and well, I WANT ONE. So, if anyone from Nokia is reading this, do the right thing and hurry up and FedEx my Sea Ray to me so I can be the first kid on my block to have one.
Luckily, I'm eligible for a March 2012 upgrade right around the time they come out! My wife is eligible in November, and I may just have to accept her new phone on her behalf if someone puts something juicy out by then.
Poked around the Nokia site yesterday at the N9's, and well, I WANT ONE. So, if anyone from Nokia is reading this, do the right thing and hurry up and FedEx my Sea Ray to me so I can be the first kid on my block to have one.
Luckily, I'm eligible for a March 2012 upgrade right around the time they come out! My wife is eligible in November, and I may just have to accept her new phone on her behalf if someone puts something juicy out by then.