Developer Preview Program - Please read first post before asking questions

Question: Does the preview uninstall the Cyan firmware? I mean using the preview is only WP firmware without what's installed in my phone? I have a Lumia 930.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

I did step 1 and 2 perfectly.
Step 3 is not happening for me. I cant get the small update (8.0.10532.166). Any suggestions ?
* i have been patient and read through all of the comments.none help me :(
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

Question: Does the preview uninstall the Cyan firmware? I mean using the preview is only WP firmware without what's installed in my phone? I have a Lumia 930.
If you have Cyan, you already have 8.1. So if you're looking for the new Update 1, the answer is no. In fact, nothing will uninstall Cyan once you get it, with the possible exception of Nokia's care suite which people use to take the preview off of their phones. I'm not sure if it rolls the firmware back or just the OS.

I did step 1 and 2 perfectly.
Step 3 is not happening for me. I cant get the small update (8.0.10532.166). Any suggestions ?
* i have been patient and read through all of the comments.none help me :(
So many unanswered questions..... First one is what phone do you have? I don't have the build numbers memorized, and right now I don't have time to look it up (I'm not on here as much as I used to be because I'm working full-time and also going to school full-time), but IIRC there were a few phones that didn't get that build, and therefore cannot be updated with the preview. I'm thinking maybe the 810, or the 720, maybe, but don't quote me on that.
Hopmedic i sent you private message last night. Don't think you got it. Oh, well....I give all the details.
My phone is Lumia 920. When i was trying to update it told me i already had the latest updates. Strange was that i couldn't find a setting from the "settings > theme > choose Start background photo" option. So i started researching.
I installed Nokia Software Updater for Retail on my PC. Connected my phone and the program updated my device to Lumia Black update.Core Build: 3051.40000.1349.10317 - OS version: 8.0.10517.150
I did my homework and what gave it away it was the OS version. I thought it was supposed to be 8.1 since Lumia 920 supported.Even found on nokia website a table were it showed all countries/phones/software versions.
I did the developer thing. In the meantime Guytronic Moderator sent me to your thread,here.
So I did the first 2 steps.Can not get to step 3.
What seems a bit strange to me is that after i tick the "DONE" button the app closes and that is it.It's installed on my phone ,and it does nothing. When i try to open it again it takes me through the same steps as before.Now i know something about computers,and once a software is installed correctly it doesn't ask you to go through the same steps over and over again.So i think something is wrong here.
Just to be clear i installed the "Preview for Developers" by Microsoft Corporation - the one with the icon as a door and the key in it .... right? That is the software we are all talking about .....
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With school and all, I'm generally only on WPCentral once a day or so anymore, so I prefer to answer the questions publicly, since they'll benefit more people that way. I did just see your PM, though. I'll just answer here, though.

Yes, that's the right app. The app won't look like it's doing anything. Once you sign in and check the checkbox (I don't remember if it is that order or the other way around), that's it. It's not going to do anything else. Just close the app, go back to Settings | Phone Update, and check for updates. That's where you should get the 8.1 preview from. Without the Preview for Developers app, you'll find nothing here. After installing and signing into the Preview app, you should find another update (or a few, at this point).

Since you don't have 8.0.10532.166, I think that's your hang-up. I'm pretty sure that is the build that is required for the preview to work, if I remember right. Unfortunately, I don't know why you're not getting it, or how you can get it. A quick search turned up this thread, though, and he resolved it in the second post.

If that doesn't work for you, search some more on that build number and preview, and see what else you find.

Hope this helps.
All i did was to go one more time through the dev app steps.once i clicked "done" again i immediately went to "phone updates" and it all worked just fine.
I now have OS: 8.10.14147.180
firmware: 3051.40000.1349.0007
Do you know a way for me to send an idea to Microsoft about Nokia phones.And at the same time i want it to be branded.I think it's a great idea and i don't want somebody else to steel it .So if there gonna use it,i want to be recognised as the one that came up with it first.
All i did was to go one more time through the dev app steps.once i clicked "done" again i immediately went to "phone updates" and it all worked just fine.
I now have OS: 8.10.14147.180
firmware: 3051.40000.1349.0007
Do you know a way for me to send an idea to Microsoft about Nokia phones.And at the same time i want it to be branded.I think it's a great idea and i don't want somebody else to steel it .So if there gonna use it,i want to be recognised as the one that came up with it first.

I don't know of any contacts to send them a private message. If it is a great idea, patent it, and then talk to them. If all you really want is recognition, perhaps someone on the WPCentral staff would be willing to pass along your idea.
My 920 is running the Developer Preview, and I installed the updates that rolled out in the past couple of weeks.

Why does the phone still show Lumia Black?
My 920 is running the Developer Preview, and I installed the updates that rolled out in the past couple of weeks.

Why does the phone still show Lumia Black?
Because the firmware running on your phone is Black. Microsoft stopped sending the Cyan firmware out to users on the preview because of bricking problems on phones that use BitLocker (phones in enterprise systems).
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

hey, I opened the developer app and all it shows me is that "Only phones with OS versions newer than or equal to 8.0.10322.71 can enroll in the preview for developers program".
Go to settings> Phone update to get the latest update for your phone.
Everyone seems to be getting their updates except me. please I need help
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

hey, I opened the developer app and all it shows me is that "Only phones with OS versions newer than or equal to 8.0.10322.71 can enroll in the preview for developers program".
Go to settings> Phone update to get the latest update for your phone.
Everyone seems to be getting their updates except me. please I need help
You don't say what version you have, nor what phone you have. I do recall that there was at least one phone that would not get the update necessary, and I'm thinking it was the 810, but I could be wrong. Maybe the 720. It's been a while... But without more information, we can't really help you.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

We have 3 Lumia 822's in our household and have been patiently waiting for the 8.1 update from Verizon. We found out last week that we won't get the update until we all have Cyan. We weren't familiar with Cyan so that took a bit of research, but it looks like without Cyan we can't get 8.1? So I called verizon and tech support told me that the 8.1 update is still in "testing" with Verizon and has been since April. He said his research does not provide any ETA for the update but he was able to confirm that 8.1 is NOT "compatible" with Lumia. Does this make sense to anyone here?

We're tempted to try the Developer Preview Program but I searched this thread for "822" and only saw one post. ONE! Are there no 822 users on here that have successfully downloaded (and are using) the DP?

I appreciate any information at this point. We love our Windows Phones but if carriers aren't going to support them, we may have to jump ship to Android. (We would NEVER jump to iOS!!)
You talked with someone who answered the question using ignorance as a source. Of course it is compatible. I installed the preview on my wife's 822 the day the preview became available. I'm also running it on my Icon, though I can't remember which came first, the Icon or the preview. Either way, I've had the preview since launch date on either the Icon or my 928 before it, and I'll never look back to 8.0.
"I've read the rules."

I used the Preview for Developer program in the past, when I was using a Lumia 925 branded to T-MoUS. I enjoyed the program and the opportunities it provided. I did my research and signed up.

When I purchased a 1520.3, I got that phone for use during an extended vacation. I went with official firmware so as not to be surprised during said travels and to have a stable device without worrying about incoming updates that consume time and are not optimized. I've not bothered to get back on P4D. It's not because I don't see the value in the program.

However, I do question the value of how many are now getting on the program and their lack of understanding what the Preview for Developers initiative is all about... Many on this forum appear to be qualified and actively conscientious participants. From what I see in threads though, there is a growing number who are signing up simply because they can and under mistaken beliefs about what the program does and does not do. For instance, many get on P4D looking for the next Firmware update earlier than general release.

I have to disagree with the OP wherein it states that the P4D is not Beta Testing. It looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck. P4D is where the rubber meets the road. It is a shakedown, testing the advances in the core OS against real world use and preparatory to tweaks needed for general release. It may be an advanced Beta, but it smells like Beta to me; no matter what Microsoft has said on the topic. I think they made a PR move in that regard, trying to avoid any stigma that might attach to the term Beta Test and also to attract as many testers as possible. The threshold for entry is remarkably open.

Many seem to get on the Preview for Developers and not know what to do... Why is my battery draining faster, being a common example. Some users are simply unprepared mentally for what enrollment and use of the Preview may do to their device. They look at it as a shortcut to getting updates and that is entirely the wrong mindset to have. It's only minimally about, "Hey, look at me. I got this cool new feature before everyone else." Yet that seems to be the majority reason for enrolling in the program; rather than helping test the new advances and properly documenting issues and identifying fixes. To be fair, many with these skill sets are out on this forum and I applaud them. They have helped a lot of stumblers and casual users who should not be involved in the P4D as they are not applying the right mindset to the program.

With that in mind - it is my opinion that any entering into the Preview for Developers program should keep in mind this advice paraphrased from webOS Internals. If you are not prepared to observe and adhere to the following then at least keep in mind that you were warned beforehand:

  1. Anyone participating in Preview for Developers testing of any kind must be prepared to fully erase and factory reset their device at a moment's notice without warning and without any regrets or complaints.
  2. They must be prepared to and able to navigate complex menu trees when instructed to do so. Knowing these menu trees ahead of time is preferred, but not required if you are willing to learn them when necessary or can follow instructions without making mistakes.
  3. They must be prepared to go to great and extraordinary lengths to try and reliably reproduce any problems they encounter.
  4. They must give full and detailed bug reports, leaving out no piece of information which could possibly be remotely connected to the problem.
  5. They must read any and all documentation and forums threads (in their entirety) before asking a question.
  6. They must fastidiously follow the forum threads where the Preview for Developers testing is being discussed, and follow precisely any instructions given there.
  7. They will never post sign up and use instructions anywhere, but will always refer others directly to the documentation provided through this forum using only the links provided here: All you need to know about the Windows Phone 8.1 'Preview for Developers' | Windows Central OR
  8. When asking for help, they will include the phrase (which may change occasionally) "I've read the rules". Failure to include the phrase will result in the request for help being silently ignored.
Re: Developer Preview Program - What Exactly Is It?

I just applied and paid $20 to be a registered developer and downloaded the preview for developer app on my phone, but when I sign into it, it keeps telling me I have to be a registered developer. Anyone else have this issue? Am I missing something? Do I have to wait for my registration to get into the system? Apologies if this has been asked and answered already.
While I agree with most everything you say, I do have to say that this is incorrect. Now that we have history to look at, we can know that this was not a beta release, because the build number that was released in the wild was the same build number that was released in the preview. So while I agree with all of your comments about beta software use, this is not and was not at any time a beta release. :wink:
I have to disagree with the OP wherein it states that the P4D is not Beta Testing. It looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck. P4D is where the rubber meets the road. It is a shakedown, testing the advances in the core OS against real world use and preparatory to tweaks needed for general release. It may be an advanced Beta, but it smells like Beta to me; no matter what Microsoft has said on the topic. I think they made a PR move in that regard, trying to avoid any stigma that might attach to the term Beta Test and also to attract as many testers as possible. The threshold for entry is remarkably open.
Is the Preview for Developers program(8.1) dead ?? Now that preview for Windows 10 is out (Windows Insider app)...
No reply.. so this thread is dead and I guess Developer Preview Program is also dead .....

Have to find out now if the Windows Phone 10 preview is safe to download on my Lumia 925....

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