Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Juan6996, thanks for the post. Very helpful and thorough. Everything so far is working including tethering after "Spanish" download. However, after flashing my phone it no more shows 4G (unlike before), Its a local carrier Simple Mobile sim which I think is getting service from T-Mobile.

On Access Point it shows T-Mobile LTE but on Top left display it says H or H+. Any idea on fixing this ?
Try this, On NCS go to File, then to Preferences and to Data Package. Change Package Download Path and Package Search Paths to your own dir.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Flashed the french dev rom and updated. How is this compared to the att dev rom?

The T-mobile LTE is the default APN showed up when I inserted my t-mobile sim card (fast.t-mobile.com). I only see 2g, 3g, 4g to choose in cellular max speed setting,did not see H or H+, chose 4g and network selection was automatic, I always seem to have trouble to get phone call signal if I choose anything other than automatic in here (talking about before flashing). Before flashing I don't remember what setting I had in max speed. I was able to see t-mobile LTE at my location before the flas, now just 4g.

When I popped in my Lycamobile sim card, max speed setting only showed 2g, 3g. Have not tested speed since I am on a prepaid plan and do not want to waste data. Have not tried my ptel sim card.

I just found this: Now glance screen has a peek selection where when you hover your hand over, it will show glance, otherwise black. Should be better for the battery. I have a flip case, I noticed the clock turned on 1-2 seconds after I opened the cover. Now I can use it as a watch.

Everything else seemed to be working fine so far. Wondering if I should or could flash to the ATT dev rom which is rm-820, may work better for t-mobile LTE network.

digitalicecream, or Anyone else that is using an unlocked att lumia 920 on T-mobile or T-mobile MVNO, did you flash to att dev rom and how does it compare to this french dev rom? How to successfully install AT&T Dev rom to AT&T branded phone! - xda-developers Thanks,

I also have T-Mobile provided Simple Mobile sim. I see H, no 4G. Have you figured out anything on your issue ?
Juan6966, I want to thank you for this thread. I updated my phone tonight with the help of your thread.

You sir are awesome.
Oaky are there any pros/cons to updateing to the Rodgers GDR2/Amber OTA vs using NCS?
Currently you cannot flash an ATT 920 to a Rogers GDR2 directly, the only way is to OTA after flashing to the Rogers pre-Portico. Also there is no way to go back to the stock ATT firmware after flashing to the Rogers ROM. With the Rogers ROM, you have LTE enabled on ATT/T-Mobile, Data Sense is enabled along with all other Amber+GDR2 features, field test is enabled, no Rogers splash screen so after uninstalling Rogers apps the software looks stock, battery life is nice and no known issues. I have used it personally on my 920 and having no complaints whatsoever.
Currently you cannot flash an ATT 920 to a Rogers GDR2 directly, the only way is to OTA after flashing to the Rogers pre-Portico. .

correct. One other detail though. Once you finish the Ota to portico, you can flash the Rogers amber/gdr2 rom directly. It is faster than Ota, although it requires that you have downloaded the rom through ncs already for flashing (see one of my posts above).

Sent from my Lumia920 using Tapatalk
I know this has probably been asked 1000 times. I cannot find a definitive answer. I used the OPs process to flash my 920. Should I install the AT&T OTA update? Will I lose any of the new functions? Thanks in advance...Will
Does anyone know the code for this? Has anyone tried downloading the software and flashing the att rom?
FYI: I flashed the AT&T Dev ROM a few weeks ago (thanks for the info). I've been checking for updates on my phone since the AT&T roll-out began and always got the message my phone is up to date. My thought was getting the OTA update would allow me to finally install Nokia Pro Cam. My debate has been Data Sense or Pro Cam... Hmmm... Well, on a whim I decided to check the store from my L920. Pro Cam is there and I have now installed it. my assumption is that any features formerly unavailable to the flashed ROM should now have been made available by AT&T. So it seems I can keep Data Sense and have Pro Cam.
I tried flashing back, wouldn't work. The new ROM still registers as RM-820. The European roms we flashed are RM-821.
You tried flashing to the AT&T Amber/GDR2 ROM?

I did... I tried using the RM-820/RM-821 folder to see if it would work. It just says its a mismatch and it cannot downgrade. If the new ATT GDR2 was RM-821 I'm sure it would flash just fine. I haven't tried doing any work arounds to see if we can hack the config files. Maybe someone else will have time to mess with it. This really sucks because I got the European rom running just fine but I realized it doesn't have the telecoil feature which I need for my hearing aids. I've been bandaiding and using Bluetooth in the mean time but I can't physically put the phone up to my ear anymore without the telecoil. It's only in the US Roms!
I tried flashing back, wouldn't work. The new ROM still registers as RM-820. The European roms we flashed are RM-821.
that is why I stayed with Rogers Amber which is RM-820. I will try this at some point if nobody else did. It theoretically should work to install the ATT Amber over the Rogers Amber (both rm-820). The difference will be that the ATT Amber doesn't have data sense.
Before I do this I will do I direct comparison between my wife's ATT Amber and my Rogers Amber on ATT to see if it's even worthwhile doing that. Knowing that it works would be nice though.

downloading the ATT rom now.

edit1: so far I can't tell a difference between ATT Amber (my wife's phone) and Rogers Amber (my phone). speeds and signals are identical which would be major reason to switch. I can't tell the difference except that mine doesn't have ATT boot logo, has data sense, and reports canada in settings/info. Whatever the reason was that ATT had to hold this back it must have been with the upgrade process itself or some interaction with their apps.
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I believe the att dev rom is rm-820

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