Does anyone see the changes Verizon is making, like i do???


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Does anyone else feel that Verizon is changing and starting to show WP7 some love? I called a few months ago and had the same experience as everyone: I called 2 stores in 2 seperate states and neither one had the trophy in stock. They also didnt know a lot about it and were hesitant to talk about it. They def let me know about Droids.

Now, I called yesterday to the same 2 stores and 1 had Trophys in stock, and the other didnt but went on about how he would be glad to order it for me and they had one on display if I wanted to come try it out.

Now this just could be a coincidence or a timing issue, but with those stories, and the Verizon CEO coming out and saying that the WP7 will be the 3rd best makes me wonder.

Also, the two new WPC articles about Verizon yesterday are good and positive.

Also if anyone read todays story about verizon siding with samsung against apple, that could change apple and verizons relationship aka verizon needing to have another solid platform. Here is that article.

Verizon backs Samsung in Apple 4G injunction battle - SlashGear

my .02 cents!
I hate to sound political, but I am real tired of all the frivolous law suits they keep filing back and forth. I think if they want to keep this up, they need to setup a separate business court, paid in it's entirety by businesses. Some of these businesses pay taxes in the U.S. and some don't. Individual tax payers shouldn't have to fund this back and forth nonsense.
I agree it is a little silly. Sadly, this is just the start as it will continue to get worse. Verizon just wants to control everything on the phones. All of theere bloatware and they even now have there own app store. They might as well make there own phone?
I agree it is a little silly. Sadly, this is just the start as it will continue to get worse. Verizon just wants to control everything on the phones. All of theere bloatware and they even now have there own app store. They might as well make there own phone?

That's the way it is with all the major carriers in the U.S. They all want you locked into a 2 year contract with their phone. I have an unlocked/unbranded GSM Trophy from Germany, once I updated it to 7392, it uploaded AT&T bloatware, since it has a "pay as you go" AT&T SIM card. I didn't ask for the AT&T bloatware, but it uploaded it anyways.
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Does anyone else feel that Verizon is changing and starting to show WP7 some love? I called a few months ago and had the same experience as everyone: I called 2 stores in 2 seperate states and neither one had the trophy in stock. They also didnt know a lot about it and were hesitant to talk about it. They def let me know about Droids.

Now, I called yesterday to the same 2 stores and 1 had Trophys in stock, and the other didnt but went on about how he would be glad to order it for me and they had one on display if I wanted to come try it out.

Now this just could be a coincidence or a timing issue, but with those stories, and the Verizon CEO coming out and saying that the WP7 will be the 3rd best makes me wonder.

Also, the two new WPC articles about Verizon yesterday are good and positive.

Also if anyone read todays story about verizon siding with samsung against apple, that could change apple and verizons relationship aka verizon needing to have another solid platform. Here is that article.

Verizon backs Samsung in Apple 4G injunction battle - SlashGear

my .02 cents!

Verizon is also backing the AT&T merger, which would be horrible for consumers if it goes through. Furthermore, Verizon is only backing Samsung for profit purposes. They want to make sure their shelves are stocked with phones for people who don't want the iPhone 5. I'm not saying Verizon is a bad company, just that they're only looking out for themselves in those two cases.
Verizon looks out for themselves in every case, it's what their stockholders (and ATT, Sprint and Tmo stockholders) expect them to. They will only do what's good for the consumer if they can make money off it. They have always had their own app store, it was mostly for feature phones. They did try to force app sales through their own site last year, but no one would go along with it. If you want to use their best in the US network, it's their way or no way.
I think, the only reason they are supporting the merger is so transition problems drive more ATT/Tmo customers to them.
I think, the only reason they are supporting the merger is so transition problems drive more ATT/Tmo customers to them.

I really think it can't be that simple. There's got to be something more in it for them than that, I just can't put my finger on it yet. I honestly don't anticipate that many transition problems after the merger because ATT already said they were going to leave Tmo customers contract terms as is, so that's a huge part of the change they won't have to deal with. There just has to be something deeper, maybe something we don't even know about, going on here.
I really wish Verizon would embrace WP7. They could really help it take off. And regardless of how unecessary it may seem, WP7 needs to have phones that compare with the best Android phones in terms of hardware.

Bottom line is that Verizon needs more WP7 phones and they need to advertise and educate people on them.
...I honestly don't anticipate that many transition problems after the merger because ATT already said they were going to leave Tmo customers contract terms as is, so that's a huge part of the change they won't have to deal with....

Only until their contract expires.
Verizon looks out for themselves in every case, it's what their stockholders (and ATT, Sprint and Tmo stockholders) expect them to. They will only do what's good for the consumer if they can make money off it. They have always had their own app store, it was mostly for feature phones. They did try to force app sales through their own site last year, but no one would go along with it. If you want to use their best in the US network, it's their way or no way.
I think, the only reason they are supporting the merger is so transition problems drive more ATT/Tmo customers to them.

I really think it can't be that simple. There's got to be something more in it for them than that, I just can't put my finger on it yet. I honestly don't anticipate that many transition problems after the merger because ATT already said they were going to leave Tmo customers contract terms as is, so that's a huge part of the change they won't have to deal with. There just has to be something deeper, maybe something we don't even know about, going on here.

VZW is in the same boat as everyone else: not enough spectrum. They argue that ATT is forced to take over T-Mo because the gov't, who controls the sale of spectrum, is keeping a tight grip on what they need to expand. They are simply using this opportunity to put pressure on the gov't to release more of what they need.
VZW is in the same boat as everyone else: not enough spectrum. They argue that ATT is forced to take over T-Mo because the gov't, who controls the sale of spectrum, is keeping a tight grip on what they need to expand. They are simply using this opportunity to put pressure on the gov't to release more of what they need.

The pressure is needed. There's plenty of wasted spectrum out there. We need faster phones!!!
Here's hoping Verizon better supports WP7. I mean cmon it's Microsoft; WP7 isn't a mom and pop OS. Microsoft is throwing their full support behind WP7 (this isn't another Kin), plus it's got great corporate support: Exchange, SharePoint and Office. Not to mention great security. On the consumer level there's great app and gaming support so it's foolish not to atleast stick their foot in the door.

I'm wondering if Verizon sees the writing on the wall, that RIM's days are numbered and they don't have a good corporate phone.
VZW is in the same boat as everyone else: not enough spectrum. They argue that ATT is forced to take over T-Mo because the gov't, who controls the sale of spectrum, is keeping a tight grip on what they need to expand. They are simply using this opportunity to put pressure on the gov't to release more of what they need.

That's sounds much more likely to me. More plausible than VZW just doing to try and finagle disgruntled customers.
Don't forget that verizon and Google are the 2 companies that are fighting the goverment for net neutrality, where cell phone companies can limit bandwidth per service other than your entire bandwidth.. for example verizon can slow down the bandwidth to bing and open it up to google, and the same goes for the bandwidth for facebook and open it up for google + ...
both of these companies wnat this so they can get eveyone on verizon using googles services and verizon get more money for sending eveyone over to googles services..
This is So unfair and I cant beleave that people don't see what is going on with this ?
its very bad for us users...
Don't forget that verizon and Google are the 2 companies that are fighting the goverment for net neutrality, where cell phone companies can limit bandwidth per service other than your entire bandwidth.. for example verizon can slow down the bandwidth to bing and open it up to google, and the same goes for the bandwidth for facebook and open it up for google + ...
both of these companies wnat this so they can get eveyone on verizon using googles services and verizon get more money for sending eveyone over to googles services..
This is So unfair and I cant beleave that people don't see what is going on with this ?
its very bad for us users...

This is also true. In fact, Verizon may well be gearing up another lawsuit to block the incoming net neutrality rules.

Net neutrality rules to start in US on November 20 -

I also remember Verizon/Google collaborating to create their own set of net neutrality rules (which were of course thrown out). I know most corporations are looking out for themselves, but there's a good chunk of "pro-consumer" companies that are doing some very anti-consumer things behind closed doors.
I really think it can't be that simple. There's got to be something more in it for them than that, I just can't put my finger on it yet. I honestly don't anticipate that many transition problems after the merger because ATT already said they were going to leave Tmo customers contract terms as is, so that's a huge part of the change they won't have to deal with. There just has to be something deeper, maybe something we don't even know about, going on here.

The history of mergers between companies as large as Tmo, ATT isn't a happy one. ATT had problems just handling the effect of iPhone users on their network, now they'll have an easy time with 35 million+ new customers?
Don't forget that verizon and Google are the 2 companies that are fighting the goverment for net neutrality, where cell phone companies can limit bandwidth per service other than your entire bandwidth.. for example verizon can slow down the bandwidth to bing and open it up to google, and the same goes for the bandwidth for facebook and open it up for google + ...
both of these companies wnat this so they can get eveyone on verizon using googles services and verizon get more money for sending eveyone over to googles services..
This is So unfair and I cant beleave that people don't see what is going on with this ?
its very bad for us users...

VZW and Google can't be that cozy. VZW put Bing as the default search engine on a number of Android phones. To the displeasure of Android fans.
The reason Verizon wants to see AT&T buy T-Mobile seems obvious enough to me: it would eliminate the lowest-priced competitor among the big four carriers. Verizon really isn't afraid of AT&T. AT&T and Verizon ALWAYS raise rates and put in new restrictions in lock-step with each other. With T-Mobile out of the way, there will be less of a barrier for Verizon and AT&T to raise rates without worrying about losing customers.

Not only that, but Sprint will almost certainly go the way of T-Mobile should the buyout occur. Sprint will almost certainly get bought by Verizon. Then there will be 2 huge carriers, with nearly identical rates, controlling over 90% of the market.

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