Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

They made a forum in the past for instagraph why not make a forum for you guys?

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So, captain America, doesn't support 512 Mb ram devices????
In store description says: Only works with: 8xx, 9xx, 1520, 1020,etc..
So, captain America, doesn't support 512 Mb ram devices????
In store description says: Only works with: 8xx, 9xx, 1520, 1020,etc..

Yaa I guess so after reading your post I downloaded the game but it was lagging alot and it got crash.
I think they will optimize the game soon.
Ryan request you to please post the link to Captain America : TWS once the real game has gone live on the store.
Hey Ryan. Would really love an update on The Amazing Spiderman 2. Really disappointing that it still isnt on windows. Are you working to make it a universal app? Are you going through cert for xbox live? Please give me some good news. Cheers
make all game windows phone LIKE GARENA or steam!!! the most things people bored because play alone with com. do more games online for window phones!!

(sorry wrong posted because my thread doens't look up for everyone)
When will be Captain America fixed? I wait for update for a week. I think the developers can be able fix this problem from last week.
Hey. . Any news about Six guns it never had an update and there are a lot of bugs ( ex. enemys stuck in walls ) plus Ios and android got a lot of news stuff and missions .
Bad English sorry .
hey ryan sorry was not able to attach screenshot in pm so attaching here

Okay, that's really strange that K&L is not opening but A8 is. Since this appears to be a technical issue could you let our support team know about it with the screenshots? If you could, that'd be great. They will be able to send the information over to our Dev team and work on a fix for the issue. Here's a link

Thank You Ryan for Reply but yeah I can help u in identying that Bug while programming has to be done by ur dev's side .
PS : Sorry my English is poor :)

No need to apologize, I was able to understand what you meant 100%! If that's the case, can you let our team know? Going through this link will help you send in any and all information you have on how to address this! Thanks!

hey ryan can we expect this game to be available on WindowsPhone
i found this similar to team fortress 2 on steam

So all I can say about Blitz Brigade right now is keep an eye out in the next 2-3 weeks. (;

They made a forum in the past for instagraph why not make a forum for you guys?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No idea, but I'm happy just working through a thread like this! It keeps all of the information in one place (:

So, captain America, doesn't support 512 Mb ram devices????
In store description says: Only works with: 8xx, 9xx, 1520, 1020,etc..

512MB support will be coming with an update to the game. The team is working on optimizing it for low end devices right now.

The real one is live.
Only 1 GB ram support.

512MB support will be coming!

Hey Ryan. Would really love an update on The Amazing Spiderman 2. Really disappointing that it still isnt on windows. Are you working to make it a universal app? Are you going through cert for xbox live? Please give me some good news. Cheers

I've talked about this is some one of the TASM threads on here, but for anyone who missed it, the plans has always been to launch TASM2 in May close to the US launch of the movie. Since the movie just launched last week here, I'll be checking with the Dev team for an update on when we can expect it on Windows. I know that it will not be an Xbox Live enabled game though.

When will be Captain America fixed? I wait for update for a week. I think the developers can be able fix this problem from last week.

I haven't seen extensive issues with Captain America here on Windows. Have you tried reinstalling the game? I know an update is planned for a few minor fixes and also to add 512MB support but I don't know when exactly that update will hit.

Please fix Order and Chaos so I can play it on my 1520.

The Dev team is working on a big update for O&C. It'll add content and address a lot of the issues that people have been posting about here and on reviews.

Hey. . Any news about Six guns it never had an update and there are a lot of bugs ( ex. enemys stuck in walls ) plus Ios and android got a lot of news stuff and missions .
Bad English sorry .

No need to apologize! I actually just sent out an email asking about Six Guns and what is planned for it. Awaiting a reply currently (: Will update as I get information!
In Kingdoms & Lords, what does it mean when "you have no eligible neighbors"?

Sorry I missed this in my initial post. Are you trying to do something specific when you get this message? Any extra information would help. I can ask the game team if I'm not sure based on your response (:
I tried reinstall the game for 5 times. I told you that I can't connect to the game.
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Sorry I missed this in my initial post. Are you trying to do something specific when you get this message? Any extra information would help. I can ask the game team if I'm not sure based on your response (:

I was trying to request my friends to join a spot in my library. You know, the "Hire Friends" option? I did that, with 4 friends, and it said that I didn't have any eligible. It does this for gift requests too. I just don't know what this means.
Hey, Ryan, does gameloft have any plans to update their games with the new "auto-backup" feature that was talked about on WPCentral earlier? One little tweak to all of your apps would go a long way, especially for something like this.
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Hi Ryan. Small inquiry.

I can see all the games Gameloft ever published to WP using my store app in my phone but when I go to (Apps from Gameloft. | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)) half the games (like NOVA3 & MC4 etc) are delisted. Is there any reason why this happened?

Also, when will Mclaren P1 be available to purchase in Asphalt 8?

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