Discussion following the Windows 10 Event!

Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

I'm excited for the new/ revamped Metro UI, new/ revamped MS apps, new Outlook app, Office Mobile and interactive live tiles!
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

I'm Network Administrator,my assistant will be doing EVERYTHING for me that day
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

I'll be really disappointed if there is no significant UI changes on Windows 10 for Phones
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

I'm super excited to see what they announce about PC Gaming. Hopefully Xbox Live for PC. And maybe make it a steam like service? Since all devices will run One OS and One store it just makes sense to bring the Gaming world together for PC and Xbox. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds.. i'll try to be listening in during the stream.
We need to have a blank home screen,like desktop version....and add icons that we want to home screen....plus widgets....just like the full Windows Featured OS

If Microsoft really wants their OS to be one,across all platforms...then that's what they should do....give us a choice of UI....desktop or metro....just like we can switch between the two on a surface pro 3...we should be able to do the same on my kick a$$ 6" inch Phablet....the 1525

And those who like tiles....you will still be able to switch to it
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

I'll prefer if MS improve more performance than looks(UI).
I mean I don't want bitter sweet feeling of WP8.1 where few basic apps performance gone beyond hope.(like Music ,Video ,Game hub)

I''ll love it if MS made everything this fast and smooth like it was in WP8.

Performance over UI.
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

Not legit: neowin(dot)net/forum/topic/1243544-mockup-windows-10-its-beautiful/

Replace the (dot) because of my post quota. ??
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

Just wondering how windows 10 compare to ios&osx.. And if it way more better on windows 10.. The world gonna be change for the era of windows :) hope Nadela doing good..
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

What I would like:

- WP10 for mobile should be lean and no less smooth than WP8.1
- It should take up little more storage space than 8.1
- The memory footprint should not increase
- Tidy up Settings so it has a meaningful order
- Write Once, Run Anywhere MUST work from the outset.

Other posters have covered the other wishes for W10fM
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

I'd like to see also battery percent on battery icon or next to it. Currently we have to swipe from the top to open notification center to see battery status. It's not deal breaking thing but it would be nice to have.
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

waiting is way more fun with a defined date.

its a bliss compared to SoonTM

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