Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Good luck. If you have not sold yet, I suggest you show a pic of the front and sides. The ones I saw were blurry.
Keep us updated on your sale. I am sure many would like to know whether it is easy to sell a flashed att L920.
Good luck. If you have not sold yet, I suggest you show a pic of the front and sides. The ones I saw were blurry.
Keep us updated on your sale. I am sure many would like to know whether it is easy to sell a flashed att L920.

Ok...sold the 920 for $190.00 US. Can't really complain. It was a used 920 flashed with the French ROM. There were no scratches anywhere on it though. I think the facts that it had been flashed with a foreign ROM and that it was still AT&T locked hurt me a bit. And yes, the picture quality was pretty bad, I agree. Taken with my 8X. :) Wished I had another 920 to take the pictures.
I tried this and my phone will not connect . I hold the volume button down and it vibrates once and then an exclamation point come on my phone. Can anyone help me?
I tried this and my phone will not connect . I hold the volume button down and it vibrates once and then an exclamation point come on my phone. Can anyone help me?

typically the problem in most cases is in #10
Step 10: Select Start. When it tells you to retry because of lost connection, Turn off your phone, Plug it in, and hold down volume down key. Press retry.
Your phone should be off and disconnected up until this step. Only after you clicked start in NCS and you get the error message you should plug it in, with the Vol down button pressed and click retry in NCS. Try a few times if the timing isn't correct. Remember that the phone needs to be shut down and disconnected before you retry.
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Hi my phone's ROM is KSA-SA im not getting 3G from my carrier here in the Philippines after the Amber update Edge all the time i went online and my carrier also suggest to do a field test and lock it to 3G only but the problem is Field Test (##3282#) wont work anymore, MS said they disabled it after the Amber update, I flashed my ROM to EU-FR Code# 059Q8C2 and I was able to access Field Test, locked 3G and all is well now but what I dont like about it is its not Amber cant use new features like Nokia Camera Pro or the call and SMS block feature can you access Field Test on this Amber French ROM you've used?. After flashing to EU-FR ROM i tried to download the Amber update via NSU application but it revert it back to KSA-SA its Amber but cant get 3G please help thanks :)
Re: How to flash ATT Lumia 920 with amber

Hi all. This has worked flawlessly. However, it seems that sending vn's has stopped working. I tried everything and decided to do a hard reset.

Now I have no data connection unless I'm on wifi. I can't figure out why. I updated my access point, put all the right settings which didn't really need to.

VN's still not working and no data connection.

I need help badly. Has anyone been able to flash back to ATT?
Update: was able to flash successfully, just didn't realize I had flash the basic Rom first. By the way, I just flashed the Rogers rom and updated with Rogers all the way to gdr2/amber
Hi, I was just working through this tutorial came up with this error message at start of flashing process,

0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device.

Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.MurzimProgrammingException: 0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device.

at Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.Flash()
at Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.b__b(Object state)

Only thing that I had done differently is I downloaded files from Navifirm+ to Flash Rogers ROM O59R6P3. Phone is att phone. phone doesn't load past att screen....occasionally hits nokia screen. Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: downloaded from navifirm first because I had not seen this tutorial. Do I need to flash gdr2 before gdr3?
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On step 5:

Step 5: Choose Programming (bottom left), and Recovery. Then click Update List, select the rogers ROM (rm-820), and click Start.

When I click update list, nothing happens. I do not get anything else, and no 'start'.

Any tips?

I have made sure that the folder in the Products says rm-820. Nor sure what else to try....
On step 5:

Step 5: Choose Programming (bottom left), and Recovery. Then click Update List, select the rogers ROM (rm-820), and click Start.

When I click update list, nothing happens. I do not get anything else, and no 'start'.

Any tips?

I have made sure that the folder in the Products says rm-820. Nor sure what else to try....

As bizarre as it sounds.....i think I had same problem and just had to capitalize RM.....will check computer when home........name of folder needs to be RM-820
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My ATT 920 flashed via this guide (and had developer preview GDR3) just got the Black update this morning. The downside? It broke free tethering. Any info on getting it back? Anyone else have this experience?
Is there anyway to go back to rogers rom from the french rom? I keep getting The FFU file is not correctly signed or not signed for this device.
Extras + Info states Manufacturer Name as RM-821_eu_france_267. I believe on the Nokia update availability page, it was considered "Country variant" for France.
I too lost tethering... Hard reset?

My ATT 920 flashed via this guide (and had developer preview GDR3) just got the Black update this morning. The downside? It broke free tethering. Any info on getting it back? Anyone else have this experience?
My ATT 920 flashed via this guide (and had developer preview GDR3) just got the Black update this morning. The downside? It broke free tethering. Any info on getting it back? Anyone else have this experience?

it has also broke my mms as access point only has one option now........any help would be appreciated
Yeah that's probably what killed tethering, the updated Access Point only has one AT&T option. I wonder if a hard reset, install Spanish (Spain) keyboard would do it, but I'm not really feeling up to doing that right now. Hopefully someone else is feeling adventurous :P and can tell us the results. Sorry to hear about your MMS, mine still works.
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