Does your Lumia 900 feel "slow" (not scrolling)?


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May 27, 2011
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Does anyone else feel like it just bogs down after a while? I'm finding that I have to reboot this phone 2-3 times a day to get the snappiness back. An example, if you hold down the back button to see the frozen processes, the thumbnails each take a couple seconds to load. If I'm playing a game, the frame rate is pretty bad until I reboot. Overall, things take longer to load and common things like pulling up the people hub takes a little longer.

Another example: I just went to reboot the phone (hold down the power button until the slide screen comes on and I slide down). That screen that says goodbye stayed on for about 3 minutes when normally it feels more like 30 seconds.

I came from a Samsung Focus and the performance on that phone wouldn't drag down like this. I had to reboot it maybe once every few months but usually for an unrelated issue.

Is this happening to anyone else? Is my phone defective?


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Apr 5, 2012
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I haven't had any lag at all and never restarted my phone. Which is makes me happy, unlike my old android devices where that was a common thing to do.


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May 27, 2011
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I haven't had any lag at all and never restarted my phone. Which is makes me happy, unlike my old android devices where that was a common thing to do.

Perhaps it is my phone. Been using WP for nearly as long as its been out so I've got confidence in the platform. I also would think there would be more outcry about the problems I'm having if it were systemic.

Some other things I've noticed: it gets very warm even just sitting on my desk. About 1/10 of the time when I receive a call, the phone locks up when I hit answer. Really tempted to exchange, but I'd like to hold off as long as possible to maybe receive a phone in the next batch.


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Nov 27, 2010
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Yes, I have noticed slowed frame-rates and the drawn-out power-down, but since the update, I have not noticed it. I hope I don't see it again.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express


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Nov 15, 2010
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If you continue to experience these issues after the update, you probably have a defective device. I'd advise exchanging it at an AT&T store before your 30 days are up and you have to accept a refurb replacement by-mail.


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Apr 3, 2012
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Perhaps it is my phone. Been using WP for nearly as long as its been out so I've got confidence in the platform. I also would think there would be more outcry about the problems I'm having if it were systemic.

Some other things I've noticed: it gets very warm even just sitting on my desk. About 1/10 of the time when I receive a call, the phone locks up when I hit answer. Really tempted to exchange, but I'd like to hold off as long as possible to maybe receive a phone in the next batch.

Did you apply the update? I had this warming before the update. I think it was busy stuck trying to figure out data, but with the update that seems to have fixed it for me regarding head. Regarding slow down, I've seen this with only certain apps open, namely Board Express. When that's open everything seems to slow down sometimes.


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May 27, 2011
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Did you apply the update? I had this warming before the update. I think it was busy stuck trying to figure out data, but with the update that seems to have fixed it for me regarding head. Regarding slow down, I've seen this with only certain apps open, namely Board Express. When that's open everything seems to slow down sometimes.

I've had the update for a couple days (I had the data problems pretty bad), and it doesn't seem to make a difference post-update. I can't seem to reliably reproduce this either, it just seems to happen.


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Dec 1, 2010
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I am not sure if you are aware that Samsung uses a faster scroll speed on their Windows Phones than all the other manufacturers. It could very well just be that which you are noticing.


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May 25, 2011
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I put a screen protector on my lumia and most of my scrolling issues were gone. For some reason my finger wasn't registering on the lumia. It also didn't feel as smooth as my HD7. Those of you that are having issues, do you have a screen protector on? if not, please try it :)


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May 27, 2011
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I put a screen protector on my lumia and most of my scrolling issues were gone. For some reason my finger wasn't registering on the lumia. It also didn't feel as smooth as my HD7. Those of you that are having issues, do you have a screen protector on? if not, please try it :)

It's not a scrolling issue (mentioned that in the title, but I guess I wasn't clear enough about it). I'm aware the L900 is slightly slower, but I didn't really care. Difference was minimal IMO. It's an overall performance issue that I seem to be having. Best comparison I can make is it feels like that there is some background process taking up the majority of the CPU cycles (would explain the heat and the laggyness in just general operation). Problem is I'm running all the same apps I did on my Focus, save for anthing Nokia put on there and nobody else seems to be having this issue either.

If there was a memory management issue on some L900's that caused the data connection to die, perhaps there's something else wrong with mine as well? It's purely speculation, but since some of the L900's had the data problem while others didn't, I would guess it had to do with a batch of RAM that is in a certain production run. Kind of easy to make a wild extrapolation and guess that whatever caused that issue before is giving me fits with performance as well.

I'm probably gonna give it another week before going to exchange it. Actually tried to this past weekend, but all local stores were out of the cyan model.

Also, it's intereting you brought up the screen protector - I had noticed this phone didn't register my finger quite as well as the Focus (which did have a screen protector (from Phantom Skinz) on it). I'll have to try that, thanks.


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Dec 17, 2010
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op, your best bet is to exchange it. my phone would heat up and lock up after calls and text messages. after a reboot evertything was fine and then it would happen all over agian. i updated my phone on fri evening but it didnt help out my situation. i went to att staore for an exchange on sat but they were out of the cyan models. yesterday my local att rep called me and i replaced my phone with a new one. i still had to update it via zune but so far i dont have any of the problems i had before.


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Apr 28, 2012
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Slow Responsiveness - No Longer Fluid/Smooth

I have the same experience! I have found myself having to reboot the device several times now because the responsiveness becomes unbearably slow. For example, I will take a picture > text it to someone, then try to browse the web and it takes a very long time for the browser to pull up. Once the browser is up, its very slow to respond ie scrolling, pinch/zoom etc. If I then go to the home screen, it starts to "lag" or "stutter". Instead of the home screen being fluid and smooth, it moves up and down in this lag/stutter motion. I end up having to reboot for it to fix itself.

I have noticed it starts to happen after receiving a phone call but not every time. It is difficult to reproduce.

When I found myself having to reboot it last night, It was so slow that When I held the power button all that came up was my wallpaper picture in that position where you have to slide it. The words slide down to power off were missing. I slid the photo down and it didnt do anything. Seconds later it begins to power off. Eventually it did reboot. My wife has a Lumia 900 as well and does not have these problems.

I love my phone and have been waiting for it for a long time - I even switched from Verizon to get it. I hope this is just a rare incident/defective phone but it does worry me.

I have also noticed a very low "click" type sound when exiting from camera mode. I have read some say its the autofocus lens .. I'm not sure. What I do know is that I can reproduce this sound everytime. I noticed this before I started having the performance issue. It didnt really bother me, but I did notice it on mine and not my wife's phone.
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