Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Flashed to Amber last night. Took around 3 hours, but went smoothly thanks to the instructions from juan6996. Thanks for your help.

No problem, I'm glad everything went smoothly. Could you chime in on your experience with internet sharing (tethering) after installing this rom? Like: what rom (euro dev or French) are you using? What data plan do you have on at&t? Did you get tethering to work? What steps if any did you follow to make it work? Thanks.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Sure...flashed as follows: Downloaded NCS and the two ROMs from your Skydrive link (30 minutes including NCS install), pre-portico Rogers ROM (5 minutes), one OTA update (1 hour), and French Amber ROM (5 minutes).
Data plan: AT&T 2Gb family plan w/ tethering. Tethering still functions. No special tinkering...just went through settings and turned it on.
Hope this helps.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Is anybody else finding their battery life has decreased with the GDR2/Amber update? My discharge rate used to be on average 6% and now it has almost doubled? I disabled the Peek and Double Tap features, but that didn't seem to help. Background apps are the same a before as I have not changed my app list after the flash update. Will search the forums again to see what other folks have done with a rapid battery drain.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Is anybody else finding their battery life has decreased with the GDR2/Amber update? My discharge rate used to be on average 6% and now it has almost doubled? I disabled the Peek and Double Tap features, but that didn't seem to help. Background apps are the same a before as I have not changed my app list after the flash update. Will search the forums again to see what other folks have done with a rapid battery drain.

hmmm I haven't experienced this yet...make sure to turn off NFC...saw that the was on after I flashed my 920. But that's strange, I have glance with peek on and double tap and my battery life is just fine.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Yeah - I have NFC enabled (like before)? I can disable it and test it out. Thanks. I must admit the peek and glance didn't seem to make a difference with battery life.
Re: How and Why I flashed my at&t Lumia 920 with GDR2/Amber

Both downloaded RM-820 and RM-821 have a file "download errors.txt" that says:
Sorry, there was a problem downloading some files from SkyDrive. Please try again.
RM820_1232.2109.1242.1002_RETAIL_nam_canada_200_02_100347_prd_signed.ffu - https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7d2858ba44876c46&id=7D2858BA44876C46!7539&action=Download

this is happening when you try to download all 3 files at the same time (skydrive puts all 3 files into one zip file), my guess is that since these files are big its causing an issue at the time it merges them.

just download one file at a time.
Re: How and Why I flashed my at&t Lumia 920 with GDR2/Amber

I'm still on euro dev. And tethering isn't working. I downloaded the French rom and might flash it later today... Still debating.

what is the difference between the Euro dev and the french rom ????
Re: How + Why to Get Data Sense/Free tethering/FM radio etc on at&t L920 TODAY

I'm not sure how long its gonna take. Plus you wont gate Data Sense and others. Read the "why" in my guide :D

plus you will get OTA updates faster...
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Update: Got home today, and, tethering no longer works..even though it's a part of my data plan.
Yeah - I have NFC enabled (like before)? I can disable it and test it out. Thanks. I must admit the peek and glance didn't seem to make a difference with battery life.

Thanks to the both of you. Is seems the French rom comes with tap + send enabled as default, and that impacts battery life alot. Will add this tip to the guide.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Update: Got home today, and, tethering no longer works..even though it's a part of my data plan.

That is the case with me too. These are the downsides of flashing I guess. :/
Re: How and Why I flashed my at&t Lumia 920 with GDR2/Amber

what is the difference between the Euro dev and the french rom ????

some people have reported success with free tethering on the French rom, but you will loose your backup as the cellular data doesn't work until you change access point settings.
Re: How and Why I flashed my at&t Lumia 920 with GDR2/Amber

some people have reported success with free tethering on the French rom, but you will loose your backup as the cellular data doesn't work until you change access point settings.

I though you would probably get more features or the ability to side load programs with out having a dev account. which rom do you think will get updated faster for future updates ?? the french rom or dev rom ?
Re: How and Why I flashed my at&t Lumia 920 with GDR2/Amber

I though you would probably get more features or the ability to side load programs with out having a dev account. which rom do you think will get updated faster for future updates ?? the french rom or dev rom ?

nope, sideloading requires a dev account regardless or ROM. Both of these got the amber update around the same time, but I would guess that euro dev gets updates faster in the future.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Anyone using an unlocked phone with Tmobile that can confirm this works? I am on tmobile using unlocked ATT lumia 920
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

That is the case with me too. These are the downsides of flashing I guess. :/

No worries. I enjoyed learning how to do this. The tethering is part of my plan regardless if I ever used it or not, which, to be honest, I didn't really use it too much. Besides, I still have my 8X if I need to tether for any reason. Thanks for the great work.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

August 13th update: Added battery life tips, reworded tutorial for clarity, grammar fixes.
Re: How/Why to Get Data Sense/FM radio/ on at&t L920 TODAY [French Amber/GDR2 ROM]

Tethering still works fine, no problems. I just checked it now. Here's as screenshot of me using tethering, I'm the guest connected. And again, I do not have a tethering plan. This is on the French ROM with the Spanish Keyboard installed and then removed. Still works.

View attachment 39917

I'm extremely jealous of you. :) I'll test some other things tomorrow to see if I can duplicate your results with tethering.
Re: How to Get all GDR2/Amber features on ANY L920 TODAY! [French ROM]

Hi There Guys!

I recently flashed this ROM and everything has gone as expected. The only problem that I have is that I have seem to lost ATT LTE connectivity even with the ATT LTE 1 Lumia setting selected in Access Point. I have also tried the LTE 2 Lumia setting to no avail. Can anyone offer a solution of sorts? Or, do I need to re-flash to a stock ROM?

Jason McPherson
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