Die hard windows fans

Continuum would be nice if it worked with 720p TVs that most hotel rooms have. I don't even bother to take my screen beam with me anymore.
I'll be staying for all the reasons stated in the article. On top of that, I love that my apps for the most part are universally available after just one purchase, I'm loving continuum, and I really don't like using Android devices. Tried one before getting my first Windows Phone 8 device and it was a constant pain. It also only ever got one update and it was an HTC when they were a big player. For a 'dead' platform my Windows devices get constantly updated. Seems like for all their faults MS still support 'dead' devices far more than Android devices are supported by their manufacturers. Honestly, if my 950XL breaks I'll switch back to my 930. The only thing that might draw me away if things get really abandoned by MS (you know, updates fall to the state that new Android devices get or some such dire level) would be another Windows device like a new handset or a tablet with 4G (heck, I'd even tether if needed to an old style phone). Apple? No, because they really push the ecosystem and I'm not going Mac as it costs a mint for very low spec for the money.

Nope, it's Windows phones for me or smart phones can go hang. I'd rather have none than go for the others. As the man says:
Sadly I won’t be able run my Lumia 730 of nearly three years for long as its battery is on its last legs and I cannot get an original replacement battery for my phone. I went to the local Microsoft Care and contacted B2X who are the official support for Lumia devices in India and they said that they are unable to procure parts from Microsoft as production of smartphones and spare parts have ceased since March 2017. They advised me to buy a counterfeit battery, which I did from Ebay and it turned out to be a dud (takes 5+ hours to charge and gets stuck at 77%).

Battery woes aside, I am miffed at Microsoft for being selective towards releases. For example since the Lumia 730 bears the Nokia logo they did not release the Creators Update for the phone which they did for all the phones with Microsoft brand name. App developers are continuing their exodus from the platform except for the ones who have use for their desktop app such as Saavn.

It was never about app gap for me as I was in Windows Phone for its hardware, camera and UI. They have now completely ignored the platform. It is increasingly becoming difficult for me to justify using and recommending Windows Phone to anyone as I am feeling disheartened regarding attitude of Microsoft towards Nokia.
Finally the reason why Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile lost their appeal in India is because none of them supported VoLTE which is being offered by Jio which gives free calls anywhere across the country and free apps for streaming music, TV and magazines none of which are available on Windows. I have purchased a refurbished Moto E and a JioFi device to take advantage of Jio.

I suppose this will be the last year I use my Windows 10 Mobile equipped Lumia 730.
Re: Die h4ard windows fans

Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

Yes, I'm keeping mine to the end.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

Same as me i love the the way Windows mobile works , its easier , i am so used to use it and i like it that it is impossible to change. So what i do when a need some applications is use my hotspot and use the application on the android phone that i have if its necessary! But i can not use android .
Some times android looks nice to the eye, but is not intuitive, settings is a pain too.
About Iphones well sometimes old family members want to do something and the ask me , and well i don't get how can a phone just have one botton , and the on screen bottons are at the wrong place. I don't really care about Ios.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
already got my 930 fixed so ill take it as far as it goes....if no other options become available in the future than ill be forced to change
I just took advantage of the big sale at the Microsoft store and ordered an Idol 4S. I figure that will last long enough for Microsoft to reveal once and for all whether they're going to be a significant player in the mobile market. If I don't see positive signs by the end of next year, my next device will be an Android.
I have same feelings about Windows Phones. I simply love the OS. I tried to switch to Android bu buying Nokia 5...but it felt like I was using Windows 98...boring icons, boring themes/launchers etc. I am willing to use web browser for websites with no Windows apps...almost all websites are mobile friendly these days...


PS: I bought a new Lumia 950 XL last week
Tried one before getting my first Windows Phone 8 device and it was a constant pain. It also only ever got one update and it was an HTC when they were a big player. For a 'dead' platform my Windows devices get constantly updated. Seems like for all their faults MS still support 'dead' devices far more than Android devices are supported by their manufacturers.
On the other hand, I guess it might be better if we got one or two updates per year, and to have more stable software. I think that most people are actually bothered by these monthly updates which don't bring anything new actually, and it takes them ages to fix some issues.

Right now Edge manages RAM quite bad, and just remember how it took them almost a year to fix the problem with the Calendar live tile. So one could say what's the use of these updates...

On the other hand, I do prefer it this way for myself more than getting new software versions six to eight months later.

Sent from mTalk on Windows phone
I gave up. I was an Android fan before falling in love with 8.1 and purchased a Pixel. It was not an easy decision for me but the beginning of the end for me was Chase no longer supporting their app. If it was just Chase, I would figured out a work around, but it was the last in a long line of apps that were no longer supported. The real kicker, however, is my HTC One M8 was removed from the Windows 10 upgrade list. People tell me it was an HTC call but whatever; I loved that freaking phone and I could not see myself spending $500 on the new Win 10 Phones. I know the prices dropped pretty fast, but I was already out the door. I run my own business and rely on mobile for a lot of my work and I just could not wait for Windows to come around and catch up. I also do not want to carry multiple phones around... I understand people who are in the business need to, but for the majority of us, we just want one phone that can do what we need and Windows 8.1 was not doing it for me anymore.

I will come running back if they ever get their crap together. It's too bad too; I am a huge Microsoft fan and live just 5 minutes from their Redmond headquarters.
The app gap has never been an issue for me.

I'm not a big app user, maps, music, messaging and internet access are really all I need. I'm not currently, interested in banking on my phone nor paying via my phone.

The only app I use and would miss is WhatsApp (only because all my friends use it).

For me the UI is king. I've played with Android and iOS and they both feel poorly designed and thought through. iOS to me feels like a Fisher Price toy, designed for children, lacking any sophistication. Android just feels inconsistent in look and feel.

Running a battered 930 with Windows 10 Mobile but not insider as I found it ran slower than the final update (since Lumia 930s don't get any more updates).
I have an extra line for Android (more on my Zenfone 2 later in this post) for the reasons you mentioned about apps, etc. But I am heavily invested in the MS ecosystem and prefer it to competitors' offerings . I use my Alcatel Idol Pro for every thing I can, and Android really only for the app support. I hate iOS and Android OS on a personal level and think W10M and live tiles are a better more refined and professional look and more intuitive flow. Google docs for business is way inferior to office365 and Ape tools is just a joke at this point especially when office is now on Android and iOS. But, It still saddens me that some apps are better on android "Windows Central" is one of them... (the W10M app is terrible in comparison and crashes on me often). Even some MS apps are better on iOS and Android. But I expect that to change when W10ARM launches, mainly because they will be the real app for PC and mobile PC that does telephony.

Since 2006 I wanted a real computer capable OS in my pocket. When I got my first smartphone of the PPC/WindowsCE era, the Samsung i730, instead of my PPC Dell Axiom handheld WM2003 upgraded to WM5 (that could run a PSX emulator, which I used to play FFVII way before mobile gaming was anything more than bejeweled and sudoku). The Dell had a graffiti pad that had wifi only and would download my email to. This made me crave a full Windows OS computer, I never wanted a Windows Smartphone. I wanted Windows XP/7 like the OQO (was an awesome UMPC sadly that failed, but at least they got new jobs at Razer) with mobile internet and phone calls and then docking station to be my PC way back in 2007. With UWP and Continuum I believe it will finally happen.

But lord knows if MS will make it big enough a deal to entice people away from iPad and Android tablets. People are too heavily invested now. I have purchased many apps that I do not want to have to repurchase again on Android or find a suitable alternative app on a competing platform.

I was so against Android, the only reason I have one now, as I mentioned above is because it is an ASUS Zenfone 2, with an Intel ATOM processor. and I did the root and virtualization method at XDA developers to run a full version of Windows 10 on my phone. Now this android phone is also my Windows 10 tablet. I use it for android apps that aren't on windows... And as an atom tablet that can use DLNA to my Xbox and act almost like continuum... Almost. I am just waiting for W10ARM to finally get what I have wanted for 10 years and be a reality.
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I'm in a similar boat. I have all the apps I need, the UI of this OS is still more appealing to me than anything else out there. I have used recent android phones and iPhones, and the stability and user speed they have is definitely something that makes me think of switching, but I stick to my 950 XL because while not as blazing fast as the other phones, in and of itself it works damned well. And until last 6 months it was quite comparable to most other devices. I love the UI, the OS. The hardware, while some may not like, is actually quite reliable. I have had 2 water related accidents with this phone and it survived (after waiting for a month for it to dry).. I did lose the iris scanner because of this, no problems otherwise. The camera and display are still stellar (the camera feels super slow now, but I work with it). So yeah, not perfect, but it's something more desirable to me, I am here to stay until something new comes or if the 950 fails unexpectedly.. (sorry for the strange rant). I don't hate or dislike other OSes, I just prefer windows mobile
I have tried other platforms but still I am stuck with my Lumias. I have had different versions of them and I really like my 950. The camera has been very good and even compared Huawei P10 or iPhone 6 Lumia takes better macro photos and the 20 Mpixels gives so much more details in general pohotos too.

Windows Mobile 10 has better integrated file management system than Android or iOS and many settings are also easier to find etc. How easy it is to create draft text messages and come back later for finalizing...but is it that simple in Android - no, you can't do that at all!!! Or can you pin your favorite contacts with photos to your home screen in iOS? No you can't! And these examples are only few of them... :)

So I will keep my Lumias!

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