Ecosystem isn't Windows Phone's Achilles heel, hardware is

I totally agree with tahiti bob, and made a similar post some time ago on a Dutch forum. The result; a lot of disgruntled Nokia owners going on about how unique their phone is and that they all are different. When i mentioned that, in my opinion, they were mainly different in hardware specs but not in exterior design, some guys went complete ape****, lol. To me, all Nokia's look the same. Yes, you might have different colors, and different screen sizes, but the basic shape/form factor/design of Nokia phones is all the same.

I for one welcome different designs for our phones. Over here in the Netherlands, you don't see Windows Phones that often. And when u do see em, they are all Nokias. I think, when shopping for a new phone, choice is key. Having a lot of phones that all look alike like the nokias with only minute outer differences like screen sizes, is not a lot of choice.

thats not very true,its like saying a VW Beetle still looks like the 1st vw beetle or rolls royces all look the same
thing is only samsung makes all phones the same
every other brand-sony,htc and nokia make variations in every model with the same base design but its not the same
thats not very true,its like saying a VW Beetle still looks like the 1st vw beetle or rolls royces all look the same
thing is only samsung makes all phones the same
every other brand-sony,htc and nokia make variations in every model with the same base design but its not the same

thats not very true,its like saying a VW Beetle still looks like the 1st vw beetle or rolls royces all look the same
thing is only samsung makes all phones the same
every other brand-sony,htc and nokia make variations in every model with the same base design but its not the same
Well, make it an over-exaggeration: if the VW beetle was the only car available to people wanting to drive a volkswagen specifically, and it was released every single time looking almost the same (Posche would be more of fitting example, since almost every Posche iteration has only minor changes) i would not say there would be many options regarding choice. Yes, you can have it in many different colors, but that's still not a lot of choice..
thats not very true,its like saying a VW Beetle still looks like the 1st vw beetle or rolls royces all look the same
thing is only samsung makes all phones the same
every other brand-sony,htc and nokia make variations in every model with the same base design but its not the same

Dude, you lost me with the last sentence. Same base design but it's not the same? Please elaborate.
What he means is that a Lumia looks like another Lumia, an HTC One looks like another HTC One, an iPhone looks like another iPhone.

Which means hardware diversity is still going to be key.

^^yep plus even if base design remains same,there are notable changes with each model
an iphone 2G and a 5S may have similiarities but it doesnt mean they are the same,its the same company,ofcourse they will have the same base design but they do have differences
Ok so what is the point? Please explain.
What I'm getting at is that all Nokia phones looking the same is fine (to a degree) but all Windows Phones looking the same isn't. The VW analogy above is spot on.

see the post Wandering traveler made and my last post
who the heck is that
dude if you dont have anything valid to contribute,dont say anything at all
ill report you if you continue personal attacks

Lighten up Francis. Yogi Berra is a legendary baseball player who had a habit of giving funny contradictory quotes. Someone even coined the term "Yogi-isms" to describe them. It was not meant to insult, quite the contrary.
I am a former Windows Phone user who has been using Android phones for a while now, but not for lack of wanting to use Windows Phone, for lack of, well, Windows Phones. Being on AT&T, if I want a Windows Phone, which I do, I have to either get a giant phone (1520), which I don't want, or get an outdated phone with old hardware (920, 1020, etc.), which I also don't want. If the Lumia Icon / 930 was available on AT&T, or even an international version that worked on AT&T's network, back in February, I would have bought it and switched back to Windows Phone. If the One M8 for Windows was available for AT&T back in March or April near when the M8 for Android launched, I would have bought it and switched to Windows Phone. Instead, I still can't buy an Icon / 930 or a One M8 for Windows that works properly on AT&T. So how the hell am I supposed to use Windows Phone? I am not going to use an outdated or giant phone, and by the time the 930 and One M8 are available for AT&T, if ever, I won't be buying them as they'll already be outdated compared to competing Android phones.

You know what Microsoft needs to do to gain market share? It's not that hard. Release an up-to-date (spec wise), normal sized, flagship Windows Phone on all US carriers and worldwide at the same time. That's what every other successful smartphone manufacturer does. How do they not get that? If you release your flagship phone on a single carrier in a single country, how many can you possibly sell? No one wants that crap 6 months to a year later when it's outdated.
Keeping up with the Joneses is not exactly a winning formula for success. Properly outfitted phones with a trouble-free OS is. Just because Android OEMs release cutting edge technology doesn't guarantee that 6 months down the road you won't have 30 threads on XDA regarding problems, bugs or workarounds. WP doesn't have that luxury with its current market share.
On the hardware front, its many things:
1.) No high end hardware. Well theres the 930, and the 1520. That's it. 1520 is a giant phablet so that already eliminates a chunk of the market, and the 930 is not even available everywhere. So no one even knows it exists. Then theres...nothing else really.
You need the high end to attract people with the wow factor. Neither of those phones do that. They're nice phones with top end hardware (but not the 'best' unfortunately), but they don't make you go wow. Colors aren't gonna do it now that its a bit more mainstream.
2.) Phone availability. There just isn't much out there. You have ether the 930/1520, or a bunch at the low end. Nothing in the middle, nothing else at the top.
3.) Carrier exclusivity....god. How do you expand your reach to everyone when you don't even allow yourself access to everyone.....who thought that was a good idea??? They're already in third place and this isn't helping....The devices aren't amazing enough to draw customers, and not everyone wants to switch.
4.) Slow adoption of the latest and greatest hardware. We can debate the SD800 vs SD801 but we know the newer stuff is an easier sell. Also, hardware configuration (like SD card slot, removable battery, etc) would help If they aim higher than 'good enough'.
probably hardware is the achilles hell of windows phone devices, but android devices are worst, they can have the latest snapdragon processor but what do you get having the latest snapdragon chipset if the operative system nis not optimized to make run that latest generation of chipset, gets nothing, also Android and windows phone are two separate systems, and whatever Android do for improve the reliability is only not even comparable to WP reliability, we have to remember that the core of Android is Linux ,so they can do many optimizations to do but if the user experience with lower end phones is far of good, do not get much having low end phones with quad cores 1.2 GHZ moving kitkat flavor of android when Microsoft and Nokia have proven that do not need a huge hardware specs to move an Operative system of reliable and flawless way. and even the Lumia 520 is fluent with te specs that have, also the advantages of Nokias are two things the GPS maps which are outstanding and accurate and the Carl Zeiss lenses which are the best lenses of the world, not many phones of Android ecosystem can say that they mounts the best lens ever made in the history of the photography, i have a friend which is considering change his phone by a Nokia because have shown my pictures taken with the Nokia Lumia 820 and he likes the depth of field that even with the samsung Galaxy can not get .
Yes, I kind of agree with this. But I think people shouldn't be so.....offended and feel like it's personal when these discussions come about
Yes, I kind of agree with this. But I think people shouldn't be so.....offended and feel like it's personal when these discussions come about
That seems to be kind of the problem. Someone posts an opinion, and is almost instantly attacked because of that. He is posting an opinion about smartphones, not judging everyones life choices. Some people do react like it is a personal attack or something. Thats a shame, and it doesn't allow for good discussions in my opinion.

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