For TP2 - Sprint of Verizon? Best coverage?


New member
Oct 11, 2009
For TP2 - Sprint or Verizon? Best coverage?

I am about to maybe order a TP2 from Sprint seeing as Verizon does not have them available yet. And though the Sprint will cost more initially, their plan will cost me $44 LESS a month! But after the sour taste I have with AT&T and their extremely pitiful 3g coverage, I don't want poor coverage again! Any thoughts?
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This is my opinion and maybe it's fact, but Verizon has the best coverage all around. With that being said, Verizon has the highest plans around as well. The choice is yours.
at my work we have sprint signal boosters, so sprint gets my vote. never really had any trouble with it, but never used verizon either.
Love Verizon

I have been with Verizon for almost 10 years and can say I love their network. Sure their plan costs more per month but I can say my 3G coverage is great and is pretty decent even in the bunker of a building I work in. I have had only one dropped call because of that but other than that my coverage is great.

I guess it's a matter of where you live. If Sprint has great coverage but Verizon doesn't go with Sprint or vice versa. Nothing is worse than paying these companies thousands of dollars over the course of your contract and having crappy coverage.
I have been with Verizon for almost 10 years and can say I love their network. Sure their plan costs more per month but I can say my 3G coverage is great and is pretty decent even in the bunker of a building I work in. I have had only one dropped call because of that but other than that my coverage is great.

I guess it's a matter of where you live. If Sprint has great coverage but Verizon doesn't go with Sprint or vice versa. Nothing is worse than paying these companies thousands of dollars over the course of your contract and having crappy coverage.

This girl I work with here in the office used to work for AT&T, so is quite biased towards them. She showed me a coverage map (of course, from the AT&T website) that portrays AT&T's voice and data covereage to be just as large as Verizon's. But on Verizon's page and handout they give you at the store, it shows a way different picture - you barely see any "blue" on the map for AT&T. Even Sprint (in green) was shown to have more zones than AT&T. But all I know, is my AT&T BB Bold crawls on the web, have lost calls or did not even connect, their celluar video is always buffering and locking up, and I have yet to get any speed from my own home AT&T (U-Verse) wireless router on this darn BB! So unless it is my BB that is the problem, I want away from AT&T. But, do I go with Sprint now, or wait for the Verizon TP2 to come in????????

And as mentioned, the Sprint plan will cost way less per month - and even invludes their version of V-Cast TV and Music, where as Verizon does not even offer than on the TP2. You have to go with the Imagio to get the V-Cast. Not like that is a deal breakes, as I haven't used anything like that (yet). But you never know, once you have it, you might wonder how you ever did without it?
Well, I went and bit the bullet. Could not stand another week with AT&T, so just ordered the Sprint TP2. Should be here this week!!!!!!! Thanks Big D5, you helped with your info on coverage!
Well, I went and bit the bullet. Could not stand another week with AT&T, so just ordered the Sprint TP2. Should be here this week!!!!!!! Thanks Big D5, you helped with your info on coverage!

ordered mine yesterday.
Sprint has been great to me, 10 years or so with them. As long as you are in a decent city (at least one interstate) or around military bases, sprint will take care of you.
I just drove almost 1000 miles today I drove from DFW to Indianapolis I war running GPS all the way. I would say I had EVDO about 80-85% of the time. I watched Sling Box for about 4 hours lost connection only twice.
Also looking to switch from AT&T

I have been a very loyal Verizon customer for about 8 years but I switched to AT&T for the iPhone. I love the iPhone but AT&T data coverage has become unbearable. My friend got the TP2 and I must say that it is the most impressive WinMo phone EVER so needless to say I'm eagerly awaiting the "re-release" of the TP2 only on Verizon.
As my usual luck will go, . . . . . . . Sprint over-nighted my new TP2 to me, but freaking UPS did NOT leave it at my door! So I had to call UPS and now drive in about an hour from now quite some distance to the UPS depo to pick it up. I had to do this, otherwise they would have not left it again and again! Argh!!!!! Now I have to wait till tomorrow for the ReadyNow setup :(

Trying to get Sprint to at least get me a new holster for all this hassle, but nope. Not a very good start in my eyes. Well, I do have the 30 days to try Sprint out, perhaps if Verizon gets theirs in within that time frame . . . . . . .
Keep us up to date Rocky once you get your PPC that is.

PPC??? As I used to play Battletech (Mechwarrior on the computer), that would mean a Particle Projectile Cannon. And the way I am feeling right now, I would use one of those on someone at Sprint right now!

Ok, so I made the trip to the UPS depot and got my TP2. BUT!!!!!!!! Someone sent me a darn extra wall charger (and not even the right connector for the TP2's offset mini USB port) instead of the CAR charger I had ordered. More argh!

And of course, it was too late to get to the Sprint store to use the ReadyNow setup, so will have to wait till tomorrow to activate it, as I have a lot to transfer over from my BB Bold.

Seeing as this has become a real headache now, and the support person on the Sprint chat did not even offer any perks for my troubles, and I don't get to use it yet, I am quite the very UNhappy camper at the moment. And seeing as Verizon is going to have theirs again soon, and with WM 6.5 pre-loaded, I just might get my last laugh. Time will tell . . . . . . I DO know though, that if the Sprint signal is equal or worse than my AT&T Bold had, it is going back for sure. For what I paid for this, they should have bent over backwards to satisfy me. Sorry Big D5 for ranting, but with the way the economy has screwed many folks over, and the job market has us by the gonads, and a lot of stress and penny pinching, this was the first time in a long time that I actually was excited about something new! And so all this disapointment has hit me harder than it should have :(
WELL WELL WELL!!!!!!! Verizon now has their TP2's back in stock. I just checked with my local store where I was going to originally order one. As I have not activated the Sprint one yet, I think I will be making a change tonight. Still on the border about it, but that Verizon coverage is some heck of a selling point.

Of course, I won't get V-Cast anything on their TP2, which Sprint does offer. But after reading a bit on that, nearly everything costs a subscription anyway! So, I would use Hulu more anyway (FREE), and maybe my NetFlix streaming online might work with this too? So no loss, but huge coverage zones to gain. Hmmmmmmmm Sprint may have lost me before they even had a chance.
It appears to be official. The Verizon sales guy was able to place the order for me, so they must be back in stock (for a few hours?). He said they got somehthing like 700 of them delivered to the warehouse. So the Sprint goes back tonight. Should be no problem, and I haven't even activated it yet.
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It appears to be official. The Verizon sales guy was able to place the order for me, so they must be back in stock (for a few hours?). He said they got somehthing like 700 of them delivered to the warehouse. So the Sprint goes back tonight. Should be no problem, and I haven't even activated it yet.

Whoops! Spoke too soon. Went to the Sprint store, and because I had ordered it online, I have to call Sprint's 888# to return it. Oh well, they lost for for sure now. Besides, I really wanted Verizon first anyway, so now I CAN get them and their TP2. Sure do hope it does come pre-loaded with 6.5, cause that would aleviate problems later on . . . . . .

So AT&T? :thumbsdn: bye bye!
Sprint? Too many strikes and you are outta there! :eek::thumbsdn:
Verizon, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::D
I am just glad you got what you wanted after you have had some time to form an opinion post a review and tell us all how Verizon is treating you.

I agree Verizon ahs the larger coverage but it doesn't matter to me, I live in a big metropoli so all big 4 cover very well.

The question for me is speed. 3G, EVDO, WIMAX or 4G or whatever.
So which one has the fastest download and the fastest upload for Internet, data, and videos?:confused:
I agree Verizon ahs the larger coverage but it doesn't matter to me, I live in a big metropoli so all big 4 cover very well.

The question for me is speed. 3G, EVDO, WIMAX or 4G or whatever.
So which one has the fastest download and the fastest upload for Internet, data, and videos?:confused:

varies by location and signal strength. but the TP2 also has wifi which is even better. I'm not sure if this phone supports 4g or not???
Whoops! Spoke too soon. Went to the Sprint store, and because I had ordered it online, I have to call Sprint's 888# to return it. Oh well, they lost for for sure now. Besides, I really wanted Verizon first anyway, so now I CAN get them and their TP2. Sure do hope it does come pre-loaded with 6.5, cause that would aleviate problems later on . . . . . .

So AT&T? :thumbsdn: bye bye!
Sprint? Too many strikes and you are outta there! :eek::thumbsdn:
Verizon, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::D

I'm pretty sure Sprint stores are franchises (why else would there be two on a street a block away from each other). Of course you would have to send it back to the warehouse.
Sorry you had trouble with them. They have always been good with us when something was wrong. Case in point, the CS guy who combined our plans years ago to a family plan screwed it up pretty good. After a couple of rounds on the phone with other CS people we got a $500 credit, 3months free and 30% off each month (still get that discount).
When my wife went over her text messages (by about $100), they waived the overages and signed us up for unlimited texting.
When my wife went almost 2000 minutes over our minutes, they waived all but 20.00 of it and we upgraded our plan again.
Now we have 3000 anytime minutes, unlimited everything else, free nights(7p) and weekends, and mobile to mobile and only pay $120 for both phones.

I guess go with what makes you happy. Seems like you never wanted to switch to begin with.
I'm pretty sure Sprint stores are franchises (why else would there be two on a street a block away from each other). Of course you would have to send it back to the warehouse.
Sorry you had trouble with them. They have always been good with us when something was wrong. Case in point, the CS guy who combined our plans years ago to a family plan screwed it up pretty good. After a couple of rounds on the phone with other CS people we got a $500 credit, 3months free and 30% off each month (still get that discount).
When my wife went over her text messages (by about $100), they waived the overages and signed us up for unlimited texting.
When my wife went almost 2000 minutes over our minutes, they waived all but 20.00 of it and we upgraded our plan again.
Now we have 3000 anytime minutes, unlimited everything else, free nights(7p) and weekends, and mobile to mobile and only pay $120 for both phones.

I guess go with what makes you happy. Seems like you never wanted to switch to begin with.

Yes, it does sound like Sprint took good care of you, but yikes your wife sure does not know about "limits". 2000 OVER minutes? $100 worth of text over the limit? Ouch.

As for not wanting to switch, I AM switching, from AT&T and a BB Bold which I could not stand another minute with. I just got frustrated with the BB and AT&T so much, that when VZW did not have the TP2 in stock, and no ETA at all when they'd be back in, I sort of paniced and went to the next lower, Sprint who did have the TP2 in stock. My original choice was to go with Verizon, and now I am happy I can.

By the way, even though AT&T has their TP2 now, that was NEVER an option, as that is who I am leaving to begin with. Gads was my BB Bold so slow, the 3G typically crawling (try web browsing, not!), the celluar video buffering constantly every 35 seconds (to where it was impossible to watch the video at all), the wireless non-existent (even with AT&T's own U-Verse wireless router, I never could get any speed, so would slow browsing even more while it would constantly try to make up its mind to go wireless or go back to 3G, then down to EDGE).

And if my apartment complex were wired for FIOS, I'd have that too, instead of U-Verse.
The iphone is sucking up all of AT&T's 3G coverage, making it unbareable for everybody. So it was a relief to hear them say they were updating and installing new towers throughout the U.S. (*Although it may be some time before they're all up and running, things should get better in the future.*) I read an article somewhere that Verizon probably will get the iphone sometime in the next couple of years. And once they do, they will likely experience the same kind of network stress and problems that AT&T is experiencing do to the iphone. Therefore, they will have to do a lot of updating as well, since CDMA is the old kid on the block. (*But it's not just the iphone.*) With all of these smartphones getting smartier and being able to do so much, plus, the new users that are leaving there landline phones and using there cell phone as their main source of communication,(for example....internet,voice calls,navigation,etc.)every carrier will eventually get pushed to the stress limit.

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