Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

I have an AT&T black 920 and at this point, it took awhile for the update to show up. I believe around 30 minutes for me. But after that the update is worth it. Mine is unlocked and working on T-Mobile. I was happy with this rom mostly because now, the backup/restore works with the T-Mobile network. Only problem I have is a few apps show an error message and still work when they are launched like the Groupon app. Metrotalk refuses to launch and a few restored apps refused to download and sometimes the app icons on the update list don't always show. but I'm loving the glance screen, double-tap to wake, and the incredible battery life I get now. most of the issues I've had worked themselves out and don't forget to go to cellular settings and change the highest speed to 4g to get lte back and turn on data roaming.(got that tip here can't remember exactly who posted it, but credit to him) Enjoy!!!!!!
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

i searched this thread but did not find a clear answer. for att users, when they flash to gdr2 can they do a restore of their settings and apps and everything else?

I updated my ATT 920 to the Euro Dev Rom and it was able to do a restore.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Flashing now.

Quick correction: You'll need to rename the "rm 820 rogers" folder in the zip file to "rm-820" to get the nokia app to "see it" as an available rom to flash.

Also, on Step 4: "When it tells you to retry b/c of lost connection, Turn off your phone, Plug it in, and hold down volume down key. Press retry."

It's easier this way:

Step 4: "Unplug the phone and select "Start". The recovery screen will pop up with instructions on how to soft-reset your phone. Plug the phone back in, hold the volume-down (Decrease volume button) and power key down simultaneously. When the screen goes dark and phone vibrates, then select the "Retry" button on the recovery screen. The phone will begin the flash process.

This really should be added to the OP. I couldn't get the flashing started until I read this post. Thanks!
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

This really should be added to the OP. I couldn't get the flashing started until I read this post. Thanks!
I never needed to hold down volume-down or anything, just press plug in the usb and press "Retry" in NCS on PC to go straight to recovery mode and start flashing.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Does this ROM take away the ability to voice search from Bing or is that something that Microsoft changed?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Peek feature is missing from Glance after flashing this, everything else seems to be in place and working well. Anyone else experiencing this?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

It'll show up over time. Just make sure u have the latest display+touch update. Do u see a microphone when you launch bing?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

So... After flashing the RM-820 rom, I go to the OTA updates and it keeps saying checking for updates.... It isn't finding the update, and I can't skip to 821 either. Running a Yellow lumia 920 with ATT.
That's normal.....Mine took 20 minutes to find.....also while installing it will seem like it is stuck @100%....have patience....and let it do it's thing.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Where did you find that ROM?? THe French ROM doesn't have that feature it seems.....grrh

You can download from the hacked version of Nokia Care Suite 5 (2013.1.3.4). Look for product code 059R2L5
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

It'll show up over time. Just make sure u have the latest display+touch update. Do u see a microphone when you launch bing?

I had to update my display + touch one more time and it appeared. Thanks!
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Quick question: After flashing my AT&T 920 with the French ROM, I now have 3 data choices in my Access Point app: 3G, LTE-1-Lumia, and LTE-2-Lumia. I have looked everywhere ( I think), but have not found a solid answer on what these mean. Can anyone explain these and recommend the best choice?? Thanks.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

You can download from the hacked version of Nokia Care Suite 5 (2013.1.3.4). Look for product code 059R2L5

Do I have to install Rogers first or Can I go directly on the French ROM to 059R2L5? Also, the work offline has to be disabled and should be logged in with sign in?
Also, does the ATT DEV ROM has Data sense or FM radio etc.?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

My bro has an unlocked AT&T Lumia 920. Can it be flashed to official INDIAN GDR2 Amber ROM? If yes, from where can we get the official Indian ROM and will the flash method be same as at the start of this thread? Will doing this convert the phone from an RM-820 to an RM-821? Thanks
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

How are you guys fixing the Internet Tethering feature? I have an AT&T share everything plan, so tethering is allowed and it worked before I flashed the phone.

I have tried the Euro Dev ROM, AT&T Dev ROM and French ROM. All of them tell me I need to call AT&T to enable the feature.

I know the Spanish keyboard works for a while, but what do you do when it stops working?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

I have a locked AT&T 920 with the loss of signal issue ( randomly drops signal then goes back to full bars) does this update cure the signal on the phone?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!


I flashed the French ROM. I too have tethering in my plan. After flashing, tethering did not work. I tried the Spanish keyboard fix, and it worked. Soon after, I deleted the French keyboard from my phone. A couple of days later, I deleted the Spanish keyboard, rebooted my phone, and checked tethering....it still worked. Soon after that, I noticed that the French keyboard had mysteriously reappeared even though I had deleted it soon after flashing. I don't understand what a keyboard language has to do with tethering, but for whatever reason it is needed for tethering to work. You might try downloading the French keyboard and then try tethering again.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

ATTN: Anyone having trouble with MetroTalk, Ocell, etc? I just tripped over this while trying to get speech set up. Because this ROM defaults to French, English language packs may not be installed. This disables apps that use speech. Here's the fix:
  1. In settings, go into speech.
  2. Under Speech Language, change to French.
  3. Close out of speech settings.
  4. Reopen speech settings and select English.
  5. Try to use speech. If it asks to download & install missing language packs, do so. This takes a l-o-n-g time and a fully-charged battery.
  6. After the inevitable reboot, the disabled apps should work perfectly.

I love serendipity.
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