Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Hey, i can't get any further than step 5. Nothing happens when I click "update list". Am I missing anything here?
Same thing happened to me. I resolved it by I deleting "Packages" folder in C:\ProgramData\Nokia, re-creating the Packages\Products folders, and rebooting.
to those who updated to Rogers Amber/GDR2, are you still seeing a Rogers boot logo? I flashed pre-portico, did the update to portico and then flashed the latest Rogers Amber/GDR2 available through NCS. The Rogers boot logo disappeared. It goes straight from Nokia to WP boot logo.

No Rogers splash screen on my phone or my wife's. I used NCS to update to the Rogers Amber firmware instead of using the OTA.
Re: How to get Data Sense/GDR2/Amber on At&t TODAY

I got the RM-820 to install but when I go try to do the 'updates' in the phone settings it just sits at Checking for Updates. I even tried rebooting the phone and it does the same thing. I am connected to wifi. Any ideas or just it normally stay there for a very long time?
Same thing happened to me. I resolved it by I deleting "Packages" folder in C:\ProgramData\Nokia, re-creating the Packages\Products folders, and rebooting.
Make sure the rm-820 and rm-821 are not two folders deep. In mine I had to move the files into the first rm-820 and rm-821 folders since they where in the 2nd one (not sure why the zip file has them two deep like that)
Re: How to get Data Sense/GDR2/Amber on At&t TODAY

I got the RM-820 to install but when I go try to do the 'updates' in the phone settings it just sits at Checking for Updates. I even tried rebooting the phone and it does the same thing. I am connected to wifi. Any ideas or just it normally stay there for a very long time?
for some it took more than 30min. Leave it there and be patient. For me it continued after 15min-20min. It takes a loooong time...(by the time I write this you probably figures this out already).
I also struggled with getting the phone to see the update. In my case it seemed that the phone was jumping between wifi and cell data while searching, ultimately coming back with a "cannot find" or "cannot connect" error after 10-20 minutes. I put the phone into airplane mode, then switched on wifi. The search still took approx 30 minutes but didn't drop out anymore.
just FYI...

while loyal ATT customers are still waiting for their Amber update on their nokia 920....

Moto X camera fix begins rolling out to AT&T-branded devices

just DAYS after a bug was reported with the MotoX's camera, att tested, approved, and deployed an update. albeit a minor update, it still speaks volumes who att treats better. Apple and android phone users seem to get the best care while Windows Phone (and Blackberry currently) users are bottom of the importance list, unless you purchase their expensive Nokia 1020. Which i feel will eventually get the same treatment as we have when it comes to updates. We Windows Phone adopters/users are a thinly spread out breed, but we can see quality and the struggle Microsoft is putting up with to be different.
oh and be warned, coming from a former iphone user and the struggle i had to go through to get rid of it and switch to Windows Phone (not an easy process with ATT). once you buy an iphone, you are STUCK with iphone only upgrades. that's right, you can only upgrade to another iphone during your early upgrade eligibility. unless you buy a different phone FULL retail price.
the route i HAD to take, because apparently paying to cancel your contract with the early termination fee, and starting up a new account is considered fraud to them. smh. I had to trade-in my iphone 5 to cover the cost of the ETF, $277, and have my wife start up a new account in her name. she than transfered her # and iphone 5 to the new account (which she now regrets after seeing my Nokia in action :)), i had to get a new number, and had to pay a $35 activation fee for each phone. I even attempted to pay the monthly fee via ATT Next option...which ended up not being an option....rules and stipulations that were not told, posted, or shown, until you TRY to get that offer. ATT customer services blows, but in my area, the coverage is just too great to let go of.
So one thing that I do miss is that after installing the French ROM I don't have the AT&T notification tones (one of which I really liked to use for SMS/MMS).

Does anyone know if I can add them to my phone (or even other notifications)? If so, how? I don't like these stock ones much.
in youtube vids and posts i've noticed Amber updates with Apps list with the alphabet in it, apps beginning with A under "A"...etc. does anyone else have this "feature"? i don't.
in youtube vids and posts i've noticed Amber updates with Apps list with the alphabet in it, apps beginning with A under "A"...etc. does anyone else have this "feature"? i don't.
this has been a part of windows phone since version 7. Its enabled automatically when you have a certain number of apps installed.
this has been a part of windows phone since version 7. Its enabled automatically when you have a certain number of apps installed.

I think that magic number is >45 or close to that.
However, once you have the alphabet picker you won't lose it anymore even if you go below an app count of 45 (at least not on mine).
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

I would like to thank the OP and all of those who contributed to this process. It has made using my 920 a whole lot easier and fun! I had to do a little improvisation after the procedure, but that's probably because I skipped a step or two. I'm totally lovin' it. Thanks, again...Will
I think that magic number is >45 or close to that.
However, once you have the alphabet picker you won't lose it anymore even if you go below an app count of 45 (at least not on mine).

yeah, I wish it automatically disappeared if I uninstalled enough apps. I'm always conscious not to download alot of apps for that very reason, but sometimes you get careless...
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

I've got this installed and working and I selected AT&T LTE 1 network profile, however my speeds are nowhere near LTE, I'm getting 9mb by 11mb. Also the speed test software indicates I'm on 4G network which around here isn't the same as LTE. Is there something else I can look for to find out why its staying on 4G? (and says 4G in the status bar)
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

I've got this installed and working and I selected AT&T LTE 1 network profile, however my speeds are nowhere near LTE, I'm getting 9mb by 11mb. Also the speed test software indicates I'm on 4G network which around here isn't the same as LTE. Is there something else I can look for to find out why its staying on 4G? (and says 4G in the status bar)

On the French ROM, there is no LTE symbol built in because LTE isn't widely used in France. However, you should be connected to LTE. Could you install the "Insider Pro" app from the Store and tell me what network it says that you're connected to?
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

On the French ROM, there is no LTE symbol built in because LTE isn't widely used in France. However, you should be connected to LTE. Could you install the "Insider Pro" app from the Store and tell me what network it says that you're connected to?

That one isn't free so I found another that is.. It appears to indicate two networks. One is Cellular_LTE w/ 75Mbps bandwidth and the other is Ethernet.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

That one isn't free so I found another that is.. It appears to indicate two networks. One is Cellular_LTE w/ 75Mbps bandwidth and the other is Ethernet.

ok, then you are connected to LTE. Connection speeds can vary according to many factors, like time, location, etc.
This may seem like a stupid question and may have already been addressed (and I apologize if it has), but if I were to follow through with this ROM Flash would all my apps and texts be restored?
This may seem like a stupid question and may have already been addressed (and I apologize if it has), but if I were to follow through with this ROM Flash would all my apps and texts be restored?

Texts would be restored when you sign in after initial set-up. You can redownload paid and free apps, but they won't be reinstalled automatically. All app data (app settings/game progress, etc) would be lost. However, Windowsphone.com has a page that tells you what apps you've downloaded, which makes reinstalling them easier.
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