Trying to register for a dev account through AppStudio but I only get to the registration process which costs $19 for an individual account. What is the process to get a free dev account? Thanks.
If I am running the developer preview. When I receive the official update from my carrier, can I remove myself from getting dev preview updates in the future? Because once I have the official, I dont know why I would want to keep getting the other updates. I am a new user so forgive me if I am off base, I am coming from 5years of Android.
Yeah you can stop getting developers updates via unchecking the box in preview app
Since a new update just came out. Is it normal for it not to show on my phone right away when I check for updates?
Got the latest update today and now my cellular isn't working! Can't use my phone as a phone or off of Wi-Fi at all!
Read today that WP8.1 Dev. Prev. users who have contributed free bug fixes &reports for MS will not receive official Cyan update as this had broken some Bitlocker enabled phones! MS should acknowledge dev pre users and prioritise Cyan rollout to them and ensure Bitlocked phones are fixed.
Sorry, haven't replied until now. I've got an at&t 1520. For some reason it fried my SIM card. I know it's always a risk, and I always would remove them before flashing roms on my HD2, but this was the first time I've actually had it happen.What device do you have? That sounds awful
People consider (and I did this myself) the Developer Preview to be BETA version of the OS. This is not the case. When we get a Developer Preview, we are getting the FULL RTM BITS for the CORE OS.
Is developer preview back up to install? I have to send my icon back to Verizon and get a new one. I want to put it back on