Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Ok, I'm back in the office after a weekend of e-sports viewing and ready to answer your questions!

Hey Ryan, any idea if gameloft is working on implementing Moga controller support in existing and future title coming to windows phone (I know asphalt and dungeon hunter already have it :))

Controller support in general is something our Dev teams talk about for each release. They make the decision at the studio to include/not include support depending on if they think it'll be beneficial to the game. A recent example of this is actually TASM2. While controller support wasn't included in the game initially, the Dev teams heard the community feedback and are considering adding it with a future update. So this answer doesn't really address Moga controller specifically, it kinda talks about controllers as a whole. Plus, we really like the concept of being able to use Xbox controllers with Windows stuff.

Hey Ryan! Welcome to WPC! GT Racing 2 will be coming to windows phone store I presume since Gameloft themselves have published "Download from Windows Phone Store" In their official Twitter Page! Did u check this out?

Yep, GT Racing 2 will be coming. The team is porting the massive update that just hit on Android/iOS so it's taking a little longer to launch, but it'll definitely be worth it.

So Ryan, quick questions;

1. Will Gameloft take advantage of universal app feature introduced in the build conference?

2. If a game is implemented as a universal app for windows and windows phone, is it harder or easier for optimizing and coding new games?

3. Is it possible to update the first post of this thread from time to time, (if you can) with latest Gameloft game releases for windowsphone? That is, if the company let you reveal info.

1. The Dev team hasn't mentioned anything to me about it currently so I can't say one way or another. If I hear anything about it I'll be sure to relay the message!

2. See #1

3. Yeah, I'll be doing my best to just update the thread regularly if I post about something anywhere on WPCentral. If I get release dates ahead of schedule I'll include them in this thread as well!

Hey Ryan! When is six guns going to get updated??
And can you tell us the launching date of modern combat 5?

Six Guns - I believe an update is coming, it just takes a bit longer than normal because the Devs are working on getting as much content in to one update as possible. I know it's a bummer to wait so long, but it's definitely still supported!

MC5 - We haven't announced a release date for MC5 yet, so no I can't say.

Hey Ryan in asphalt8 Am not being able to purchase McLaren P1 or other great wall update cars! It say "Cars required to compete in this event is not for sale"! Please look into this! Will it be solved???

The Great Wall Update included a lot of cars that are unlocked after events take place. When the events are live, top finishers will be able to win certain cars prior to everyone being able to buy them in the shop. Stay tuned because the vehicles will be up for grabs soon as long as the timeline is the same!

Thanks for supporting windows phone. But less than 50% percent of gamers will enjoy your games. So.. Keep in mind those with 512MB Of RAM..

Well it's a good thing we support 512MB RAM devices :P

Hi Ryan!
I have a VERY URGENT message to provide to your team.Should I PM you about it so you can pass on the message to your team or should I contact your team myself?
(This message may also interest you but in a negative way perhaps)
Please reply as soon as possible, this is of the utmost importance.
Sorry,I cant tell it here publicly because any information I provide may be used for the wrong purposes. :unhappy:

You can PM me.

Hey Ryan! :)

WPCentral posted that the Amazing Spider Man 2 would be coming April 17th alongside iOS and Android. It didn't happen :( Any idea when this game is expected to launch?


TASM2 will be launching on Windows but it will be launching closer to the US movie release. So that's coming up quickly in May!

Hey Ryan I have question about Order and Chaos, the fact that it's xbox enabled has me worried for future updates. I know Gameloft has even ditched xbox support in there latest releases but does that also mean that OaC will never get anymore updates? (you know since updating xbox games is apparently a hassle)

No need to worry, I know for a fact the Dev team is working on an update right now that adds content and fixes a lot of issues. Similar to Six Guns, the team is trying to put a lot of existing content into one update so it takes a little longer than normal. Hang in there and we're doing our best to get each platform at the same point!
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U didn't answered to my Query Ryan ?? :s

may be Uno and Friends app isn't on ur interest list that's why it's not updated since long time :(
U didn't answered to my Query Ryan ?? :s

may be Uno and Friends app isn't on ur interest list that's why it's not updated since long time :(

Sorry I didn't read it as a question, just as more of a statement >.< We are still supporting UNO & Friends on all of the platforms it's currently on, so more updates will be coming that will help the stability.
Sorry I didn't read it as a question, just as more of a statement >.< We are still supporting UNO & Friends on all of the platforms it's currently on, so more updates will be coming that will help the stability.

Thanks for releasing captain America:TWS.
I don't know why it had such poor ratings, I'll download and try to find out. :)
Hello Ryan, is there anything that can be done to get Xbox live support back into Gameloft games? Any way we can help? Thanks.
Thank you for Captain America.I played a few minutes ago and the game is a bit laggy on my lumia 920.I hope the game will be updated soon.
Hello Ryan, is there anything that can be done to get Xbox live support back into Gameloft games? Any way we can help? Thanks.

It's always something the game teams discuss internally and they would like to get back to including eventually. They are for sure keeping an eye on the community feedback and I let them know about the #SaveXBoxonWindowsPhone hashtag campaign I was messaged on Twitter haha!

Thank you for Captain America.I played a few minutes ago and the game is a bit laggy on my lumia 920.I hope the game will be updated soon.

Yeah, I know the first and second update on iOS/Android included performance improvements so Windows will be getting them as well!

Thanks for supporting 512MB devices in Captain America:TWS :)

You're welcome! Hope you enjoy it!
Hey Ryan. I love Gameloft, but its time for some (personal) constructive criticism.

Seeing how Captain America TWS needs an active internet connection to play defeats its purpose as a mobile (single player) game to me.

Why? Because if I have an internet connection, I would be on Facebook or Whatsapp or browsing websites like WPC or IGN etc..
...and if i don't have an internet connection and am bored, I play games on my phone. Now with this new trend I can't do that too.

So please leave the active internet connection limit to Multiplayer only games.
Hey Ryan. I love Gameloft, but its time for some (personal) constructive criticism.

Seeing how Captain America TWS needs an active internet connection to play defeats its purpose as a mobile (single player) game to me.

Why? Because if I have an internet connection, I would be on Facebook or Whatsapp or browsing websites like WPC or IGN etc..
...and if i don't have an internet connection and am bored, I play games on my phone. Now with this new trend I can't do that too.

So please leave the active internet connection limit to Multiplayer only games.

I second that.i play games when I'm outside of home, when im bored.i don't have a Wi-Fi connection at these times so I play games to pass the time. But this internet connection stuff is really destroying this purpose.It should be an option for the user only if he wants to go online or not. It shouldn't be an obligation.
Also., ice age village and kingdoms and lords are both major social platform games. Why is it that they don't need internet connection to play while a game like captain America does?? :( This new strategy is seriously destroying my gameloft experience. Thanks to this, now I can't even play world at arms or captain America.
Please ask your team to remove these restrictions.I'm sure there are many others like is who can't play your games because of this. :'(
I second that.i play games when I'm outside of home, when im bored.i don't have a Wi-Fi connection at these times so I play games to pass the time. But this internet connection stuff is really destroying this purpose.It should be an option for the user only if he wants to go online or not. It shouldn't be an obligation.
Also., ice age village and kingdoms and lords are both major social platform games. Why is it that they don't need internet connection to play while a game like captain America does?? :( This new strategy is seriously destroying my gameloft experience. Thanks to this, now I can't even play world at arms or captain America.
Please ask your team to remove these restrictions.I'm sure there are many others like is who can't play your games because of this. :'(

And I third that!!!!!!!
We need Offline gaming!!!
And Xbox 🎮 integration
So please leave the active internet connection limit to Multiplayer only games.

The online-only requirement was a development decision and it's one the Dev teams have been talking about after seeing community feedback on both Captain and TASM2. While this does help control piracy, it also helps us actively prevent hacking within the game for any multiplayer competitions we run. Since we offer significant rewards by placing highly on each game's leaderboard we want to ensure the playing field is level for all players. We also don't want to reward hackers each time we give out rewards.

I understand your position 100% and I've made sure to relay any and all feedback about the online-only requirement to the game teams. I know they are discussing their options and time will tell if they decide they can tweak/remove the feature.

Please ask your team to remove these restrictions.I'm sure there are many others like is who can't play your games because of this. :'(

Check out the stuff above ^^ (:

Ryan,could you provide us eith correct date of GT Racing 2? (:

I can't provide the exact date right now, I'll update the thread once I get that information.
The online-only requirement was a development decision and it's one the Dev teams have been talking about after seeing community feedback on both Captain and TASM2. While this does help control piracy, it also helps us actively prevent hacking within the game for any multiplayer competitions we run. Since we offer significant rewards by placing highly on each game's leaderboard we want to ensure the playing field is level for all players. We also don't want to reward hackers each time we give out rewards.

I understand your position 100% and I've made sure to relay any and all feedback about the online-only requirement to the game teams. I know they are discussing their options and time will tell if they decide they can tweak/remove the feature.

Check out the stuff above ^^ (:

I'm disappointed to say the least :(
The online-only requirement was a development decision and it's one the Dev teams have been talking about after seeing community feedback on both Captain and TASM2. While this does help control piracy, it also helps us actively prevent hacking within the game for any multiplayer competitions we run. Since we offer significant rewards by placing highly on each game's leaderboard we want to ensure the playing field is level for all players. We also don't want to reward hackers each time we give out rewards.

I understand your position 100% and I've made sure to relay any and all feedback about the online-only requirement to the game teams. I know they are discussing their options and time will tell if they decide they can tweak/remove the feature.

I understand the piracy and hacking issues. But why limit the single player mode? Can't the devs tweak the games in such a way that only when rewards/leader boards/multiplayer are used the game will require an active connection to proceed?

I am not a dev and i don't understand the complexity to produce such software but its food for thought.

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