Facebook : features, discussions, rants, issues, solutions

Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

I spent a few hours and checked almost every official document by Microsoft on the messaging app and the WP facebook integration: only Offline and Online affect the facebook chat. Same info according to the Facebook support.

Also every review I found noted this and everybody on the Microsoft Answers forums, nokia forums, here and on some german WP websites I am reading.

It looks like you (and some other guy on here, related to you??) are the only one on the internet who have the phone icon, thus I don't believe you. Your fanboyism must make you hallucinate a phone icon on FB.

I followed your procedure, reinstalled and resetted everything on the phone, in my Microsoft account and on facebook, it is simply impossible.
I also tested every messaging/chat app available in the store, every app can only display online or offline, none "on a mobile device"/busy.

I get a phone icon as well. But....
I use chat in my 920 along with Facebook messenger in my iPad which sets the phone icon in chat window for others. It doesn't change the phone icon if I'm not online in my iPad. If someone pings, I still get the message on my phone. So, I get the phone icon in a dubious way. :)
I've seen this behavior with my sister name as well who uses an Lumia 800 + iPad.

You're right though in saying that WP chat definitely does not set phone icon in chat by itself. But if you use a compatible device, your friends will see the phone icon and you'll get the pings in your phone.
Re: Facebook for Windows Phone 4.2

shouldn't you be contacting MS? They're the ones behind this app lol i can't possibly see how Nokia can give you the answer you want...

Clearly you werent here when stephen elop himself emailed that a new fb app was being worked on
Facebook app/Me tile...absolute mess

OK, so let me get this straight: the Facebook app automatically defaults status updates to be seen by only me...I have to manually change each status update so my friends can see it? Stupid. Check-ins do not allow me to change the default settings...therefore only people who I tag with me see the post? Stupid. I can use the Me tile to do check-ins and everybody can see it, yet I can't tag anybody with me? Again...stupid. What a cluster of a mess.
Re: Facebook app/Me tile...absolute mess

So these issues are just the nature of the OS and there are no settings I can adjust to change things? Wow! Why would MS be so ignorant? These would be simple fixes and something that NEVER should be overlooked in the first place.
Re: Facebook app/Me tile...absolute mess

For my me tile, it says right there choose who to see status - and it is defaulted to friends

fb app says it will use my default settings from the web
Re: Facebook app/Me tile...absolute mess

Go to Facebook and check your app settings for Windows Phone, you probably have the app set to just you. My status updates and check ins go to my friends.
Facebook chat contacts, doesnt appear

Hi guys,

I just bpught aL620 for my wife, but even that we sync her fb account we dont get her fb contcts to appear in her messages app
Facebook Upload Image

I have the lumia 920 how do I upload photos on facebook at higher resolution
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Re: Facebook Upload Image

I have the lumia 920 how do I upload photos on facebook at higher resolution????
Re: Facebook Upload Image

I have the lumia 920 how do I upload photos on facebook at higher resolution????
Images on Facebook are always downsized when you upload them. How much they are downsized is not under user control. However if you copy your images from the phone to your computer, you can then upload them to Facebook and it will give you an option to upload at 'high quality'.
Re: Facebook Upload Image

From lumia 920 not become?
there is a program that puts a maximum resolution?
Re: Facebook Upload Image

No you cant upload maximum resolution. It's a limitation imposed by Facebook. You'll have to use some dedicated image uploading service like Flicr or Imgur to upload max resolution pics.
Re: Facebook chat contacts, doesnt appear

Hi guys,

I just bpught aL620 for my wife, but even that we sync her fb account we dont get her fb contcts to appear in her messages app

Messaging apps ? - contacts are in "People" apps ... by messaging apps, you can enable fb chatting (through settings of messaging) ...
How to upload video to FB w/o compressing?

Is there a way? I hate the quality that gets uploaded to FB from our WPs.
Anyone else have an issue posting an image with a caption?

I can post an image with no text or I can post a text status no problem, but not together. The only way I can add text to a picture is to post the picture and then add a comment with the text I wanted to add as the caption.

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