Die hard windows fans


New member
Mar 23, 2015
Only if two things happen.

1. Microsoft stops updating Windows Mobile 10 (or)
2. I cannot afford the next iteration of Windows/Surface Phone.

If either of these two things happen, I am reluctantly switching to Android.


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Mar 1, 2015
Sticking with my Lumia 950 for now, but I'm not enjoying it as much anymore and will be upgrading to the Nokia 8 once it releases in the US (not a Nokia ****** but that phone looks superb).


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Aug 11, 2017
My lumia 950 started giving up the ghost a few months ago. after much debate I switched to the galaxy S8+. I hate it. it isn't nearly as user friendly as the 950. the camera is better and the apps are nice. I wish Microsoft would give some direction with their windows mobile direction. Hardware is what killed it for me. they keep cutting instead of improving things like the band. They don't even sell the lumia's on their site any longer. I long for the days of a real windows on mobile device that blows these others out of the water. I have all 3 OS devices and the windows is by far the better system and easiest to use. Yes it lacks in a few areas but those could be overcome easily with a little effort by Microsoft.

Roger Harrison

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Jan 15, 2014
Ive had enough - I'm leaving next week - got a note 8 on order. I love my windows phone, and live tiles - but windows 10 is a mess, and there is no app support and apps are being pulled daily. I spend HOURS keeping on top of a phone laptop desktop and surface PCs - too many things go wrong to often - life is too short - sort your s**t out Microsoft


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May 28, 2015
I'm a die hard Windows phone fan. I'm using L950 as my primary device all day long with L435 as my backup phone. I really love the OS, using this for the past 3 years and got apps which I need th most. I do have some battery issues with my phone but still I cant give up. I wont give up with windows phonefor sure. Still hope Microsoft will do better builts, upgrades to this platform. For me Windows is always bigger than Android as well as iOS. WP10 ❤


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May 15, 2017
I've had the Lumia 920, 930, 950 and just bought the HP Elite X3 and will never switch to any other OS. I'm doing well without all these apps. I want a safe and fast phone. Better with a safe and fast OS than all these apps and an unsure and slow phone.


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Sep 28, 2011
As much as I love windows phone, unfortunately Satya Nadella doesn't despite making certain promises that he never intended on keeping, however, the only way I will switch is if Microsoft gives me a voucher refunding the money I spent buying the Lumia 950. Satya doesn't know anything outside of Azure, windows, and office and is as single sighted Ballmer was, however Ballmer saw the errors he made in the past and began working to alleviate them by entering the mobile arena again with Nokia. Satya has now come in and put Microsoft back to ground zero in mobile which is where they were prior to the Nokia deal and he is alienating the two OEM's willing to make windows phones (Acer & HP). I don't this he's doing as great a job as some want to portray; Azure, Windows, Office, 365, Hololens and Xbox were all pre-existing prior to him being appointed CEO.

tale 85

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Apr 8, 2015
My Windows Phones will be around for a while. Especially my Idol 4S, at least 15 months longer @19.95 a month.

I can't say I'm as enthusiastic about Windows Mobile as I was last year. My "Daily Driver" has become a G6 and my Idol is just following along with the Fast Ring more out of habit. I've been a Insider since the 640 came out and it's hard not to keep up with what's happening in the community (obviously I'm still here). I guess I'll be riding out Windows 10 Mobile until "The Next Big Thing" comes around. At that point....? Who knows.

There are too many things happening in the smartphone world to wait around to see what Microsoft is going to do. I'll keep up to date with the new builds, but at the same time, explore the new toys as they come out. Except for maybe Apple.... Can't quite go there.


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Sep 18, 2013
I am very happy with my 950 (feature2 FR). I recently manually updated the store and Skype app and now battery drain seems to have resolved itself. Getthing through a day easily.

The experience is good and W10M has so many "on board" apps that actually not many are needed (contrary to Android). I also have a cheap Chinese Android phone to play with, the experience and ease of use is better. Just the OS is so crappy.

For now I will stay with the 950 till it breaks and then will most likely move to an Android device. By then Android8 should be broadly available with the first updates and new cheapo devices.

Scienceguy Labs

Active member
Jun 13, 2012
Lurking just outside of the lighted circle, Aximtreo is crying under a tree. Seems he keeps selling his windows phone only to realize that he misses it very much. He looks down at the LG V20 he just purchased a few days ago and wonders what could have been. He slowly takes the SIM card out and puts it in the iPhone 6s+ that he has for no other reason than to say he is an iSheep. A look of anguish comes over his face when he looks at what he holds in his hand and does not see Live Tiles and that beautiful home screen.

A thought suddenly comes to his old and feeble mind; hey, CL and Swappa just might have something that can make live a bit more tolerable. So off he goes to his trusty Dell Laptop and begins the search; again for the umpthteen time. So goes the life of a spoiled Windows Phone user. "sigh".
That's pretty funny. I can totally relate. Ha ha


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Apr 12, 2015
I use my 950 daily and just recently its battery died. For two weeks I had to use a Samsung and couldn't believe how bad it was compared to all the hype. Thankfully I am back on my 950.


Feb 18, 2015
Already did about a week ago.

One day perhaps if Microsoft ever proves themselves I might come back.

But I most certainly wont be jumping back on board until they have proven to have a solid, well planned, and successful strategy.

Vincent McLaughlin

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Jun 3, 2014
I've been using my Lumia 950XL for about two years. I have the 1520 that now only works as a camera and tablet purposes. Unfortunately, it doesn't work well as a phone. I've been with Windows phone since the beginning. I will stick it out, until my phone stops working or MS comes out with something work buying. I will admit, I've been looking at the Note 8 and it's a lovely phone. To bad it doesn't have Windows10 on it. But, if I have to switch, the Note 8 will be it. I'm not a fan of Android, other than the fact that you can find apps. It's not bad, I just prefer the look and feel of Windows 10, especially the start screen.

John Walsh3

New member
Apr 19, 2014
I already have, when my 950XL dies I will likely be on Android as I hate Apple. MS lost me and I can't see any reason to have any faith in them. The same goes for the mixed reality... Worse in about every way for about the same price. Oh, but I can sit in my virtual of office and get my work done... NOT!

I've had Windows phone since 6.5 and they not only dropped the ball but they don't even know what one looks like.


Aug 8, 2013
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I'm not gonna give up either, I'm on this device until something better with Windows 10 comes or it dies, and if it dies, I'll buy one of the newer handsets like the Elite or the Idol Pro.

Never had a real problem with the app gap.

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