Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

How are you guys fixing the Internet Tethering feature? I have an AT&T share everything plan, so tethering is allowed and it worked before I flashed the phone.

I have tried the Euro Dev ROM, AT&T Dev ROM and French ROM. All of them tell me I need to call AT&T to enable the feature.

I know the Spanish keyboard works for a while, but what do you do when it stops working?

Don't go back to the "Access Point" after you got tethering working. It will make your tethering stop working.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Voice search is still there. I am using AT&T Dev ROM with GDR2.

Please tell us how it went.

Were you able to restore from a backup? How is tethering working and does it still require the keyboard trick? Does your MMS work?

Thanks in advance!
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Glad to report back....French ROM is indeed very good. Everything works. Just follow the steps in this post.
After French ROM is flashed, restore from your backup account and then go to settings->speech and make sure English(US) is there. It will download the updates and then go through like it is installing new updates....Be patient.
Rocking French GDR2 + Amber since. Good so far.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Please tell us how it went.

Were you able to restore from a backup? How is tethering working and does it still require the keyboard trick? Does your MMS work?

Thanks in advance!

Same as Euro Dev and French. Can't restore from a backup and had to use Spanish keyboard trick. MMS is working and tethering is consistent. No drop calls so far.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Errrgh, I'm so tired of waiting for the OTA update... really thinking about flashing, but now, I was just reading over the first post in this thread, and it says you can't restore a backup by doing this on at&t because of having to switch to LTE2 in Access Point? WIFI doesn't work?

Damn, I had almost built up the courage to do this, and now.... I don't know again. I DO want to be able to restore my backup.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

My bro has an unlocked AT&T Lumia 920. Can it be flashed to official INDIAN GDR2 Amber ROM? If yes, from where can we get the official Indian ROM and will the flash method be same as at the start of this thread? Will doing this convert the phone from an RM-820 to an RM-821? Thanks

Any help on the above question would be greatly appreciated :smile:
PSA: Many people have had issues with speech-related features after flashing. This includes voice search, speech commands, and voice-to-text texting. In order to get these features back, you need to hold down the windows key to open voice commands, then download the required language pack for speech.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

I first flasher roger rom on my nokia lumia 920 then updated it to latest OTA then flashed it with the RM-21 Amber and the flashing process stopped immediately and red notification appeared then my phone now is completely dead computer don't recognize it(don't Feel it), when i press power button and volume down button no vibration and the screen is blank please help!!
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

For those on T-mobile. I have followed these instructions and I'm seeing connectivity I did not see before. H, H+, G and 4G, as well as the infamous E. I'm hoping this ROM has awakened the fabled frequencies. My city does not have all of the towers updated to new LTE bands and as such I have a ton of dead spots. I'm going to go and test this around the city and will post an update to what I find.


E = 2G Edge
G = 3G?
4G= WTF?
H= 3.5G
H+ = 4G/HSPA+

In addition to the new bands, it looks like I have fast wireless charging. I also expect a faster battery drain with the added bands turned on and looking for signal. Excellent tradeoff.
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Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Best guide for downloading and installing this ROM. Thanks. Worked perfectly.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

WARNING!!! Great instructions on flashing! After I loaded the Roger (Canada) RM-820 rom, I flashed to the GDR2/Amber France RM-821. It is way too buggy!! The cellular radios conflicted with Wifi by disabling wifi after I'd turned on AT&T data under 'celluar' in Settings. I had to turn off cellular data in order to get the Wi-Fi to work again. Also, NBC News or MetroTalk would not work until I updated the Speech System / Speech Data to ENGLISH. Any app that has the voice-command APIs built in will not work until you download and update the speech system. I had enough of that ROM. So, I downloaded the RM-820 059R2L5 ATT Developer Device Black. Night & Day! My phone works flawlessly without any of the hang-up of the beta french rom! Happy Flashing Everyone!
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

WARNING!!! Great instructions on flashing! After I loaded the Roger (Canada) RM-820 rom, I flashed to the GDR2/Amber France RM-821. It is way too buggy!! The cellular radios conflicted with Wifi by disabling wifi after I'd turned on AT&T data under 'celluar' in Settings. I had to turn off cellular data in order to get the Wi-Fi to work again. Also, NBC News or MetroTalk would not work until I updated the Speech System / Speech Data to ENGLISH. Any app that has the voice-command APIs built in will not work until you download and update the speech system. I had enough of that ROM. So, I downloaded the RM-820 059R2L5 ATT Developer Device Black. Night & Day! My phone works flawlessly without any of the hang-up of the beta french rom! Happy Flashing Everyone!

Same here. Euro and French rom were giving me issues with drop calls and inconsistency with tethering. The ATT Developer ROM is working perfectly on ATT Lumia 920.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Flashed my phone but no glance,double tap. Cant see any camera improvements.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Does AT&T dev rom show all signals? I.E. LTE, 4g edge etc, my AT&T 920 has major signal issues and if not on 4g it's no signal at all. Data sense? Fm radio?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Hey all - I recently flashed the AU CV ROM 059Q9P1 on my unlocked device and it did fix a few issues I was having with BT connectivity versus the EURO DEV ROM (was having some UConnect Car issues). And I am getting great connectivity with this ROM on a wide spectrum of radio bands. LTE bands show up as 4G; may not work for all unlocked At & t devices, but smooth and stable for me.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

LTE bands show up as 4G; may not work for all unlocked At & t devices, but smooth and stable for me.

That's because LTE IS 4G. LTE is a 4G technology...in the same way that UMTS and HSPA are 3G technologies...
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