Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

I know this is a very "noob" question, but...when flashing these ROMs, should I take the SIM card out or leave it in??? Thanks. :)
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Thanks for the quick response. I'm gonna give this a shot. Somewhat scared.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

I dunno. I've tried both and the work the same. (In regards to LTE points)
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

I think I bricked my phone, bricked as in a totally black screen.

I am now not sure if I was to supposed to allow multiple Pre-Portico OTA updates but after a few updates, my phone simply did not restart. I think the last one was a Nokia update. As I stand now multiple presses of the volume down and power button, with or without NCS has failed to restart it.

Some suggestions would definitely be appreciated.

I have tried using suggestions from a thread on restarting a bricked phone but that is not working either.

The phone only has life enough to vibrate when holding the Volume down and power buttons for a while but it is totally not recognized by the PC

This is not good.
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Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

I think I bricked my phone, bricked as in a totally black screen.

I am now not sure if I was to supposed to allow multiple Pre-Portico OTA updates but after a few updates, my phone simply did not restart. I think the last one was a Nokia update. As I stand now multiple presses of the volume down and power button, with or without NCS has failed to restart it.

Some suggestions would definitely be appreciated.

I have tried using suggestions from a thread on restarting a bricked phone but that is not working either.

The phone only has life enough to vibrate when holding the Volume down and power buttons for a while but it is totally not recognized by the PC

This is not good.

Hmm, that's really weird. The phone bricked as it was doing OTA updates, not when flashing. Have you followed the steps in this thread? http://forums.windowscentral.com/no...after-reset-flash-process-defined-inside.html
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Looks like it's not possible to go back to a RM-820 ROM after you went to RM-821 ROM. I have tried tons of different RM-820 ROMs and none of them work.

Have you gotten tethering to work? What's about a complete restore of the phone?
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

I dunno. I've tried both and the work the same. (In regards to LTE points)

Do you still have tethering? I even got the tethering plan and can't get it to work...
Re: How + Why to Get Data Sense/Free tethering/FM radio etc on at&t L920 TODAY

I'm glad that all is well. Did you flash Euro Dev or French ROM? Also, do you have internet sharing working?

I first flashed the rogers pre-portico then I flashed the euro dev. For the internet tethering it says I have to go to att.com/mywireless or dial 611. I only have a 300mb plan so I would never use it anyway lol but Nokia pro cam installed with a breeze didn't have to do a work around that I've read some people have had to do.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Do you still have tethering? I even got the tethering plan and can't get it to work...

Tethering still works fine, no problems. I just checked it now. Here's as screenshot of me using tethering, I'm the guest connected. And again, I do not have a tethering plan. This is on the French ROM with the Spanish Keyboard installed and then removed. Still works.

Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

If you all are still having problems with tethering, you may have to reset. I flashed back to the supposed ATT dev rom fro here http://forums.windowscentral.com/no...umia-920-amber-update-via-rogers-dev-rom.html and now mine isn't working either. Think it's because didn't set up access point settings first, then reboot and install Spanish keyboard. And once its installed, it wont go though the whole download process again even if you choose to reinstall it.
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Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Hmm, that's really weird. The phone bricked as it was doing OTA updates, not when flashing. Have you followed the steps in this thread? http://forums.windowscentral.com/no...after-reset-flash-process-defined-inside.html

Very weird. I thing with that thread about a bricked phone is, in that example, the phone clearly has more life than mine has. In my case the phone appears unable to be communicated to by the PC. So while I tried to follow the flashing, since I already had ROMs. I tried to flash both the Pre-Portico and the French ROM but there was no response from the phone at all.

The question is, should I have downloaded the OTA updates after the new Rogers ROM was downloaded.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

If you all are still having problems with tethering, you may have to reset. I flashed back to the supposed ATT dev rom fro here http://forums.windowscentral.com/no...umia-920-amber-update-via-rogers-dev-rom.html and now mine isn't working either. Think it's because didn't set up access point settings first, then reboot and install Spanish keyboard. And once its installed, it wont go though the whole download process again even if you choose to reinstall it.

so you think that if you set up access point first, then reboot and install Spain keyboard, on the French ROM, the free tethering will work? Weird. Does anyone wanna try this?
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Very weird. I thing with that thread about a bricked phone is, in that example, the phone clearly has more life than mine has. In my case the phone appears unable to be communicated to by the PC. So while I tried to follow the flashing, since I already had ROMs. I tried to flash both the Pre-Portico and the French ROM but there was no response from the phone at all.

The question is, should I have downloaded the OTA updates after the new Rogers ROM was downloaded.

I did one OTA update on the pre-portico ROM. I hope that you can fix your device, sorry man.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

My tethering didn't work after I completed the whole process. I did set up AT&T LTE-1 in Access Point before I installed the Spanish (Spain) keyboard to try and fix my tethering problem. My tethering has worked perfect ever since.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

My tethering didn't work after I completed the whole process. I did set up AT&T LTE-1 in Access Point before I installed the Spanish (Spain) keyboard to try and fix my tethering problem. My tethering has worked perfect ever since.

so it works now? Are you using the French amber rom? what data plan do you have on at&t?
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Flashed to Amber last night. Took around 3 hours, but went smoothly thanks to the instructions from juan6996. Thanks for your help.
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