Facebook : features, discussions, rants, issues, solutions

Re: Let's put an end to the Facebook circus

I don't remember where I read this but I read that they (some company) is working on a making a "Facebook Phone." Not phone app but phone .. Facebook can be great but I am sure in the years to come, everyone is going to regret using it . ..
Re: Let's put an end to the Facebook circus

I quit Facebook a while ago. I have a phone. If someone wants to let me know something, they can call or text. I don't have a need to have to know what everyone is doing at every moment, and everyone else doesn't need to know my business. I don't have instagram either. If someone wants to share a pic, they can text it to me. There's no such thing as privacy anymore. Everything is impersonal and void of real human contact. Civilization wil pay dearly for social networking in the future. I used to think web forums were bad, but most are topical and aren't used to substitute real personal communication. I probably sound like an old scrooge to everyone...but seriously...stop and think about these things every so often. Eff a Facebook. Now I'll go hide until I'm done being hammered..lol

Re: Let's put an end to the Facebook circus

Answering to the first post:
Dude, you have to be online either way to get messages, on app or chat integration.
You can't use Facebook offline.
They fixed the scroll always being reset and go to first post.
They fixed the tile count notifications.
So the update dis something, just didn't what everyone wanted: a new app.
Re: Let's put an end to the Facebook circus

I quit Facebook a while ago. I have a phone. If someone wants to let me know something, they can call or text. I don't have a need to have to know what everyone is doing at every moment, and everyone else doesn't need to know my business. I don't have instagram either. If someone wants to share a pic, they can text it to me.

*pulls you from the desk*

Every tool has a purpose. You are saying Facebook is worthless to you as a screwdriver because it is shaped like a hammer. This has always bugged me.

While I will agree that OVER SHARING is an issue, [people trying to set that screw with the Facebook hammer, over and over, ugh, I don't care your baby ate today!!!] , especially with the youth, young parents and a select few older people also...the 1st couple lines of your post are extremely selfish. You are basically saying that everyone needs to consider you their best friend for you to care about the major events in their lives.

I had a buddy call me just last night to tell me they were having a baby. Now, he was in my wedding so we are very close and that warranted a phone call. I also have a closer friend from HS that is having a kid. Just because I found out about the one on FB means that I should not care at all about that life changing event? No at all. But, obviously my very close friend that called, called for a reason. [The friend from HS actually called to tell my wife last week, they were better friends, and then this week announced to everyone else. Perfect example of a supplement, not replacement.]

When you change cities, you write a personal text to every one of your aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends? I doubt it... But yet that would be a perfect bit of information to share, that might lead you to finding a friend from college that lives in your new neighborhood and meeting up for a beer and catching up.

Sorry, but Facebook can not be replaced solely by texts and phone calls.
Re: Let's put an end to the Facebook circus

A couple of reasons why I stopped using Facebook. People have lost jobs and/or not gotten jobs because employers find them on Facebook. There was one employer that not only demanded the employees Facebook account but demanded the password .. I almost missed my grandson's birthday party because my daughter in law said "I posted the time and date on Facebook."
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

but you appear online all the time... no "mobile device" icon as you get on other platforms

thus people assume that you are in front of your computer and start writing tons of stuff ;) and especially expect a reply immediately
you can go to the me tile and set chat satus' that way they see you as busy, and do not bombard you with messages.
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

but you appear online all the time... no "mobile device" icon as you get on other platforms

thus people assume that you are in front of your computer and start writing tons of stuff ;) and especially expect a reply immediately

If you set your chat status to Busy in the Messaging app, FB should show you as being on a mobile device.
Re: Let's put an end to the Facebook circus

Haha, im just thinking about an employer askin for emplyees Facebook account password here in Norway. What would have happen in the media... Haha haha... That said if somebody looses their job over a Facebook status etc, it's either something wrong with the person, their Facebook privacy settings or the employer...
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

If you set your chat status to Busy in the Messaging app, FB should show you as being on a mobile device.

you can go to the me tile and set chat satus' that way they see you as busy, and do not bombard you with messages.

I set my status to busy in both the me tile and the messaging app, but I still show up as a green dot (online) on facebook, what am I doing wrong?
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

Uninstalled this garbage finally.
instead i got webapps from marketplace and pinned facebook

much better!
Re: Let's put an end to the Facebook circus

A couple of reasons why I stopped using Facebook. People have lost jobs and/or not gotten jobs because employers find them on Facebook. There was one employer that not only demanded the employees Facebook account but demanded the password
I believe there was a case about this... and someone somewhere found a law that would prohibit an employer, legally, from actually asking for your password. That's not to say they won't do it, but still - that specifically is illegal. However, there is also no law saying they can't ask you to input your password for them so they can go in and look for themselves, nor is there a law saying they can't have someone from HR send you a friend request.

Note that not having a Facebook page (or social networking page of any kind, such as Google+) looks bad to some employers, too - they can feel you might have something to hide, or that you actually have an account somewhere you're not telling them about. Additionally, if the account doesn't look like it is being used they could flag it as being "fake" and that can affect job hire or perhaps even keeping a job.

IIRC, last I looked, there was some talk about defining a few clear laws/regulations to keep employers out of social networking sites of both potential and current employees. There were some fairly good points being made as to why these laws needed to come down, some of which referred back around to violation of employment laws which can easily happen with just a simple viewing of the Facebook page. What if the employer captures your age, or a mental condition, or one of a long list of criteria that employers are severely punished for using in employment decisions? The company could be sued if that person is then not hired, if they can argue the case that they were discriminated against based on information the employer saw in their profile. And what if an employer see's a current employee's profile and incriminating information comes up that should result in them firing that individual? What if the employer is not legally allowed to know that information? They could be on the hook whether that individual is fired or not. I don't remember the specific instance of the latter example, but don't feel like looking it up right now.

Main point (or TL;DR): Not keeping a Facebook profile is not protecting you as much as you think. Some laws may be coming up in the future to keep employers out of all social networking profiles. And employers who currently discriminate based on Facebook are not aware that they are potentially opening themselves up to lawsuits based on current laws... it comes down to being somewhat of a perfect storm for one wrong move from a business, and one good lawsuit, for permanent legal precedent.

Source: I wrote a research paper on Facebook and privacy last year :P
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

I set my status to busy in both the me tile and the messaging app, but I still show up as a green dot (online) on facebook, what am I doing wrong?

Perhaps nothing. It can take a while for the status to update - my experience is that FB doesn't always update someone's online status straight away. This is especially true if you are looking at people's status on the web version of FB chat - someone looks online then you refresh the page and it says they've been offline for 15 minutes!
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2


Webapps is a brilliant app, works really well with FB if you prefer the iOS/Android style interface.

omg how i never seen this before? Webapps is awesome! Great alternative for FB and it loads so much faster than IE shortcut!

Thanks guys for mentioning this amazing app <3
Re: Facebook news feed missing multiple hours (HTC 8X VZN)

Same here! I have the Nokia Lumia 810. Been trying it out for my job and it's more inconvenient than anything. I have a lot of friends and family spread out so FB is used for us to keep in touch. Basically I have to still carry around my old SII or hop on a computer to get updates. So damn annoying. No wonder the Windows phones are doing so poorly. They can't even get Facebook right.
Re: Facebook news feed missing multiple hours (HTC 8X VZN)

Have you tried the webapp for Facebook, seem to work fine for me I just bookmark it.
Re: Facebook news feed missing multiple hours (HTC 8X VZN)

Same thing happening here. Nokia Lumia 920 on AT&T running latest firmware.
Re: Facebook news feed missing multiple hours (HTC 8X VZN)

Same here. I have a Nokia lumia 800,running wp 7.8.
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

Perhaps nothing. It can take a while for the status to update - my experience is that FB doesn't always update someone's online status straight away. This is especially true if you are looking at people's status on the web version of FB chat - someone looks online then you refresh the page and it says they've been offline for 15 minutes!

no luck, is it possible that you have the mobile phone text message setting activated? I think this gives you the mobile phone icon too. Living in Switzerland I cannot enable the text messages...

Do you know of any way how to fake this mobile icon if I can't get it normally?
Re: Facebook news feed missing multiple hours (HTC 8X VZN)

That's annoying though. It should just work. Guess I'll be going back to my Android since they seem to have it right.

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