Discussion following the Windows 10 Event!

Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

Just give me USB OTG feature on my mobile phone. I'm dying to see a WP docked on a speaker system playing HD/lossless music. I don't want to carry around additional DAP just to enjoy HD music, 1520 is already big on my pocket.
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

To be honest, I believe people are setting their expectations waaaay too high on W10, especially for phones. Maybe it's because I'm very pessimistic when it comes to stuff like this. Hopefully it brings unison to Windows devices as it claims. I really want to see what's new to phones. Hopefully it is epic.

Mark my words, if nothing is truly given--like the preview for W10-- in this event on January 21, or a rollout date (even a quarter) is given and people don't get it exactly at that rollout date.... it's gonna be mayhem in the forums and in every article of WC. Sad how this happens ALL the time with WP.
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

To be honest, I believe people are setting their expectations waaaay too high on W10, especially for phones. Maybe it's because I'm very pessimistic when it comes to stuff like this. Hopefully it brings unison to Windows devices as it claims. I really want to see what's new to phones. Hopefully it is epic.

Mark my words, if nothing is truly given--like the preview for W10-- in this event on January 21, or a rollout date (even a quarter) is given and people don't get it exactly at that rollout date.... it's gonna be mayhem in the forums and in every article of WC. Sad how this happens ALL the time with WP.

well, people do need to remember that its very possible that the wp preview will be in the same state we got the w10 preview, so I'm expecting a rather early build as opposed to what weve seen before

I do however think they are gonna make soime big changes, after all, why would microsoft work so hard to keep all leaks from wp10 leaking before hand?
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

Give the people betas and ask for their feedback and they reward you by complaining about lack of features on forums.
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

The day is finally near,use this thread to share your expectations and all the excitement about the event at 21st held by MS,the million dollar question is will MS surprise us this time by really bringing out something completely unexpected!!

dude, get a life
Re: Waiting room for W10:3 days to go:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the preview version already have everything he listed as features he needs to have?

Quoting myself: "Unless the new modern UI gives us all the settings and possibilities the desktop UI has, I don't see how it is going to be a good decision..."

If all the options are really implemented in the modern UI, I by no means have any issues with that... BUT: do you have any link or other information backing up what you wrote? I didn't know there was a preview version for the new IE (or whatever it is going to be called), so I am not sure we can know what features the modern version of the browser is going to have or not to have...

Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

I prefer that we are in dark about w10 mobile (or whatever the name will be). Although I was glad to learn and see leaks about wp8.1, when the announcement happened there was nothing interesting/ surprising.
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

There's nothing wrong about high expectations of W10.. It can be our last hope about the future of windows users and fans.. Because if it just that again.. I think windows gonna be stopped... Coz osx is lead the way but they are expensive, on mobile windows is left far by ios and android... Let MS see us put a big hope to make sure them to make the best of W10 :)
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

I just hope something great comes with windows 10 for phones.. I m just excited :D
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

When wp 8.1 was released, it was considered to be such a dramatic upgrade from 8.0 that it could have been possibly named windows 9 or 10. And now when the next upgrade is actually gonna be named w 10, naturally expectations are going to be high. However, I don't think much is gonna be added by way of features like 8.1 did over 8.0. This is most probably gonna be just a UI refresh for mobile versions just to bring mobile and pc versions of w10 inline with MS's unification of mobile and pc OSes. But nevertheless it will be a hell of an update to look forward to, just that it won't be as significant an upgrade to wp 8.1 as 8.1 was to 8.0
Re: Waiting room for W10:2 days to go:

When wp 8.1 was released, it was considered to be such a dramatic upgrade from 8.0 that it could have been possibly named windows 9 or 10. And now when the next upgrade is actually gonna be named w 10, naturally expectations are going to be high. However, I don't think much is gonna be added by way of features like 8.1 did over 8.0. This is most probably gonna be just a UI refresh for mobile versions just to bring mobile and pc versions of w10 inline with MS's unification of mobile and pc OSes. But nevertheless it will be a hell of an update to look forward to, just that it won't be as significant an upgrade to wp 8.1 as 8.1 was to 8.0

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