Every single laptop/tablet sold should come with Windows 10 S as default. Agree?

"Here's my opinion on this: Microsoft believes that most customers will purchase the Pro upgrade. This will have a valuable purpose; hardware sales will increase because prices on the shelf are lower, but buyers will end up paying the extra cost of full Windows anyway. Even if they didn't intend to upgrade, they'll probably end up doing it anyway after an experience similar to yours."

I agree, although it's worth pointing out that at the moment ONLY Surface products come pre-loaded with Windows 10S, and the 'upgrade' to Win 10 Pro is free.
A Win 10S machine is useless in the workplace or Academic environment. Until the Windows Store becomes far more robust and comprehensive, Win 10S will hooble the utility of any machine it's installed on.
I agree, although it's worth pointing out that at the moment ONLY Surface products come pre-loaded with Windows 10S, and the 'upgrade' to Win 10 Pro is free.

Yes I realize that, but it's not intended to be permanently free as far as we know. But who knows...
Absolutely not. I'm a business. I buy a bunch of laptops and expect to join them to my domain, an O365 business domain BTW and install Office 2016. (The full Office suite BTW, not just the three they have ported via Centennial and are distributing in Beta). I can't do this until I upgrade each one to Win 10 Pro? Are you kidding me? So no, every single laptop/tablet sold should NOT come with Windows 10 S as default.
I am of the opinion that having all computers come with 10S would essentially kill off Windows in the consumer space.

Competitors would see it as a another chance to screw over Microsoft by not porting their apps to the store, much as we saw Google intentionally not support Windows Phone specifically because they wanted to make it harder for the platform to gain traction. Google, as one example among many, won't put Chrome in the store until AFTER 10S truly takes off, if it ever does. As others have pointed out, many established software vendors don't need the store as a distribution point and don't want to give Microsoft 30% of their revenue. A lot of smaller ISVs and peripheral vendors will also be reluctant to rework their products to work with what amounts to a new platform from their perspective. If you remember Vista's launch, I think 10S will see the same kind of crappy support from the broader ecosystem, with similar crappy results, except this time it would be mixed with dollops of deliberate rebellion and sabotage from certain "partners."

So no, I don't think it would lead to a dramatic uptick in Store support. And without store support, consumers will get annoyed. And if consumers get annoyed, it won't take hold. Most consumers won't research what 10S is or what a free upgrade to Pro or Home implies, they'll just discover that things they installed on their last computer don't work any more. If they're forced to break with the past, maybe they should take a closer look at a Chromebook, or a cheap Android tablet, or the latest Apple gadget their friend has been raving about...
Re: Every single laptop/tablet sold should come with Windows 10 S as default.

That would he a good way to **** off a lot of customers I guess. What do you mean I can't run thisisavirusyoumoron.exe?!
Re: Every single laptop/tablet sold should come with Windows 10 S as default.

I think you missunderstand. We (the more or less advanced users) will newer be on Windows 10 S, but it's a goodsend if we can get the rest (that is not knowing what they do anyway) on the S version. Will be so better for us "experts" when we not have to clean up the mess for the average users.

I really hope that Windows 10 S will be on every new machine sold. (With the option to upgrade to regular Windows for one year, for free.)
With 6 months to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro/Home without additional charges. (With the caveat that MS changes its policy to allow third party browsers as default if it came from the Windows Store).

I have no idea why Microsoft didnt implement this policy, and here are my reasons:

1. This will force a lot of win32 apps like Firefox, Chrome, Adobe, and other popular legacy developers to use centennial bridge to add their apps into the Windows Store.

2. I strongly feel that most people use their laptops to browse the web, communicate with relatives via skype, messenger, or other live chat apps. The need to install apps downloaded from the web is genuinely for professionals and those types of people will undoubtedly have the knowledge/skills required to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.

3. This will also immensely help holographics, and Microsoft next vision of Mobile (Whatever that may be).

4. The idea that Windows is unsafe and "full of viruses and malware" will surely go away when the majority of the casual users are running Windows 10 S. The more sophisticated users never really have that concept in the first place.

I really hope Microsoft is "testing the waters" with Windows 10S and getting old legacy win32 apps developers to port their apps into the Windows Store before Microsoft finally rolls out this policy officially in 2018. Maybe charge OEM less for licensing Windows 10 S instead of Windows 10 Home/Pro so it gives them incentive to push Win 10 S rather than the full version.
Oops. sent an empty reply.

I'm not sure if the thought or action of setting windows 10S as default will push win32 app developers to push apps to centennial. I think it might make many businesses think twice about upgrading to windows 10 in the first place.

Security and safety are important arguments, but I don't think it would resonate with all markets. Otherwise, I think we would already have more people onboard windows 10. Price and access will also remain important arguments to take into account. I think the push and pull effect will continue for a while. I think if upgrading win32 apps to project centennial would be as simple as a few button clicks and no coding at all, it would off course be a win-win situation to upgrade to win 10S for safety, security and acessibility and price.

I don't think putting all future machines to windows 10S will solve the issue of upgrading win32 apps to the store. I think most oems or resellers will just upgrade the machines and see the 50 dollar upgrade price as an necessary tax. People will accept that.
My opinion: as long as there is not at least good and free
  • office suit (e.g. LibreOffice)
  • 3rd party email (e.g. ThunderBird)
in Windows Store, S is not for home users. Inkscape and Arduino IDE are already in Store, were there rumours abour Paint.net?

Need for programs and applications varies so much, from user to another, from family to another, from home to another. Being stuck - dependent, if you like - in Store apps (like W10M ;) ) will do for "just browsing the web", but thats not enough for majority of home users. Outside US at least :D
Re: Every single laptop/tablet sold should come with Windows 10 S as default.

People wont buy a computer with an OS that cant run all the apps they want. most of the people that use pc's use win32 programs daily. it isn't windows 10 vision either, the thing that people like so much about windows 10 is the versatility of the OS. You want to use your pc as a table, you can. you want to use your Xbox as a pc, you can.... forcing people not to use apps they use daily ruins the thing about the windows 10 ecosystem.
I have used Windows since Windows 286, and currently own 4 Win10 PCs, and manage dozens more. I have never, not once, used the Windows Store for anything, and I don't know anyone who has. I don't want it, I don't need it, and if I was ever forced to it, I'd probably be running Linux Mint the next day.
I have used Windows since Windows 286, and currently own 4 Win10 PCs, and manage dozens more. I have never, not once, used the Windows Store for anything, and I don't know anyone who has. I don't want it, I don't need it, and if I was ever forced to it, I'd probably be running Linux Mint the next day.

I work in IT as well, and like you I don't use the Store and I don't know of anyone who does.
Re: Every single laptop/tablet sold should come with Windows 10 S as default.

People wont buy a computer with an OS that cant run all the apps they want. most of the people that use pc's use win32 programs daily. it isn't windows 10 vision either, the thing that people like so much about windows 10 is the versatility of the OS. You want to use your pc as a table, you can. you want to use your Xbox as a pc, you can.... forcing people not to use apps they use daily ruins the thing about the windows 10 ecosystem.

You're wrong. Most people buy a computer for the browser.

Only people that use it for work would want win32 apps, or power users. Most people are not power users.
I have used Windows since Windows 286, and currently own 4 Win10 PCs, and manage dozens more. I have never, not once, used the Windows Store for anything, and I don't know anyone who has. I don't want it, I don't need it, and if I was ever forced to it, I'd probably be running Linux Mint the next day.

I'm actually the opposite. Apps that are on both Ms store and Msi install I would choose the one in ms store every time. Automatic updates, easy installation on new computers, etc. So many advantages.
Not sure ,at first I was a Windows 7 user, then I failed to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and finally reinstalled the Windows 10 system , depends on the computer skills?
I have used Windows since Windows 286, and currently own 4 Win10 PCs, and manage dozens more. I have never, not once, used the Windows Store for anything, and I don't know anyone who has. I don't want it, I don't need it, and if I was ever forced to it, I'd probably be running Linux Mint the next day.
I do also run Linux Mint. ☺️
I work in IT as well, and like you I don't use the Store and I don't know of anyone who does.
Same here.

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