Discussion following the Windows 10 Event!

There is no official announcement on Windows 10 for Phone or no official announcement on delay from Microsoft but people are already blaming for delay.. wait patiently untill tomorrow morning for official news.. Just like for Windows phone 8.1 PFD 7 months ago ;)
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

Tomorrow most likely will bring an announcement not the real deal. Real deal probably in next week or two?

I hope so. I can wait. From the most recent report the mobile preview will come in February - that is what I was expecting in the first place.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

So do we have to wait till March for info on windows 10 for phones?
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

I've really been pleased with Win10TP so far on laptop (non-Touch), as well as on tablets; particularly on the tablets. As such, am very much looking forward to the Tech Preview for Windows 10 Mobile. Or whatever it's called. Note that it will be a "Technical Preview"; this means it hasn't even reached Beta stage yet. Ergo, should only be considered with caution, and the full expectation of having to do multiple hard re-sets, wipe it back to 8.1 and start from scratch and so on.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

True but I'm more bothered about the phone side of things to be honest. Been looking forward to seeing windows 10 on a phone but now, the day before the event, I find out I have to wait a further 2 months :( This must be how pc owners felt after GTAV was announced.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

I am quite anxiously awaiting the event to be streamed. I plan on being glued to my laptop, if my 2 year old will allow me to be. Perhaps I'll put on a Dora the Explorer video while I do the live-stream to keep her occupied for a bit. :)

I know, bad dad. Shame on me. I'm actually more excited about watching this than the Superbowl this year.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

I just want to know... Will we at least SEE how Windows 10 will look on mobile devices? Or no mobile announcement at all? I'm really confused...
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

I just want to know... Will we at least SEE how Windows 10 will look on mobile devices? Or no mobile announcement at all? I'm really confused...

Most likely a mock screenshot or two at best. Doubt they will show anything live on phone.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

I should be just getting back from the pub then.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

I hope to see some changes in notification center like android...
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

The Win 10 Notification Centre was, I'm pretty sure, touted as functional-only in the current build - a nicer UI was always on the cards.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

i hope the apps can be awesum.office has to be top class not this stuff we been having,Symbian had far much advanced office,and the file explorers were top of the range.i no this is not symbian but nokia was known for its ease of use these lumia phones are a headache.tthe media players are worse,i think this win10 needs to really step things up big time.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

I doubt Symbian had better support for Office than Windows.
The announcement later is about Windows 10. There's not much expectation of anything phone-related.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

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