"I've read the rules."
I used the Preview for Developer program in the past, when I was using a Lumia 925 branded to T-MoUS. I enjoyed the program and the opportunities it provided. I did my research and signed up.
When I purchased a 1520.3, I got that phone for use during an extended vacation. I went with official firmware so as not to be surprised during said travels and to have a stable device without worrying about incoming updates that consume time and are not optimized. I've not bothered to get back on P4D. It's not because I don't see the value in the program.
However, I do question the value of how many are now getting on the program and their lack of understanding what the Preview for Developers initiative is all about... Many on this forum appear to be qualified and actively conscientious participants. From what I see in threads though, there is a growing number who are signing up simply because they can and under mistaken beliefs about what the program does and does not do. For instance, many get on P4D looking for the next Firmware update earlier than general release.
I have to disagree with the OP wherein it states that the P4D is not Beta Testing. It looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck. P4D is where the rubber meets the road. It is a shakedown, testing the advances in the core OS against real world use and preparatory to tweaks needed for general release. It may be an advanced Beta, but it smells like Beta to me; no matter what Microsoft has said on the topic. I think they made a PR move in that regard, trying to avoid any stigma that might attach to the term Beta Test and also to attract as many testers as possible. The threshold for entry is remarkably open.
Many seem to get on the Preview for Developers and not know what to do... Why is my battery draining faster, being a common example. Some users are simply unprepared mentally for what enrollment and use of the Preview may do to their device. They look at it as a shortcut to getting updates and that is entirely the wrong mindset to have. It's only minimally about, "Hey, look at me. I got this cool new feature before everyone else." Yet that seems to be the majority reason for enrolling in the program; rather than helping test the new advances and properly documenting issues and identifying fixes. To be fair, many with these skill sets are out on this forum and I applaud them. They have helped a lot of stumblers and casual users who should not be involved in the P4D as they are not applying the right mindset to the program.
With that in mind - it is my opinion that any entering into the Preview for Developers program should keep in mind
this advice paraphrased from webOS Internals. If you are not prepared to observe and adhere to the following then at least keep in mind that you were warned beforehand:
- Anyone participating in Preview for Developers testing of any kind must be prepared to fully erase and factory reset their device at a moment's notice without warning and without any regrets or complaints.
- They must be prepared to and able to navigate complex menu trees when instructed to do so. Knowing these menu trees ahead of time is preferred, but not required if you are willing to learn them when necessary or can follow instructions without making mistakes.
- They must be prepared to go to great and extraordinary lengths to try and reliably reproduce any problems they encounter.
- They must give full and detailed bug reports, leaving out no piece of information which could possibly be remotely connected to the problem.
- They must read any and all documentation and forums threads (in their entirety) before asking a question.
- They must fastidiously follow the forum threads where the Preview for Developers testing is being discussed, and follow precisely any instructions given there.
- They will never post sign up and use instructions anywhere, but will always refer others directly to the documentation provided through this forum using only the links provided here: All you need to know about the Windows Phone 8.1 'Preview for Developers' | Windows Central OR http://forums.windowscentral.com/wi...-read-first-post-before-asking-questions.html
- When asking for help, they will include the phrase (which may change occasionally) "I've read the rules". Failure to include the phrase will result in the request for help being silently ignored.