Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Hi guys! My 920 is from at&t and it's unlocked by code (currently in Claro-Guatemala) if i flash my phone with these files my phone will still remain unlocked?

Yes, it will remain SIM-unlocked, so you can still use it on Claro in Guatemala. See this post:

Originally Posted by dagrepont I have an unlocked 920 on T-Mobile and this does work. The only thing is that before flashing the phone did say LTE now it says 4G. Not sure if that matters really. I'm still getting an average of 14Mbps down. Also you have to go into settings then cellular and change don't roam to roam and change highest speed to 4G. It was set at 3G before. Data Sense works. I had to turn off data connection to sign into twitter on any app(not sure what that was about) But overall I'm very happy with this ROM and don't mind the tweaking to get things to work. The benefit for us tho is that we don't have to worry about the whole tethering thing. I wasn't able to tether before the flash so I lost nothing.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Im stuck on step 2, I dont have program data in C: at all. Im running Windows 8.1 PLEASE HELP!
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Im stuck on step 2, I dont have program data in C: at all. Im running Windows 8.1 PLEASE HELP!
C:\ProgramData is a hidden folder. You need to enable viewing hidden folders.
Open C drive in explorer. Go to View->Options->View tab->Check "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" and press Ok or Apply.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

pressed start and got this error: C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products\RM-821\B1E09708_RM821_059S6R5_3047.0000.1326.2002_068.vpl has invalid signature.
Its probably been answered but Id like it if you could talk me through it. There was also a guy that said bing vision didnt work, is this true?
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

pressed start and got this error: C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products\RM-821\B1E09708_RM821_059S6R5_3047.0000.1326.2002_068.vpl has invalid signature.
Its probably been answered but Id like it if you could talk me through it. There was also a guy that said bing vision didnt work, is this true?

You have to delete "B1E09708_" You also have to delete all those in your RM-821 file.
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Now, I'm still having problems flashing. I'm getting this error "Recovery Failed: Unable to get error message"
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

i flashed my rogers 920 with this. but now it doesn't show lte in highest connection speed.
please help i need LTE very badly
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Having another problem after starting I get the error message unable to send message
Re: How to update any L920 to GDR2/Amber in 13 easy steps!

Im on a scary red Nokia screen with a progress bar now, am i in the right place? Did I do it right?
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