Re: Waiting room for W10:4 days to go:
I guess it's the only logical thing for every one to expect great things from W10 since it is a major release.
I expect the same functionalities increment we had with WP7->WP8 ... nothing less. Even WP8.1 brought a lot of new functionalities and it would be really a shame if W10 would only bring custom background + interactive Tiles.
It is time for Microsoft to start fullfilling the expectations they create when they speak of ONE WINDOWS (to rule them all).
I agree. Certainly, they can't make everyone happy, but Windows Phone 10 has to be huge. A few things off the top of my head: Metro 2.0 needs to have an updated visual style - as awesome as it was in 2010, it's getting a bit long in tooth. But more importantly, it needs to have powerful functionality like interactive tiles. The lock screen customization needs to be more sophisticated than simply updating a picture (the ability to add music controls, etc). The maps need to be legit Bing Maps, like the Preview app on big Windows, not the reskinned version of HERE maps that we have now... with alternate routes, and an intuitive interface. Skype should be their version of Hangouts, maybe as the default messaging app, handling even SMS. Have some really, truly useful, gotta-have-it synergy between big Windows and Windows Phone - something akin to Continuity on Apple's side. Even simple things like, when editing an appointment in the calendar, autosuggest places as I type in the location field. No more "resuming..." screens and unreliable multitasking. And seriously, fix the Xbox Music app so that it's not just passable, but actually a beautiful, fast, wonderful experience.
I'm not expecting even all these things to grow the Windows tablet/phone market overnight, but Microsoft has to give people a reason to say, hey wow.. that's better in some respects than what I have now, ways that I can really benefit from. As great as WP8.1 is, as huge an update as that was, let's be honest: it was still playing catch up. That needs to stop. Microsoft cannot drop the ball on this one. The good news is, I think they know that. With all the flailing around they did in the past 2 years to fix Windows 8 and to (barely) bring Windows Phone up to speed, I think they get that with Windows 10, they can have a fresh start. But they need to do it right.