Finally giving up on Windows phone and need suggestions


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Mar 6, 2014
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I'm finally giving up on Windows Phone.

After hearing no news regarding new phones or Andromeda, as well as pivotal apps dying such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and so on so I am making the move to Android (never Apple).

The big question is what phone should I buy people????

I love a good camera but I also like all the functionality and customization that came with the Windows Phone, and of course all of my contacts, calendar, emails, documents are all in the Microsoft ecosystem (OneDrive, Excel, OneNote, etc) and I have a Surface Book 2.
As I have no clue and never owned an Android I was hoping for suggestions.

From what I can see the Samsung Galaxy S10 and Google Pixel 3 both sound great...…



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I agree with Laura Pixel 3, or 3 XL if you want a larger device. Stock Android, very timely updates (3 years worth), yup awesome camera, and "free" Google Photos uploads/storage at "full res". The one thing I don't really like about Google's phones is the lack of expandable storage yet I'm finding with my P20 & Pro (none either) their 128GB's of storage is turning out to be more than sufficient.


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The one thing I don't really like about Google's phones is the lack of expandable storage yet I'm finding with my P20 & Pro (none either) their 128GB's of storage is turning out to be more than sufficient.

Yes I used to have a problem with the lack of SD card slots until phones got larger internal storage. SD cards are problematic anyway, and it was good riddance in my opinion. I happily spend the extra +/- $100 for more storage, and enjoy not messing with SD cards. SD cards aren't free anyway, so it's not like the higher purchase price is a total waste.

I am currently using a OnePlus 6T with 256GB internal storage. If I fill that up then it is time to clean house!


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Storage isn't a big deal breaker as I usually had OneDrive backing up all my files and photos anyway. (hopefully Andriod phones easily work with OneDrive, OneNote and Excel.

I see Pixels camera is considered to be better, but apparently the video isn't as great as the Galaxy S10. Also the low light photos on Pixel 3 are great but people have said it takes a while to focus so the moment might be missed before the photo is taken, is any of this true?


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My first post in forever, I've been mostly just a reader here. I finally gave up on my 950xl as my daily driver last year when I needed an app for Liftmaster. I keep it on now with Mint mobile on the cheap!!
I had windows phones since the 928. I still have several Wp's and they all work & keep a decent charge. I used my Alcatel WP as my iPod in my car, when I got sick of commercials on Pandora. Now with the Pro7 & 256 Gigs storage I can have everything I want on one phone. I picked up a Moto G6, put Microsoft launcher on it, for my interim phone,which is a very good low cost phone! I had been watching Oneplus. I read up on the 5-6T and waited for the 7pro. I'm very happy with it, especially after putting the Microsoft launcher!! Sure there's been a few minor hick ups, no big deal, we've already gotten 3 updates. Never wanted an iPhone, and not a fan of Sammy (keep looking for your updates). I actually read more phone tech than anyone should lol. There are plenty of cry babies out there reviewing the 7pro. I don't need wireless charging, headphone jack, waterproof rating (see you tube videos-30 minutes underwater and fine) or extra storage. There are several phones coming out this year from lesser known companies that will deserve to be checked out. Good luck in your search!!
OnePlus Pro 7 Nebula 8g ram/256g storage.
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Mar 6, 2014
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Thanks Laura! Can i use Microsoft apps on Google Pixel 3 such as Onenote, OneDrive, Outlook and excel?
I know my friends Samsung has access to a lot of apps and functions, I'm wondering if Pixel is the same...

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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Thanks Laura! Can i use Microsoft apps on Google Pixel 3 such as Onenote, OneDrive, Outlook and excel?
I know my friends Samsung has access to a lot of apps and functions, I'm wondering if Pixel is the same...
Yes, you can. I have an LG, and those apps work well for me. They are compatible with all current Android phones.


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Thanks Laura! Can i use Microsoft apps on Google Pixel 3 such as Onenote, OneDrive, Outlook and excel?
I know my friends Samsung has access to a lot of apps and functions, I'm wondering if Pixel is the same...

Though I have nothing against MS apps at all I'd suggest getting familiar with Google Drive if you buy a Pixel because you get unlimited storage for photos with it on Drive.

All current Android phones can be customized (launcher, notifications, file manager, etc) and run all the apps on Google Play, which is a lot. It"s something to get used to once you leave WP. There's a lot of apps!

Pixel is still considered the best camera out there. I'm not a huge fan of Samsung but they have come a long way. They do tend to have some bloat on their devices.


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Nov 13, 2013
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Thanks Laura! Can i use Microsoft apps on Google Pixel 3 such as Onenote, OneDrive, Outlook and excel?
I know my friends Samsung has access to a lot of apps and functions, I'm wondering if Pixel is the same...

As said, if you are going for a Google phone then Google apps are designed more for it and work best. So that way you are more tied in to Google's ecosystem. If you don't want that then any other Android manufacturer + MS Android apps should be fine.


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A few things to consider here IMO.

If the phone has a camera, or AI button, CAN you select another services (like cortana for example). Sticking with stock software, if one was all in on microsoft, it'd be useful to be able to remap this button (rather than being stuck with bixby or google assistant). I know on the xiaomi's for eg, you can change this button to cortana.

A lot of phones these days have 'ports' of google camera software, which is the software that makes the pixel camera so good (and yes that's legal, developers have said they don't mind). So you can actually get midrange phones with great cameras, use gcam, and get excellent photos. For eg pocofone f1 and Mi 9 SE.

I like that samsung isn't entirely tied to Google, but I also find their phones fairly proprietary. For example you need a special driver on your PC to connect to PC, and it's quiet annoying. That said, to varying degree's, even if you dont' use the apps, all android phones are somewhat tied to googles system (like you MUST have gmail). The main thing is you can change the button as above, then grab microsoft launcher and apps, and then you'll have a pretty MSFT-y android.

Some phones also support rooting, and custom mods, which if you like customization might be worth considering. OnePlus 6T is one example, Moto G6 and I believe you can install custom firmware on pixel 3/XL too and it has good magisk compatibility for rooting. Both the midrange xiaomi phones I mentioned are rootable, but only the pocofone f1 has a lineage rom if you wanted to custom rom it (9 Se is pretty new). Rooting, or custom mods are a little bit technical mind. But it gives you slightly more ability to mess around with how the phone works.

If you don't mess with rooting or custom roms, nokia might be another brand to consider.


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Mar 6, 2014
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Thanks all for the comments! Very helpful.
In the end I have ordered a Samsung Galaxy S10.
I'm hoping to install the Microsoft Launcher on it and possibly Google Pixels camera software as then I have the best of both worlds.
It sounds like Samsung have great hardware and are quite reliable and customizable which I love.
Also my Book 2 has the "Your Phone" App which hopefully links easily to the Galaxy.
Thanks all for the help :D


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I'm hoping to install the Microsoft Launcher on it and possibly Google Pixels camera software as then I have the best of both worlds.

I would recommend that you do not get all excited about customizing. Samsung phones are popular for a reason. Their cameras are as good as they come.

My advice would be to use it as it is out of the box. Use the default launcher and camera app. Of course install any apps you want, Microsoft apps or otherwise. After awhile, you can see if something else will work better. But I would guess that you'll be quite satisfied.


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I would recommend that you do not get all excited about customizing. Samsung phones are popular for a reason. Their cameras are as good as they come.

My advice would be to use it as it is out of the box. Use the default launcher and camera app. Of course install any apps you want, Microsoft apps or otherwise. After awhile, you can see if something else will work better. But I would guess that you'll be quite satisfied.

I completely agree about Samsung phones not being customisable. They like to lock everything down pretty tight if you don't want to root it.


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I completely agree about Samsung phones not being customisable. They like to lock everything down pretty tight if you don't want to root it.

I didn't mean that Samsung phones are not customizable. They are to a certain extent. But for any given phone, the smoothest experience will be using it as natively as possible. This includes Samsung phones. Samsung has a lot of value added features that I missed when I moved to OnePlus.

Another thing about Samsung phones related to your comment is that they are very secure. They rank right up there with iPhones. I personally am not too concerned about security as I believe it is more a theoretical issue than a real life issue. I am not saying that security is not important. It is. But any phone is secure. Some are just a bit more secure than others.

If I was very worried about security, I wouldn't be typing this on a Windows desktop! :smile: Some people get the perception that they need to have what they believe is the the best in secure phones though, so Samsung is worthy of consideration in that regard.

I read a lot about Microsoft users switching to Android who talk about getting a phone with "pure/native/stock Android". In reality, there is no such thing on a phone. Android in its purest form is very bare bones. It wouldn't even be usable as a phone. Even Pixel, OnePlus, and Nokia phones are heavily modified from "pure" Android.


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I didn't mean that Samsung phones are not customizable. They are to a certain extent. But for any given phone, the smoothest experience will be using it as natively as possible. This includes Samsung phones. Samsung has a lot of value added features that I missed when I moved to OnePlus.

Another thing about Samsung phones related to your comment is that they are very secure. They rank right up there with iPhones. I personally am not too concerned about security as I believe it is more a theoretical issue than a real life issue. I am not saying that security is not important. It is. But any phone is secure. Some are just a bit more secure than others.

If I was very worried about security, I wouldn't be typing this on a Windows desktop! :smile: Some people get the perception that they need to have what they believe is the the best in secure phones though, so Samsung is worthy of consideration in that regard.

I read a lot about Microsoft users switching to Android who talk about getting a phone with "pure/native/stock Android". In reality, there is no such thing on a phone. Android in its purest form is very bare bones. It wouldn't even be usable as a phone. Even Pixel, OnePlus, and Nokia phones are heavily modified from "pure" Android.

I agree that 'Pure Android' is misleading. I guess we use the term 'Pure Android' to really mean 'not nearly half as bloated as Samsung'. But it's easier to market and understand as 'Pure Android'.


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I agree that 'Pure Android' is misleading. I guess we use the term 'Pure Android' to really mean 'not nearly half as bloated as Samsung'. But it's easier to market and understand as 'Pure Android'.

Actually 'pure Android ' these days means Android One. Barebones and no bloat or customization done by the OEM.

Most OEMs usually have some form of customization. Even those who go fairly basic with their launcher.

The Chinese OEMs really go out of their way to make the launcher iPhone like.

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