Die hard windows fans

I'm moving on. As of last week, my most useful app, MoBuget Pro has stopped working. It's not even in the store anymore. It's time.
I would not call myself die hard, because I will use the best tool for the job. I just so think that windows phone has too many useful features to ignore. Continuum is one such feature, but probably not appealing to most users. But for me, it is new ground breaking.

Unfortunately, advanced features such as this compromise robustness.But that is fine, I can deal with it.
Verizon is my carrier, so pragmatically I've moved on. Spiritually though, can't help but be a fan. I still keep my Icon as a wifi device just 'cause reasons. It's such a great bit of hardware and ran the OS well.

When you get the opportunity to show it around, people are truly interested. It seems there's a genuine, not insignificant, segment of users out there that are looking for a 3rd way. The concepts and operation of Windows 10/Phone/Mobile appeals to them. And then you get to the apps black hole.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I'm currently rocking a galaxy s8, but i haven't given up on windows.

My son is using my Lumia 950 because he lost his phone.
I really hate Android. The number of severe issues far outweighs the app gap issue

Laggy, horrible typing and auto correction, android is a mess even on the newest and best phone
Have been with a Windows phone for 6 years over 3 phones. Even had a Surface RT when they came out and a Band 2. As there are no new consumer phones I am seriously considering switching to an Android (self Christmas present). The battery life is a large concern for me now (might remove insider builds and hope). I will miss the novelty of live tiles but hopefully widgets will fill this gap. The band will retain most of it's functionality (even with it's 20hr battery life after hiking update). The app gap has never bothered me, but the effort put into Microsoft apps on other OS appears more than on their native OS. I love wordflow but swype will do (can't wait to use it on a PC). Finally as a UK user, I want to use the NFC on my phone for payments :(
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I haven't given up on Windows phone, but Windows phone (Microsoft) gave up on me.

By the way, I'm on Verizon with a 4 year old 8.1 phone. Waiting for it to finally die and then I will have to decide which direction to go.
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And the apps black hole continues to grow larger. When my wife's Icon started having battery issues and rebooting if she took more than one picture I told her she could go with another OS if she wanted (although it hurt me to say that). Instead she said she would rather move to ATT and use my idle 950XL. We are sticking with WM and hopefully my X3 lives until the so called ultimate mobile device appears.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I don't see an app gap for my usage, I find that mobile web sites for most apps are just fine like facebook, most forums, news, weather, amazon, ebay. etc... The apps I do use are also quite good, like audiobooked, Delta, Fidelity, gasbuddy etc... I just purchased s new 950 and spare battery so I should be good for a while. I also have 2 640's I got for new $26 and a 640XL my wife gave up when she moved to iphone. I can hold out for quite a while, I don't see me ever going to iphone and I am not a fan of Android but if I have to I will.
Unfortunately there's nothing to give up on. I like my 950XL and it does everything I need. The problem is there's no viable Windows device after this so it'll be off to Android when I finally decide to replace my device. I did not give up on Windows Mobile. It gave up on me.
Use Lumia 950XL as primary. Have a ZTE Zmax Pro only to run the Moviepass app. That's basically the only thing missing for my tastes.
Yea! This happens to me sometimes. My phone will be freezed. Then I use the hard key combo to reboot. I hope you dont have any battery issues. Im facing the issue really bad. My charge drops fast when I switch on the wifi/ mobile data.
My Cricket Lumia 650 broke, and it's easier for me to buy a phone directly through them, so I went with a LG X Charge and have had it for about a week. It was a shock at first, but I absolutely love the phone now. I know, I can't believe I'm saying this. But I've turned off Google services (no gmail even, it just manages my app installs) and have everything running through MSFT. My lock screen, app launcher, email and calendar, keyboard, Cortana (full voice assistant integration), and Groove apps are all made by Microsoft and they work even better on Android.

I was really worried about switching, and the phone is very different, but it makes me excited to see just how well MSFT has adapted to the platform, and how open Google has left it. The only Google product I use (because I'm forced to) is the maps and navigation, and - I have to admit it - they complete blow Bing maps out of the water. Really, really, really good navigation features.

I can't see going back to Windows phone unless something incredible happens, but I'm still a complete MSFT fan and very happy with my MSFT Android experience. If you're forced to switch and scared, just start browsing all the MSFT apps and their reviews in the Google Play store.
The utility of any phone is quite longer than most people realize. My daughter is still using a second hand iPhone 5. I like my 950. However, the camera on my 928 was better because of the Lumia apps. Really sorry these did not carry over to the 950. I recently bought the Idol 4S for $199 from the Windows Store. I figure the Snapdragon 820 is better than the snapdragon 805 in my 950. I prefer the 950 iris scanner over the finger print reader on the Idol. Neither are very good. The iris reader requires you to put the phone uncomfortably close to your face. The fingerprint reader on the Idol seems awkward when you also have to power on the device. Besides, what is so hard in tapping in 4 digits? The speakers on the Idol are pretty good. The camera is inferior to the 950. Is that because of the software controlling the camera? Optics? Just started using Groove. Now my wife's iPhone and my windows phone can share the same account and work offline. Plus we can manage this through the PC at home. A big plus for my wife. Now if I can only convince her to use Outlook on her iPhone then we can share our calendars.

Which brings us all to the simple reality. iPhones and Android devices are everywhere. Our friends and family use them. Thus, we have a difficult time using the phones to stay connected to them. Will Microsoft's effort to port apps into these ecosystems improve our connections with friends and family?

By the way, Grammarly edge extension is great. Everyone should start using them. I am dyslexic. When I started using Word with the grammar and spell check in the late 80s, my writing became better and better. There are many non-native speakers out there in the world. Comment sections are littered with poor writing. Grammarly will help all of us improve our communication skills. I am not ready to pay a fee for the more advanced options, but for those with poor English writing skills, I would suggest they pay the annual premium and consider it a great English writing teacher at a low cost. After a year, you will be a much better English writer.
Windows phone,makes me to love phones.Android ofered me a bad experience.a phone with specs like lumia 640 works terible.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I'm busy dying inside waiting for the end. I don't want to go back to using Android or Ios. I've been there and am extremely happy with moving to Windows phone and how it works/syncs so well with PC windows. The app gap is acceptable as long as there are alternate apps. I'm a dance instructor and use it to manage a dance school and non profit so the office 365 sync is great. I even am trying to move away from using any google products.
I'll never give up on Windows Phone/Mobile. It's the best!
My guess to its failure to proliferate is poor marketing and Microsoft haters.
There's no universe where I use iPhone or Android. I still have a Lumia 920 (although battery life is almost nonexistent now), a Lumia 640 (which still works great, but is REALLY a cheap throwaway phone), a Lumia 950 (which I use as a backup and just for seeing what they're doing with W10M) and my Lumia 1020 is still my primary device. I have both the charging shell AND the camera shell for it. It's still running WP8.1, thankfully. I expect that the 1020 will stop charging at some point, in which case I'll switch to the 950 as primary until it dies and, if it's still running, the 640 until it dies. At that point, if there's no phone using Windows OS, I'll just switch to a flip phone with tethering capability and always have my Surface Pro around.
I used to be such a person, but alas I now use a Moto z2 force edition. I'm finding Anrdoid limited in terms of functionality in some areas (ironically). I'm not sure if it's just my fingerprint security or what, but I'm finding Anrdoid won't read incoming texts over Bluetooth like what used to just happen with Cortana. Obviously I also miss skype sms relay (which was awesome, despite the nay sayers) and it turns out that while you can make Cortana your default assistant presently google prevents Cortana from launching via Bluetooth or headset command.

Some of this will eventually clear up, I'm hopeful MS will fix googles mistake and make Cortana read incoming texts, and google will hopefully be required to allow launching of any agent via Bluetooth. But there are some nice things that are just lost.

That said, what is gained is much more in my estimation. I have a slew of new hardware to choose from, and assured continued support of the platform and the apps on it. Android isn't a terrible choice for ex-windows phone, but if you want the "it just works" aspect we enjoyed then apple is the way to go. With the understanding that you won't be replacing Siri with Cortana.

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