when I login it shows this message
Looks to me like you didn't log into an account that is registered as a developer. Because I care so much :wink: I uninstalled the Preview for Developers app and reinstalled it to show you what it
should look like.
First screen. Tap next.
Second screen. Tap accept.
Next you will get the login screen, which I didn't post a screenshot of for obvious privacy reasons. After you login, you should see this screen (which does not match the screen you posted above):
After you check the checkbox, tap done.
Finally, you get the success message:
It seems obvious to me that whatever account you logged into the Preview for Developers app with is not an account that has been set up as a developer. You said your phone is unlocked. But that doesn't matter. This is a separate process. If your phone was unlocked by someone else's developer account (like my wife's is), you need that person to log into the Preview for Developers app in order to get the previews. Or you could just follow the directions in the very first post of this thread, create your own developer account, and you'll be all set.