To begin with, The death of Windows Mobile would be devastation for me. I was a BB fan, tried android, was going back to Blackberry when I gave the kids favorite iPhone a try. Had a Lumia , {still have a heap of all cells, mint. Won't let go.) When I weighed them all for my personal use, I bought the 640xl, was going for 950xl, but after reading, torn between 950xl and Elite x3. Home desktop Windows 8.2, latitude 10 tablet Windows 10 cell. Alexa is running off all devices in my house. Xbox one, Hopper3, Alexa, & as said, tablet, cells, Pc's. Have tried many Os by diff companies. Death of Window's Mobile is unacceptable. Advertisement would boost sales. People are unaware of the birth of live tiles and many other functionality favs in other Os, officially BIRTHED BY WINDOWS AKA MICROSOFT.Windows Mobile Lover with Devout Loyalty.